The cervix before childbirth. Opening the cervix before childbirth

The cervix before childbirth. Opening the cervix before childbirth
The cervix before childbirth. Opening the cervix before childbirth

The uterus is the main organ that distinguishes a woman from a man. It is thanks to their physiological characteristics that the fair sex can endure and give birth to a he althy baby. The uterus is called a hollow muscular organ, which is divided into three parts: the neck, body and bottom. The cervix can tell the doctor if labor is about to begin.

cervix before childbirth
cervix before childbirth

Cervix during pregnancy

The cervix connects the vagina and uterus. Outwardly, it resembles a tube. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, the cervix will have a firm consistency, preventing the fertilized egg from dropping too low. The cervical canal must be tightly closed. The cervix in the early stages does not give out the pregnancy that has begun. If suspicious discharge appears, the expectant mother should immediately consult a doctor.

The cervix begins to change its structure and shape only a few weeks before birth. It is thanks to such changes that the child will be able to move almost freely through the birth canal. Cervical openinguterus long before the date of the expected birth is a bad sign. At best, premature labor will begin, at worst, the woman will lose the baby.

Why does the cervix change its structure prematurely?

Pathological changes in the uterus occur for a number of reasons. The risk group includes women who once had to endure an abortion or miscarriage. Cervical erosion, as well as trauma associated with previous births, can also cause the pharynx to open long before the desired date. In addition, hormonal disorders, such as progesterone deficiency, lead to changes.

softening of the cervix before childbirth
softening of the cervix before childbirth

Changes in early pregnancy can be noticed by the expectant mother herself. Mucous discharge of a yellowish tint indicates that the cervix is \u200b\u200bopen. Whether this is normal or not, only a doctor can tell. Therefore, any suspicion of a pregnant woman should be immediately reported to a specialist.

Cervical opening

The longer the gestation period, the more the muscle tissue of the cervix is replaced by connective tissue. Young fibers are more elastic. Due to this, the cervix opens up quite strongly before childbirth, passing the fetus out. The organ shortens and becomes looser.

cervix before childbirth photo
cervix before childbirth photo

The softening of the cervix before childbirth occurs gradually. This process begins from the 32nd week of pregnancy. In primiparas, preparation takes a little longer. Disclosure begins with the internal os of the cervix. Gradually fruitmoves outward, stretching the external pharynx. In women who give birth again, the cervix opens much faster. For some pregnant women, this process may take only a few hours. By the end of pregnancy, the external os of the cervix may already be open by several fingers.

What problems might arise?

From the 37th week of pregnancy, the uterus is completely ready for childbirth. But this alone is not enough. Many women are so afraid of giving birth that they psychologically slow down the process. Fear prevents the production of hormones necessary for softening. The cervix before childbirth remains dense. If stimulants do not bring about the desired changes, the doctor may order a caesarean section.

examination of the cervix before childbirth
examination of the cervix before childbirth

For normal cervical dilatation, regular labor activity is needed. If the contractions are too weak, the uterus may remain at the prenatal level. Quite often, such a nuisance happens with polyhydramnios or an insufficient amount of amniotic fluid. When the uterus is overstretched, its tone decreases, that is, contractility. As a result, labor activity also weakens, and the cervix opens less intensively.

The risk group includes women who give birth for the first time after 35 years. The main reason for poor disclosure may be a decrease in tissue elasticity. The doctor will examine the cervix before childbirth. If the organ does not have the structure necessary for this time, surgery will be required.

Preparing the cervix for future birth

Shortly beforeexpected date, the doctor will examine the woman in labor. If the cervix is immature, it is necessary to perform stimulating actions that will help release the necessary hormones and prepare the body for childbirth.

normal cervix
normal cervix

All such methods can be divided into drug and non-drug methods. With the help of drugs prescribed by a doctor, it is possible to prepare the uterus for childbirth only in a hospital setting. All actions must be performed under the strict supervision of a physician. The introduction of kelp sticks into the cervical canal is considered effective. This is done just before the expected date of birth. Under the influence of heat and moisture, kelp swell, affecting the organ. In addition, seaweed secrete substances that contribute to the maturation of the neck. In the best case, labor activity can begin in 5-6 hours.

Synthetic prostaglandin, which is injected into the vagina in the form of a gel or a candle, can also stimulate the opening of the cervix. The desired effect can be achieved in a few hours.

Metal sac piercing

There are radical methods to stimulate labor activity. First of all, they include piercing the fetal bladder. If the cervix does not open properly during childbirth, the doctor may perform an amniotomy, due to which the water will begin to break. Thanks to this procedure, the fetal head descends and begins to put pressure on the cervix. If medications are additionally used, labor activity will begin to proceed muchmore intense.

cervix during childbirth
cervix during childbirth

An excellent stimulating property also has a cleansing enema. It is no coincidence that this procedure is mandatory when a woman enters the maternity ward at a later date. The enema irritates the back wall of the uterus, stimulating contractions. Quite often, after this, the mucous plug comes out. The cervix before childbirth in this case opens much faster. It is worth noting that doing an enema is appropriate only for those women who have already reached the expected date. Stimulation before this time can be dangerous for the baby.

Non-drug stimulation

If the pregnancy is already over 40 weeks, and labor does not occur, some methods will help to stimulate it at home. The natural way can be called sexual intercourse. Sex helps to reduce the walls of the organ, so that the cervix opens much faster before childbirth. In addition, semen contains hormones that promote the onset of labor. Sexual intercourse is undesirable only if the mucous plug has already departed. The risk of infection increases.

cervix in early pregnancy
cervix in early pregnancy

Physical activity also contributes to the speedy onset of the process. Simple exercises lead to the fact that the cervix opens more intensively before childbirth (a photo of an already happy mother can be seen in the article). Physical activity should be moderate enough. If possible, a pregnant woman should sign up for a specialgymnastics long before childbirth.

Long walks, climbing stairs, and cleaning the house stimulate the onset of labor as well as special exercises.

Support of relatives is an important element of a successful birth

The psychological attitude of the future mother is of great importance. Problems and fear of childbirth can lead to serious problems. It is in the power of relatives to help a pregnant woman tune in to a successful outcome of events. In the last month, it is desirable to protect the expectant mother from family problems. Let her think only about the next meeting with the baby.

It is much easier for women to give birth if they have a husband or other close person next to them. The right attitude and doctor's recommendations will help a he althy and strong baby be born.