What kind of discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred - description, features and recommendations

What kind of discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred - description, features and recommendations
What kind of discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred - description, features and recommendations

In obstetrics, the first day of pregnancy is considered the last day of extreme menstruation. This symbol was adopted due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to calculate the exact date. After all, conception can occur at any time within 24 hours of the completion of sexual intercourse after ovulation. It is this period of life and expectation of fusion with a mature egg that sperm cells inside a woman's body have.

discharge after ovulation
discharge after ovulation

What happens after conception?

A woman does not experience any sensations after the birth of a new life. The fertilized egg goes to the place where it will subsequently be fixed. Only after fixing it can be argued that pregnancy has occurred. The egg can wander in search of the right place of attachment for up to 10 days. The woman's body begins to rebuild. The hormonal background changes completely. The production of a hormone is activated, the function of which is the safety of the fetus.

What discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, is considered normal?

PoAccording to doctors, it is impossible to determine pregnancy in the early stages. But, nevertheless, most women claim that they truly determined their position by seemingly insignificant changes and impulses.

discharge immediately after ovulation if conception occurred
discharge immediately after ovulation if conception occurred

Each woman takes special care to control her he alth after conception. Women are especially worried during their first pregnancy. One of the first questions a woman asks is what discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, is normal?

After the birth of a new life has taken place, the quality and volume of a woman's vaginal discharge differ significantly from that of a non-pregnant woman. In this case, the discharge changes with increasing gestational age. Conventionally, according to time and character, they are divided into three stages.

Undoubtedly, each person is individual. And what is considered normal for one may not affect another in any way. So, some women do not notice changes in the body and find out about pregnancy already at a decent time.

Immediately after the birth of a new life

Conditional first stage of pregnancy. After fertilization, progesterone levels rise. And he, in turn, colors the discharge immediately after ovulation, if conception has occurred, white. White, almost transparent, odorless discharge is considered normal. They report the formation of a mucous plug.

creamy discharge after ovulation if conception has occurred
creamy discharge after ovulation if conception has occurred

In exceptional cases, women discovercreamy discharge after ovulation if conception has occurred. Such secretions are more abundant, more sticky and similar to the protein of a raw chicken egg. It is worth noting that these selections are also normal.

After a couple of days after conception

After a few days, the discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, change. Their color becomes closer to beige, yellow or pink. It is worth noting that the density also changes. The secretions are getting thicker.

A week after conception

On the eighth day after fertilization, in the event that the woman's cycle was regular, the fetal egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. As a result, ruptures of one or more vessels are possible. Therefore, the discharge tends to be stained with blood. In this way, the selections get a certain color:

  • Bloody. The discharge is a colorless liquid with clots or streaks of blood, not voluminous and short-term. However, you need to be careful, because if the spotting is prolonged and it is not expected to stop, plus it is complemented by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, these are alarming symptoms that report he alth problems. In this case, it is imperative to consult a doctor and carry out diagnostic procedures.
  • Maroon, closer to brown, discharge after ovulation, if conception occurred a week ago, are the norm. This color is explained quite simply: in a certain group of women, the blood coagulates rather than leaves the uterine cavity.
discharge after ovulation if conception has occurred
discharge after ovulation if conception has occurred

Unhe althy discharge

Unhe althy discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, should include the following:

  • with a green tint;
  • with a yellow tinge;
  • white curds;
  • rotten smell.

With this kind of discharge, you will have to go to the gynecologist. Because they prove the presence of infections in the genitals. All infectious diseases must be cured before the onset of childbirth. This is done in order not to pass the infection to the newborn.

It is worth noting that it is worth getting an appointment with a doctor in the case when the discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, reappeared during the delay. Taking such a step is necessary in order to maintain the pregnancy and give birth to a he althy baby.

Panic or not?

Pregnancy is a very difficult period of a woman's life for the body.

what kind of discharge after ovulation if conception occurred
what kind of discharge after ovulation if conception occurred

The body is completely rebuilt. A woman should try to be calm about all changes. Even if the discharge seems not quite normal, you should not immediately panic and rush to extremes.

Menstruation or pregnancy?

Due to the fact that menstruation often begins with small secretions, a woman, due to inexperience, can confuse them with the onset of pregnancy. In order not to be confused and not to have false hopes for the future of motherhood, you will have to learn to distinguish between them. The main difference is the discharge after ovulation, ifconception occurred, not so abundant and darker in color.

But this way of determining is not suitable for women with meager periods. In this case, the woman considers menstruation to be implantation secretions and does not even think that life has already arisen inside her.

discharge after ovulation if conception occurred reviews
discharge after ovulation if conception occurred reviews

In addition to spotting spotting, it is possible to determine pregnancy by signs:

  • Basal temperature will change upwards. Averages are above thirty-seven degrees. First the temperature goes down and then it goes up. Such a temperature jump is a consequence of the production of progestogen (the hormone responsible for increasing the temperature) and the release of estrogen (the hormone that lowers the temperature). The fever persists for several days.
  • Slight malaise, inexplicable laziness. Fatigue accelerates with temperature. The woman seems to have caught a cold. And fever and malaise are the first signs of a cold. Sometimes there is a really small cold. This is due to a decrease in immunity. In the early stages of pregnancy, the use of potent drugs is strictly prohibited. And even more so, you should not self-medicate.
  • Frequent urge to urinate. The feeling of fullness of the bladder should not be accompanied by pain, pain, and so on. Indeed, otherwise it is worth visiting a urologist and being tested for infections, since pain during urination and a frequent desire to visit the ladies' room indicatedevelopment of cystitis or urethritis.
  • Drawing feeling in the pelvis. Such sensations appear in a woman due to the fact that the uterus increases and blood circulation increases.
  • Increased appetite. An obvious sign of a recent pregnancy. This doesn't mean you'll crave pickles, but many women experience cravings for certain foods during pregnancy. Mother - nature has arranged everything so that the woman's body itself determines when to start eating more calories, as they say, "for two."
  • The sensitivity of the breast increases. This sign of pregnancy appears after two weeks after fertilization. However, some group of women do not feel their breasts at all. With this set of circumstances, pay attention to the color of the nipples. A pregnant woman's nipples will become darker in color.
  • Delay of critical days, but there is spotting after ovulation if conception has occurred. The testimonials of many women say that they did not notice any discharge at all.
  • But there may be another reason. Erosion of the uterus can provoke spotting after ovulation if conception has occurred. What are they? This discharge is bright red and profuse due to the increased circulation of the pregnant woman.