Every woman who wants to painlessly endure and give birth to a he althy child normally should have at least the slightest idea of how the cork leaves before childbirth, and what it is in general.

What is a cork in a pregnant woman? Her role in bearing a child
When pregnancy occurs, the cells of the cervical canal begin to produce mucus, which eventually turns into a thick lump - a mucous plug forms from it. It is a light clot of mucus, sometimes with streaks of blood, which is released as a result of the fact that capillaries burst when the uterus expands. The role of the mucous plug in the life of a pregnant woman is huge, it performs a protective function. Her task is to ensure the normal course of pregnancy and protect the he alth of the unborn child. A sealed cork closes the entrance to the uterus, preventing pathogens from entering it.

How long does the cork go before childbirth?
Usually corkshould come out before birth. However, the time of its release for each pregnant woman is individual. In some women, it departs half a month before childbirth, in others - immediately before them, in others - during childbirth. It can come out in parts over several days or all completely. The cork, which comes out in parts, resembles thick menstrual flow. A solid cork looks like a jellyfish. Its exit most often occurs while visiting the toilet, taking a shower, or after receiving a gynecologist. Often a pregnant woman may not even notice it. The exit of a cork in a pregnant woman is a harbinger of an approaching birth. Therefore, if a woman has a cork before childbirth, it means that the process of preparing for childbirth has already begun. The cervix at this time begins to gradually open slightly, its one-time contractions occur. Noticing a gray-yellow dense lump with barely noticeable streaks of blood on linen or when visiting the toilet, a woman should be ready for the onset of childbirth, prepare everything you need and calmly wait without going far from home. No additional procedures are required. A pregnant woman should know that after the cork leaves before childbirth, there should be no more bloody discharge from the vagina. On the other hand, if she has already moved away, this does not mean that the woman is starting to give birth.

How does the cork go before childbirth. What should alert a pregnant woman
If the cork came out earlier than two weeks before the expected birth, and besides, it has blood impurities, a woman should contact her gynecologist. Any bleeding from the genitals of a pregnant woman at any time should alert her and force her to visit the hospital. A bloodless plug or with a slight admixture of blood is considered normal. In order to protect herself and her baby, a pregnant woman needs to know how the cork leaves before childbirth, and be able to notice her discharge in herself. Every pregnant woman is obliged to monitor changes in her well-being, not to panic in vain, but also not to miss the warning signs.