Is it possible to have an abortion after a caesarean section?

Is it possible to have an abortion after a caesarean section?
Is it possible to have an abortion after a caesarean section?

In some situations, pregnancy is not always desirable, and childbirth is not always possible. In such a situation, a woman has to take certain risks. Is it possible to have an abortion after a cesarean? You will learn about this from our article.

Caesarean section at a glance

Childbirth is a natural process for every woman. However, there are situations when they cannot pass safely for any reason. In this case, medicine is ready to help the expectant mother with a caesarean section.

abortion after cesarean
abortion after cesarean

As a rule, this is a necessary measure. Usually the date of such births is determined in advance. Doctors check the readiness of the mother and fetus, perform the necessary procedures.

Earlier, cesarean was performed only under general anesthesia, which had a severe effect on both the woman in labor and the child. Now it is possible to do it under spinal anesthesia, when the mother is conscious, watching how the baby is born, but does not feel anything.

The doctor performs this complex surgical operation with great care. Not only the abdominal muscles are cut, but also the uterus. During normal childbirth, it is greatly reduced,pushing the baby forward. A caesarean section leaves a deep scar on the uterus. It is because of the long healing of tissues that doctors do not recommend getting pregnant for two to three years with the one who gave birth with the help of the COP.

Pregnancy after cesarean

Unfortunately, not everyone follows the doctor's recommendations. Sometimes pregnancy does occur. Another thing is if contraception failed, but this does not change things. If very little time has passed, for example, several months, then it is unlikely that doctors will allow a woman to give birth again. The tissues have not yet managed to grow together, and now, when carrying a child, they will again have to be in tension.

scar on uterus
scar on uterus

Of course, no one will send you for an abortion after a cesarean without an examination. First, they will check the consistency of the suture on the uterus, they will do an ultrasound. However, by deciding to keep the child, despite the recommendations of the doctor, the woman puts herself and the baby in danger. The thing is that after the COP, the uterus “comes to its senses” for a long time. A fetal egg may attach poorly to its wall, since the mucous membrane has not yet had time to fully recover.

When the scar on the uterus has not fully healed, and a new pregnancy has already begun, the woman will experience severe pain in the lower abdomen, as well as general weakness and malaise.

In the case when little time has passed, the seam is still too thin and doctors advise to terminate the pregnancy, it is better to take a sober look at the situation. By showing weakness and leaving the child, you expose yourself to great danger: increasing in size over time, the suture on the uterus may disperse. And this is already verydangerous. Therefore, you should think about high-quality contraception in advance, so as not to risk your he alth later.

Medicated abortion after cesarean

The safest way to terminate a pregnancy is one that is carried out without surgery. With the help of pills, you can cause a miscarriage at the earliest possible date. From the first days of the delay, it is necessary to do a test. In case of a positive result, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. The shorter the period, the more successful and painless everything will go. A special drug is drunk twice, it provokes bleeding.

medical abortion after cesarean
medical abortion after cesarean

The fertilized egg detaches and exits through the vagina. This method resembles the most common menstruation. True, the pain will be more intense, and the bleeding will be more abundant than with menstruation.

This method is suitable if you have a period of up to five to six weeks. It is worth stocking up on pads with the highest absorbency. Many note that when bleeding, cramping pains are felt, and the blood comes out very abundantly.

Remember that this is not a safe interrupt method at all. It is more gentle than others, but also entails some side effects. The principle of action of such pills is that they cause a big hormonal surge. This cannot but affect the he alth of a woman, especially one who has recently undergone a CS procedure.

Surgical abortion

One of the most serious types of abortion is one thatcarried out in a hospital by doctors. This surgical operation is performed for up to twelve weeks. The woman is given general anesthesia and the uterine cavity is scraped. The doctor completely takes out a rather large fetus with the help of special tools, expanding the neck. Such an abortion after cesarean is quite dangerous. The uterus has not yet recovered from the caesarean section, and now it is again under heavy pressure. The largest number of complications occurs just after such an abortion. Sometimes surgical abortion is a necessary measure for those who decided to give birth again a couple of months after the CS, but the body could not stand it. It happens that the seam becomes so thin due to the onset of pregnancy that its continuation becomes dangerous. In this case, all the deadlines for medical abortion have already been missed, and only the method of surgical curettage remains.

It is worth remembering that such an interruption after a caesarean section can cause serious complications, which, in turn, can leave a woman unable to give birth to more children in the future.

Vacuum abortion after cesarean

consequences of abortion after cesarean
consequences of abortion after cesarean

When the gestational age is still very short, and the pills that interrupt it, the woman cannot drink due to any circumstances, there is another method. It's called a mini-abortion. It is not as dangerous as scraping. With the help of a special device, a vacuum is created in the uterine cavity and the fetal egg is sucked out. However, such an abortion after caesarean is also undesirable. The egg may not come outcompletely, but it is not easy to notice immediately. As a result, bleeding after it can increase, causing inflammation. In addition, do not forget that the uterus has already been injured by a caesarean, and therefore repeated intervention can have unpredictable consequences for the female body.


The consequences of an abortion after a cesarean are difficult to predict. Some bounce back quite easily, while others are hard to bear.

vacuum abortion after cesarean
vacuum abortion after cesarean

As practice shows, various complications can occur after an abortion:

  • Hormonal imbalance. After a sharp interruption, the body is stressed, the level of hormones drops. There may be delays in periods that are not caused by pregnancy.
  • Thinning scar. This is especially true for surgical abortion.
  • The occurrence of inflammation of the uterine cavity and, as a result, endometriosis.
  • We should not forget about the psychological discomfort and stress that women experience after an abortion. Especially if the desire to give birth was great, but he alth did not allow it.


what is the danger of abortion after caesarean
what is the danger of abortion after caesarean

We figured out the dangers of an abortion after a cesarean. For any woman, it will not pass without a trace. Therefore, it is necessary to take care in advance that an unwanted and even dangerous pregnancy does not occur. Then you won't have to solve the issue of interrupting it.
