Milk thistle: uses and medicinal properties

Milk thistle: uses and medicinal properties
Milk thistle: uses and medicinal properties

Milk thistle is one of the oldest plants used in herbal medicine. The medicinal properties of this herb were appreciated by the ancient Romans, who used it as a means of regenerating the liver.

Milk Thistle

Another name for milk thistle is milk thistle. This name refers to the "milk" that flows from the "veins" of the plant, as well as its thistle-like appearance.

For medicinal purposes, milk thistle fruits are mainly used, i.e. oblong, hard grains. It is from their shells that medicinal substances are extracted. These seeds are difficult to break, so it's best to take them ground. Milk thistle meal is also useful - cake obtained after separation of oils using organic solvents.

milk thistle fruit
milk thistle fruit

Milk thistle is known as the most effective natural product for regenerating liver cells. This is confirmed by many scientific studies. The herb is used in case of jaundice, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration or inflammation of the liver.

Milk thistle is also used in case of mushroom poisoning, psoriasis, stonesin the gallbladder, Alzheimer's disease and diabetes. This product is readily available and inexpensive.

Milk thistle and its beneficial properties

Milk thistle contains:

  • silymarin (about 2-3%) - this is the name of a unique complex of flavolignans, consisting of silybin, isosilybin, silydianin, silychristin, taxifolin;
  • phytosterols (campesterol, stigmasterol, beta-sitosterol);
  • flavonoids (quercetin, apigenin, luteolin);
  • butter (20-30%);
  • protein (25-30%).

Milk thistle owes its beneficial properties to the content of silymarin in it (or rather, silybin). This substance, as an effective antioxidant, stimulates protein synthesis and protects cells from various damages and mutations.

And what other medicinal properties of milk thistle are known in medicine? Here are the main ones:

  • detox action - substances contained in the plant protect liver cells from toxins (for example, poisonous mushrooms, alcohol and drugs);
  • activation of bile secretion, and, consequently, the absorption of fats;
  • stimulation of glutathione production.

Milk thistle and liver disease

milk thistle and liver protection
milk thistle and liver protection

"Silimarol", "Silymarin", "Silicinar" are well-known preparations for the liver from pharmacy shelves. Not surprisingly, their name is associated with silymarin. Each of them contains exactly this substance, obtained from milk thistle meal. "Silymarin" has medicinal properties, is used inmost liver diseases. Due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties, it restores the epidermis, protects and restores the liver. Silymarin prevents the occurrence and development of mechanisms responsible for the development of diseases such as hepatitis, steatosis or cirrhosis of the liver. It has been found that in the case of even very advanced stages of liver disease, silymarin can inhibit their development.

Milk thistle and body detoxification

Have you heard about the experiment that was carried out using milk thistle and a strong poison obtained from fly agaric? It turned out that the milk thistle extract blocks the action of this extremely toxic substance and thus saves a person's life. In such difficult cases as fly agaric poisoning, intravenous administration of a concentrated dose of silybin is used. A commercially available silybin concentrate called Legalon Sil has been shown to be effective in such cases. It was found that the overall mortality of patients treated with the drug, regardless of the severity of liver damage, is less than 10%. Unfortunately, this is a very expensive treatment. Legalon Sil is also used in the treatment of patients with hepatitis C.

Silymarin combined with probiotics is useful after antibiotic therapy. Antibiotic therapy can have a negative effect on the functioning of the digestive system and damage the liver. Studies confirm that silymarin inhibits the destruction of the liver and stimulates its regeneration. Preparations containingmilk thistle extract, are recommended for people who take strong synthetic drugs for a long time.

Milk thistle. He althy, youthful skin

he althy young skin
he althy young skin

Silymarin cares not only for the he alth of the liver, but also for the he alth of the skin. Therefore, it is used in the production of cosmetic products such as creams and ointments. Silymarin protects the skin from toxic substances, as well as the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. It is ultraviolet radiation that is considered the main cause of sunburn, aging and even skin cancer.

Derived from the seeds of milk thistle, silymarin accelerates wound healing and has an antioxidant effect, which may be useful in the treatment of many dermatological problems, including, for example, as the basis for the treatment of psoriasis.

Liver protection during chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is one of the most commonly used methods in the fight against cancer. Unfortunately, it brings with it serious side effects, such as inflammation of the liver and problems with its functioning. It may also be useful in this case, milk thistle. Scientists from New York conducted a study in a group of 50 children with acute leukemia. At the beginning of the study, inflammation of the liver (increased values of liver enzymes AST and ALT) was detected in all examined children. Half of the participants received a milk thistle preparation for 28 days, while the other half received a placebo. After the end of this time, the group of children taking milk thistle hadthere was a decrease in liver enzymes (lower AST levels) compared with children taking placebo alone. This study showed promising results, especially since milk thistle does not affect the effectiveness of chemotherapy.

Anti-cancer properties of milk thistle

Studies show that milk thistle fruit extract may have antitumor effects. The activity of silymarin has been proven in the treatment of cancers of the lung, prostate, pancreas, kidney and skin.

Milk thistle silymarin combined with curcumin may be effective in treating colon cancer. Both components show greater efficacy in therapy when taken together (so-called synergism).

Milk thistle and type 2 diabetes

The use of milk thistle has a positive effect also in case of type 2 diabetes. This was confirmed by one of the studies that was conducted on a group of 51 patients with type 2 diabetes. The study lasted 4 months. Half of the participants received milk thistle extract ("Silymarin" 200 mg tablets 3 times a day) and the other half received a placebo. The results of the study showed a significant reduction in HbA, as well as total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides in a group of people who took milk thistle extract.

Milk thistle - how to take it?

milk thistle benefits and harms
milk thistle benefits and harms

There are many preparations based on milk thistle on sale: extracts, tablets, tinctures. The advantage of these drugs is a concentrated dosesilymarin (the content of silymarin in milk thistle fruits is only 2-3%), as well as higher bioavailability compared to whole milk thistle fruits. But, despite this, the most popular product is whole, ground grains of the plant or crushed milk thistle meal. A spoonful of ground milk thistle seeds can be regularly added to smoothies, juices or muesli. Seeds contain much more valuable components than just silymarin. Whole grain milk thistle is also rich in minerals, vitamins, fatty acids and other nutrients.

Of course, in case of serious diseases, such as cirrhosis, poisoning or liver damage, it is more likely that the consumption of plant grains alone will not be enough to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. In this case, preparations containing standardized extracts of silymarin at a concentration of 70-80% are better suited. But if you do not have any particular problems with the functioning of the liver, and you want to keep it in good condition, you should regularly use milk thistle fruits to strengthen and improve the functioning of this organ.

You can easily buy milk thistle fruit in many grocery stores and pharmacies.

Milk thistle tea

Besides tablets, capsules, supplements and decoctions, milk thistle is available as a tea. Despite the fact that a cup of milk thistle tea is the smallest portion of what this plant is fraught with, it is still worth a try. It has a delicate, mild taste and is a great substitute for another mug of black tea. If desired, you can add a little honey to it.

Milk thistle oil

milk thistle oil
milk thistle oil

Milk thistle oil is better to choose cold-pressed, unrefined and take it, of course, in its raw form. This product is great for dressing any salad.

Milk thistle oil can be taken orally and used for cosmetic purposes. It moisturizes and regenerates the skin well. When applied externally, it will help to cope with burns or other hard-to-heal wounds. Its effectiveness has been proven in the treatment of purulent processes, eczema, bedsores, erythema, and allergies. Milk thistle oil restores brittle hair and nails well.

For prevention, it is recommended for people who have daily contact with toxins, for example, work in harmful conditions. When used internally, it is recommended to drink 2-3 teaspoons of oil per day (in case of severe poisoning, higher doses are used). It has a slightly bitter, nutty flavor and a yellow-brown color. Applying it externally, make regular compresses or rub the oil into the affected areas of the skin. The effect will be observed in a few weeks.

Contraindications for the use of milk thistle and recommended precautions

Milk thistle contraindications
Milk thistle contraindications

In case of serious he alth problems and diseases, the possible use of milk thistle should be discussed with a doctor.

It is recommended to consult a doctor if you use the following drugs or their derivatives:

  • Antipsychotic drugs - containing butyrophenones, such as Haloperidol and phenothiazines, Chlorpromazine,"Promethazine".
  • Phenytoin - drugs used for epileptic seizures.
  • Halothane - drugs used during general anesthesia.
  • Contraceptive pills or hormone replacement therapy.

Milk thistle may interfere with the effects of the following drugs:

  • antihistamines based on fexofenadine,
  • tranquilizers – including alprazolam (Xanax), diazepam (Valium) and lorazepam (Ativan),
  • anticoagulants - to thin the blood.

Milk thistle should not be used in the treatment of acute poisoning.

Contraindications for milk thistle:

  • Medicines from the plant should not be taken by people who suffer from blockage of the bile ducts (in case of their increased secretion of bile is dangerous).
  • Due to the lack of sufficient evidence to support complete safety, milk thistle is not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age. This also applies to women during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Milk thistle: reviews

milk thistle seed meal
milk thistle seed meal

Most reviews of milk thistle are positive. The action of the herb is used to improve the functions of internal organs. With prolonged use, most people notice an improvement in digestion. By improving the function of the liver, the body is better cleansed, and thus the appearance becomes more attractive. Most Consumersbuys ground milk thistle grains or silymarin tablets.

Negative reviews of milk thistle are rather exceptions, usually associated with its misuse. Some expect immediate results and improvement after the first application. Unfortunately, like any herbal remedy, taking milk thistle requires patience and regularity.
