Every expectant mother is always interested in the question: "What time does the fetal movement begin?" In addition, many are worried, is it not dangerous for the he alth of the unborn baby and his mother if he behaves too violently in the womb? This article will help you find answers to these and other questions regarding the development of a child in the womb.

An unborn baby leads a very active lifestyle, making about 20,000 different movements every day. He rotates around his body, sways back and forth, stretches, moves his arms, legs, fingers and eyes, rotates his hands. The child is able to make crawling or swimming movements and very touchingly put his tiny hand to his cheek. In addition, he sucks his thumb, swallows, hiccups, flinches. And the expectant mother at these moments feels the movement of the fetus. How many weeks can a womanhear signals from the future baby? It depends on how many times a woman is going to give birth, and on the characteristics of her body.
At what week does fetal movement begin?
The bodies of all women are different, they react differently to different circumstances of life, have different sensitivities, and therefore they can feel this important event in their life at different periods of pregnancy. With the help of ultrasound, it was found that the human embryo begins to move from seven weeks, but since it is still tiny and cannot touch the walls of the uterus, the pregnant woman simply will not notice his tremors. At how many weeks does the fetal movement begin, which the pregnant woman is able to notice? If a woman has her first childbirth, she may notice movements at the twentieth week of pregnancy or later. A woman who is pregnant for the second or third time may feel it earlier - at eighteen weeks, and some even at fourteen. This can be explained by the fact that the muscles of the uterus of a woman giving birth are more sensitive, and besides, she already knows how to determine that the baby has moved. Fat women or those who lead a very active lifestyle may notice this phenomenon later, when the child begins to move more vigorously. They just didn't hear him before.

The role of fetal movement in its development
The movement of a baby in the womb is very important for its growth and development. As he moves, he develops. His motor system is being improved, and the touch of his little body to the body of the mother gives certain ideas.about the world around him. The intrauterine behavior of twins is very interesting. They either hug, kiss, stroke each other, then push and slap. Each child is unique, the activity of all future babies is different. Some are energetic and agile, others are calmer and rarely disturb their mother with their jerks. But every pregnant woman should feel the movement of her unborn baby at least several times a day. And if the normal nature of the movement is disturbed, or the fetus does not move at all, the pregnant woman should consult a doctor. If she does not feel movement, this does not mean that the fetus does not move. The doctor will conduct an ultrasound and listen to the heartbeat of the unborn child, and only then draw conclusions.
26 weeks pregnant: fetal movements

This period is the beginning of the child's vigorous activity. Excessive movement is the only way a child can complain about his troubles, most often oxygen starvation. At how many weeks the fetal movement begins, every expectant mother should know in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner and prevent trouble, to notice the pathology of pregnancy in time. If the baby is inactive, you can cheer him up a little: drink a glass of milk or eat something sweet and lie down calmly. A he althy child will definitely make itself felt. If the child is too active, then he is uncomfortable in his bed, most likely - there is not enough oxygen. In this case, the mother needs to change her position, not lie on her stomach and not sit with her legs crossed. Ifthe child is constantly restless, the umbilical cord may be wrapped around the fetus several times, and he may suffocate. In this case, you should consult a doctor.