Condylomas of the cervix: causes, symptoms, treatments and reviews

Condylomas of the cervix: causes, symptoms, treatments and reviews
Condylomas of the cervix: causes, symptoms, treatments and reviews

Condyloma of the cervix is a viral pathology. It most often occurs in women of childbearing age. It is dangerous because it can lead to infertility and oncopathologies of the organs of the reproductive system. That is why, when initial symptoms appear, it is important to immediately start treating the disease.

Medical certificate

Condyloma is a small growth or wart. It is a good quality education. The disease, which is characterized by the formation of warts in the genital area, is called condylomatosis. Infection occurs through unprotected intercourse. Prevention of infection is only barrier contraceptives - condoms.

Condylomas of the cervix do not pose a direct threat to he alth. However, when such warts appear, you should immediately contact a gynecologist and begin therapy. Otherwise, there is a high probability of their degeneration into malignant tumors.

Main causes of condylomatosis

The main cause of the disease is the penetration of the papillomavirus into the bodyperson. In most cases, this happens during unprotected sexual contact, less often due to the use of other people's personal hygiene products.

After entering the body, the virus undergoes an incubation period. Its duration does not have a clear framework. It can range from a couple of weeks to several years. Sometimes "hibernation" does not end throughout a woman's life. The activation of the virus and the appearance of genital warts on the cervix are affected by a decrease in immunity. The weakening of the protective forces is possible for the following reasons:

  • hypercooling of the body;
  • frequent stress;
  • infectious diseases;
  • bad environment;
  • venereal disease;
  • bad habits;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • vitamin deficiency.

At risk are women who often change sexual partners and neglect contraceptives.

human papillomavirus
human papillomavirus

Features of pathogenesis

The development of the disease is not particularly difficult and begins after the virus enters the epithelial cells. Then their DNA is destroyed. The he althy element is replaced by viral DNA. As a result, the full-fledged work of the cell is disrupted, and its active division begins. This is how condylomas occur. The more cells are affected, the larger the pathological process.

Clinical picture

The main symptom of condylomatosis are warts located on the cervix. However, only a gynecologist can see them when viewed on a chair. If neoplasmsflat and small in size, the woman does not feel obvious symptoms.

Condylomas of the cervix appear only with extensive lesions. At the same time, during intimacy, a woman will feel discomfort, and after it, bleeding may occur. In about 30% of cases, patients complain of itching and burning in the wart area. Gradually, these symptoms increase, which makes you seek medical help.

pain during intimacy
pain during intimacy

Varieties of neoplasms

Condylomas of the cervix are divided into flat and pointed. Each of the options has its own distinctive features.

Condyloma flat is a benign neoplasm, but if left untreated, its cells can transform into cancerous ones. Its characteristic feature is considered to be growth inwards. Elements of condylomas are introduced into the epithelium of the mucosa. The neoplasm itself is almost on a par with the tissue of the organ, which makes it difficult to diagnose. On the surface of the epithelium, flat condyloma of the cervix comes out of the deeper layers. This process indicates the long-term presence of the virus in the woman's body.

If flat neoplasms are a sign of the chronic course of the disease, then pointed neoplasms indicate an exacerbation of the pathology. The latter look like warts on a short stalk. They can keep growing. Genital warts of the cervix cause discomfort to a woman, causing itching and burning. They are located on the surface of the epithelium, so during a gynecological examination they are easy to see.

consultation with a doctor
consultation with a doctor

Danger during pregnancy

The occurrence of condylomatosis during pregnancy is a rather unpleasant phenomenon. If neoplasms grow rapidly, they must be removed, but not earlier than 14 weeks.

The greatest danger they pose to the child. While moving through the birth canal, he can become infected with a virus. This happens when you take a breath. In this case, the virus enters the child's body, provoking condylomatosis of the larynx. To avoid such an unpleasant diagnosis, a woman is advised to have a cesarean delivery.

doctor and pregnant woman
doctor and pregnant woman

Diagnostic Methods

Diagnosis of condylomatosis begins with an examination of a woman on a chair. If neoplasms are detected on the surface of the cervix, the gynecologist prescribes an additional examination to determine the genotype of the virus. Directly during the examination, the doctor can take a smear for analysis and perform a colposcopy. The latter procedure involves the use of a special apparatus with which you can examine the internal genital organs with multiple magnification. The examination is almost painless, but informative.

Flat warts on the cervix in women are not always distinguishable. To identify the pathological area, the gynecologist applies Lugol's solution or vinegar to the mucous membrane. In the first case, he althy areas take on a brown tint. Viral elements do not change color. When using acetic acid, he althy areas remain unchanged, and warts become grayish or yellowish.

Another method for diagnosing the human papillomavirus is a PCR study. During the procedure, the doctor takes the patient's DNA, which may contain pathological elements. As a rule, the material is vaginal discharge. Then, in the laboratory, further testing takes place.

Therapy options

After confirming the diagnosis, the gynecologist prescribes therapy: conservative or surgical. The method of treatment depends on several factors: the age of the patient, the type of genital warts, the presence of concomitant he alth problems. Each of the options will be discussed in detail below.

There are no specific restrictions for a woman during the entire treatment period. She is not given sick leave, she can do her usual things. However, intimate contacts will have to be abandoned. This will help prevent injury to the neoplasm and re-infection.

Medication use

Treatment of cervical warts should be comprehensive. It is necessary not only to eliminate neoplasms, but also to prevent their reappearance. For this purpose, after confirming the diagnosis, a woman is prescribed antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. It is also allowed to use folk remedies with a similar effect, but only after consulting a doctor.

To block the activity of the virus at the local level, as a rule, vaginal suppositories are prescribed. For example, Panavir or Genferon. The solution for external use "Solkagin" has proven itself well. However, only a gynecologist can apply it to the affected area. Withouta special tool is likely to touch he althy areas, which will cause a burn. Usually one application is enough to achieve a positive effect. Otherwise, the procedure is repeated.

drug "Genferon"
drug "Genferon"

Surgery and patient feedback

If conservative therapy is ineffective, there is a risk of complications, surgical removal of warts on the cervix is recommended. In modern medicine, the following procedures are used for this purpose:

  1. Cryodestruction. The treatment is carried out with liquid nitrogen, with which the warts are frozen. After a while, they fall off on their own.
  2. Laser therapy. By means of a laser beam, warts are cauterized. A crust remains at the site of the neoplasm, which disappears within a week.
  3. Radioknife. This treatment is similar to laser therapy but uses a high frequency radio wave machine.
  4. Excision with a scalpel. This is the traditional method of removing genital warts. They resort to his help if there are contraindications to other treatment options, there is a risk of the wart degenerating into a malignant tumor.

According to the feedback of patients, none of the listed options allows you to forget about the existence of genital warts forever. With the help of conservative or surgical methods of treatment, you can only stop the external manifestations of the disease on the cervix. After genital warts and a course of therapy, a woman should pay special attention to her own he alth andFollow your doctor's advice to delay the reappearance of warts.

cervical wart treatment
cervical wart treatment

Prevention Methods

Judging by the photo, warts on the cervix look rather unpleasant. Can they be prevented?

Condylomatosis is a disease that is transmitted sexually. Standard preventive measures are reduced to the prevention of casual intimate relationships, the use of barrier contraceptives. It is important to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene.

However, even this approach does not allow you to completely protect your body from genital warts. In addition, you can regularly take a test for the human papillomavirus from a gynecologist. If the infection still happened, you should closely monitor your he alth, if necessary, take a course of antiviral therapy. It is equally important to eat right, consume vitamins and monitor the full functioning of the immune system.

vaccination procedure
vaccination procedure

There is also a specific way to prevent infection with the human papillomavirus - vaccination with the drug "Gardasil". Today it is actively promoted in all European countries. However, opinions on this issue in medical circles are quite contradictory. Some doctors consider vaccination an absolute guarantee of protection against the virus, while others find it a hidden threat and a large number of contraindications. If you wish, you can additionally consult with several experts on this issue at once and make the final decision for yourself. In ourvaccination is actively used in the country. It is worth noting that the vaccine is allowed to be given to all the fair sex, whose age ranges from 13 to 26 years.