This amazing oriental spice is used today not only in cooking. Today, the medicinal properties of ginger are well known. Infusions, decoctions and teas have been used by man since ancient times as a reliable natural medicine.
Perhaps not all of our readers know how to make ginger tincture with vodka. What is its use? Are there any contraindications? How to take the medicinal composition? We will try to answer these and many other questions in the article.
Useful properties of ginger
This is a plant of complex multilateral influence. It has anti-inflammatory properties, stabilizes blood circulation, and has an excellent effect on the liver and gastrointestinal tract as a whole. In some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ginger can be used to relieve acute pain and prevent spasms, improve the activity of the digestive system. In addition, ginger effectively eliminates congestion in the gallbladder and biliary tract.

Before we tell you how to make ginger tincture from vodka, we will tell you about its healing properties. Many patients suffering from impaired cholesterol metabolism appreciated the properties of such a tincture. After regular intake, the process of fat metabolism is accelerated, a person gets rid of excess weight, which is a prophylaxis against atherosclerosis, heart disease (ischemia, in particular) and blood vessels.
Traditional healers believe that ginger tincture on vodka is indispensable for viral and seasonal colds. The use of this healing agent quickly reduces inflammatory processes. It is impossible not to mention that ginger tincture on vodka is an excellent pain reliever. Its use is indicated for toothache and headache, muscle and joint ailments, osteochondrosis.

Ginger tincture: vodka recipe
I must say that it is not difficult to prepare such a healing composition on your own. You will need ginger root (150 g), which must be thoroughly washed, peeled, cut into small slices (some healers recommend grating it on a coarse grater). Half fill the glass container with the resulting mass, and pour high-quality vodka (500 ml).

Vodka should reach the very neck. After that, the dishes are closed hermetically. Put the jar of tincture in a dry and dark place, and leave to infuse for fifteen days. But do not forget it periodicallyshake. When the due date expires, the tincture should be filtered. Store the finished composition in a cool and dark place. The storage period must not exceed twelve months.
How to use the tincture?
If you want to use the tincture for preventive purposes, add a few drops of lemon juice and a spoonful of honey to it. This will improve its palatability and will be an essential vitamin supplement.
With colds and sore throats, ginger vodka tincture is suitable for gargling. To do this, dilute one teaspoon of tincture in 125 ml of warm water.
For strengthening immunity
And now we will present you a recipe for ginger tincture on vodka to strengthen immunity. This composition will strengthen the body, give strength. To prepare the tincture you will need:
- 500ml vodka;
- two lemons;
- fresh ginger root (100 g);
- 4 tablespoons (tablespoons) of sugar;
- 1/2 teaspoon (tea) cinnamon.

Crush lemons in a blender, add all other ingredients (except vodka) to them and beat again. Place the resulting mass in a jar and fill with vodka.
Ginger root must be washed, peeled, chopped or grated finely, add it to a container with vodka and lemon. Close the jar tightly and refrigerate for 24 hours. After that, the composition can be filtered. Thus, you have got a ginger tincture on vodka. The intake of such a composition is recommended forproblems with the biliary tract and some liver diseases (a consultation with a doctor is necessary).
Take the product should be 1 teaspoon diluted in 150 ml of warm water, twice a day after meals.
Tibetan recipe
For cooking, you need 250 grams of ginger root (peeled and chopped). Place the processed raw materials in a glass jar, fill it with vodka (up to the top of the jar), close the lid tightly and place in a dark place for two weeks. Shake the root regularly.

Then the infusion is filtered and filled with vodka to the original volume. You can add a little natural honey, but not more than one tablespoon. Ginger tincture on vodka according to the recipe of Tibetan monks is effective not only for sore throats and colds. It enhances human immunity, cleanses the blood, increases vitality. In addition, it is a very effective remedy for improving potency.
Take the medicinal composition in the morning and in the evening thirty minutes before meals, 5 ml (teaspoon).
For weight loss
Ginger tincture on vodka has become often used by people to correct their weight. In this case, the tincture prepared according to one of the above recipes is taken in a teaspoon in the morning and afternoon for thirty days. Then, there is a break for a month, after which the course can be repeated.
Undoubtedly, ginger tincture on vodka is an effective appetite suppressant and tonic. However, nutritionists recommendtake a holistic approach to the problem of overweight. The use of tincture will be more effective if the patient excludes excessive consumption of sweets, fatty foods from his diet, and increases physical activity. It is recommended to replace high-calorie foods with fruits, vegetables, reduce appetite with a glass of water.
Alcohol tincture
An alternative to vodka tincture can be a product made from alcohol. Naturally, it will need to be diluted with water to make it less strong. After you dilute the alcohol, prepare the tincture according to the first recipe. An additional ingredient for such a tincture can be ground red pepper. By adding a spoon (tea) of such pepper to a decoction for gargling, you will quickly cope with a cold, and internal use will improve the digestive process.

Like all medicines, ginger tincture has contraindications. The main ones include:
- gastric ulcer;
- hepatitis;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- gastritis;
- high blood pressure;
- individual intolerance;
- some skin diseases;
- uterine bleeding.
It is not recommended to use vodka ginger tincture for the treatment of children under 12 years of age. The same can be said for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.
Interesting facts
In conclusion, don't underestimate this amazing remedy. The effectiveness of ginger tincture is confirmed by the manuscripts of Tibetan monks, who have used tincture to treat various diseases for centuries. Ancient wisdom still helps a person survive today when the number of counterfeit drugs is increasing too rapidly.

Ginger tincture has become famous in Tibet as an effective tonic and cleanser. According to folk healers, ginger is able to cope even with infertility. There is also a hypothesis unconfirmed by science that the drink restores and improves vision. Mixed with raspberries, raspberry jam or syrup, the tincture doubles the healing properties. This composition is especially effective for colds, sore throats and debilitating toothaches.
Ginger tincture on vodka: reviews
Many believe that this is a really effective remedy - ginger tincture on vodka. Patient reviews indicate a significant improvement in well-being, in the treatment of biliary tract and liver (some diseases). True, everyone who has used this remedy speaks of the need to obtain a preliminary consultation from a specialist and strict adherence to the dosage.
Most women who have taken ginger tincture for weight loss admit that it is not a radical weight loss remedy. To get the desired result, you need to give up buns and sweets and increase physical activity. For those who are not ready for this, the tincture is unlikely to help.
There is a positive effect of complex treatment of viral andcolds. At the same time, you should not refuse medical treatment.