Implantation retraction as a sign of pregnancy: photo graph, on which day it occurs

Implantation retraction as a sign of pregnancy: photo graph, on which day it occurs
Implantation retraction as a sign of pregnancy: photo graph, on which day it occurs

Many women planning pregnancy can find out about their new situation even before the test shows two strips. The implantation drop in basal temperature will help in this, which is clearly visible on the graph below in the article.

Temperature method

Measuring basal temperature is a common method that is used both to prevent unwanted pregnancy if a woman has a regular partner, and to determine the most favorable days for conception during the cycle.

basal body temperature
basal body temperature

Ovulation can be identified by three days of high temperatures (over 37 degrees Celsius) around the middle of the cycle. Before that, the temperature is kept at about 36.2-36.7 degrees. If conception has taken place, then the temperature will not decrease further and will remain at 36.8-37 degrees or slightly higher until the date of the expected period.

If pregnancy has not occurred in the current cycle, then a few days before the next menstruation, the temperature is slightlywill decrease. But every body is different. Some women, for example, confused retraction with a decrease in BBT before menstruation. This is possible with late ovulation or if fertilization did not occur immediately after intimacy, but only the next day or later.

So, implantation retraction is a short (one day) and insignificant (maybe only 0.2 degrees) decrease in basal temperature, which occurs approximately on the twentieth day of the menstrual cycle. This is a subtle, but quite a sure sign of pregnancy.

implantation retraction
implantation retraction

Mechanism of occurrence

From a physiological point of view, implantation retraction is explained by a decrease in the production of the hormone progesterone. An increase in temperature is due precisely to the high content of this biologically active substance in the blood. In the event of pregnancy, progesterone is produced simultaneously with estrogen. Implant retraction is medically explained by the interaction of these two hormones in a woman's body.

When sinking happens

Decrease in temperature after a certain time after conception is evidence of the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterus, this is reflected on the graph as implantation retraction. On what day after the intercourse that led to conception does this usually happen?

Here it is important to know that the phenomenon is short-term (lasts no more than one day) and not all women can celebrate it. To distinguish implantation retraction from a simple temperature fluctuation alongfor some other reason, you need to maintain charts for several months.

basal temperature chart
basal temperature chart

Generally speaking, a woman can notice changes on the chart six to seven days after intimacy. This is the implantation retraction. On what day does the temperature decrease? On a 28 day cycle, this can happen around day 18-21. And even then, provided that ovulation falls approximately in the middle of the cycle, and the sperm fertilized the egg within a few hours. Sometimes this process takes several days, but in total, spermatozoa can remain viable in the female genital tract for about a week.


Often, implantation retraction is accompanied by minor bleeding. Insignificant spotting appears when the embryo is introduced into the uterine cavity (in this case, superficial vessels are damaged). Bleeding lasts no more than two days, it is very scarce (usually one daily pad is enough). May be accompanied by minor pain in the lower abdomen.

Implantation bleeding occurs in about 20% of expectant mothers. Its absence or presence does not mean pathology. From the point of view of physiology, slight spotting during the introduction of a fertilized egg is quite possible and does not indicate pathology. You should consult a doctor if the bleeding is heavy, lasts more than two days, is accompanied by intense pain in the lower abdomen, nausea and vomiting.


Determination accuracy

Implantation drop in temperature seems to be a sure sign of pregnancy, but is it really so? Even if the chart clearly shows the pattern of retraction, this does not necessarily mean that the conception was successful, and the embryo has already invaded the uterine cavity and continues to develop. Not always a decrease in temperature indicates the onset of pregnancy.

For the method to work accurately, you need to measure BBT for at least three months in a row. In addition, medications, stress or insomnia, weather changes, and the like can affect the temperature. A pregnancy test after a delay in menstruation will help determine the "interesting position" more accurately, and implantation retraction is just an indirect sign.

positive pregnancy test
positive pregnancy test

No drop in chart

Many women who regularly measure BBT start to panic when they see two strips on the test on the day of the expected period, but there is no implantation drop in basal temperature on the chart. In fact, there is no reason for concern. First, implantation may not be accompanied by a decrease in basal temperature. Secondly, sometimes retraction is so imperceptible that a woman simply does not pay attention to it. Thirdly, various factors can affect the measurement results, due to which the temperature will be slightly higher or lower than the actual one. Those who are very worried about this can only be advised to visit a gynecologist so that the doctor confirmspregnancy.