Creamy white discharge in women: possible causes and features

Creamy white discharge in women: possible causes and features
Creamy white discharge in women: possible causes and features

The female reproductive system is a well-oiled mechanism. It is characterized by hormonal fluctuations throughout the childbearing age. Full-fledged work of the body is always accompanied by secretion from the vagina. It can change its consistency, structure, volume and composition. Every lady should know and be able to distinguish when creamy white discharge is the norm, and in which cases indicate a pathological process.

The nature of the secret in different phases of the cycle

What are secretions? This is a secret that is continuously produced in the genital tract. It is made up of mucus, epithelial cells, and bacteria living in the vagina. Normally, they are representatives of the lactoflora, and in various disorders, they are pathogenic microbes. Violation of the existing balance is considered the main prerequisite for the development of inflammation.

creamy white discharge
creamy white discharge

The qualitative composition of secretions may vary depending on the phase of the female cycle. Its beginning is considered the first day of menstruation. From the moment the menstruation ends until the 12th day of the cycle, a woman can observe scanty discharge. They often have a slimy consistency, and their color varies from almost transparent to pale yellow. The smell is either completely absent, or slightly sour. Before menstruation, the volume of the secret always increases.

On the 14th day, the amount of discharge increases. Such changes are due to the period of ovulation - the time when the egg matures. On this and several subsequent days, favorable conditions are created in the body of a woman for the onset of pregnancy. In a humid environment, it is easier for spermatozoa to reach their final goal. From about the 16th day, a creamy white discharge appears. The light shade of the secret is given by dead elements of the vaginal epithelium.

What should be considered normal?

White, creamy, odorless, itchy discharge is normal. Doctors identify other signs that help distinguish them from the pathological form:

  1. Slightly cloudy.
  2. Yellowish tint that can be clearly seen on a sanitary napkin.
  3. No burning and itching in the vaginal area.

Before ovulation, the secret acquires a mucous consistency. Such changes are due to an increase in estrogen levels. These hormones are responsible for increasing the secretion of vaginal mucus. Some time after the releasethe follicle from the egg, it changes again, becoming more dense. At the same time, its quantity decreases. Closer to menstruation, the volume of the secret increases again. Such changes are characteristic of a he althy menstrual cycle.

white creamy discharge in women
white creamy discharge in women

White creamy discharge before period

The secret before the onset of menstruation becomes quite abundant. Gynecologists explain this phenomenon by a decrease in the amount of hormones in the body. On the other hand, excessive secretion often indicates he alth problems. Therefore, a woman should be able to distinguish pathology from the norm.

In the first case, creamy discharge is accompanied by a sour smell, itching and burning in the genital area. Sometimes streaks of blood in the mucus signal pathology. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a gynecologist. It is better not to put off a visit to a distant box.

How does the discharge change after ovulation?

White, creamy patches on panty liners may be different from before the follicle was released from the egg. Mucus after ovulation becomes thick and viscous, which indicates the active "work" of progesterone in the corpus luteum. Usually it is formed at the site of a previously bursting follicle. The vaginal secret is very similar to the discharge associated with pregnancy. After successful fertilization of the egg, they are produced under the influence of the same progesterone. However, in this case, its concentration is much higher than before the conception of the baby.

The amount of secret is gradually increasing andreaches its critical point around the 16th week of pregnancy. Such a sign is often frightening, but the results of the tests usually put everything in its place. If the woman is he althy, the white blood cell count should not exceed 20. Values from 20 to 40 are also normal. Exceeding these indicators indicates the beginning of inflammation in the body.

after ovulation discharge white creamy
after ovulation discharge white creamy

Thick vaginal secretion - a harbinger of disease

White creamy discharge with a smell often indicates pathological processes in the body. The prevalence of this symptom is approximately 35% and can sometimes reach 95%.

All reasons for changing the nature of a secret can be divided into several conditional categories:

  • Inflammatory pathologies of the intimate sphere.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Effects of prolonged antibiotic therapy.
  • Frequent douching.
  • Using intrauterine devices.
  • Development of malignant neoplasms.
  • Traumatic processes affecting the cervix.

Also, the reason for changing the nature of the secret is wearing uncomfortable underwear. Sometimes a similar symptom occurs against the background of the use of aggressive soap, which contains a large number of chemicals. That is why doctors recommend that women use special gels and products designed for intimate hygiene.

white creamy discharge itching
white creamy discharge itching

Causes of creamysecretions are highly dependent on the age of the woman. In menopause, they may be due to atrophic vaginitis, and in childbearing age - inflammation of the intimate sphere.

Infectious processes that produce creamy white discharge include diseases such as:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • thrush;
  • gonococcal cervicitis.

It is wrong to focus solely on the clinical symptoms of the disease. In this case, you simply cannot do without qualified help from a gynecologist.

Cheese secret in the development of thrush

White creamy discharge, itching in the vaginal area - these are the symptoms in 70% of cases indicate thrush. This disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candidae. These microorganisms are considered opportunistic pathogens, since they constantly live on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. They do not allow the acidic environment that lactobacilli and bifidobacteria create in the vagina to multiply. However, under the influence of certain factors, the balance is disturbed. Among them are:

  • decreased immunity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • colds;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • presence in the diet of sweets and confectionery;
  • stress;
  • avitaminosis;
  • smoking.

In a short period of time, the discharge acquires a curdled consistency, becomes abundant. A woman begins to pursue an unpleasant sour smell in the intimate area. In the eveningthe clinical picture is usually supplemented by aching pains in the lower abdomen.

white creamy discharge with an odor
white creamy discharge with an odor

If untreated, the disease becomes chronic. Sour smell and discomfort gradually recede. A creamy white discharge appears, which is distinguished by its ductility. It is during this period that the cervix becomes inflamed, which is confirmed during colposcopy.

When should I see a doctor?

If there are any changes in the consistency or color of the vaginal secretion, you should contact your gynecologist. The specialist, after examination on the chair, usually prescribes a series of tests. According to their results, it is worth judging the presence of diseases. Based on bacposev, a gynecologist can determine the presence of pathogenic flora, evaluate the number of leukocytes. In some cases, additional PCR tests, ultrasound and colposcopy are required.

white creamy discharge before period
white creamy discharge before period

Principles of Therapy

Diseases affecting the reproductive system cannot be self-treated. Each problem associated with the appearance of creamy white discharge must be addressed comprehensively and in stages. Treatment should be selected by a gynecologist, taking into account the cause of pathological disorders.

Therapy always begins with the elimination of the source of the disease. For these purposes, antibacterial drugs are used in the form of pills or suppositories. With their help, you can quickly suppress the activity of opportunistic pathogens.

At the next stage, the woman is assigned activities to restore the naturalflora of the vagina. They involve taking hormonal medications, using suppositories with lactic acid. In this case, the choice of specific drugs and treatments depends on the doctor.

After therapeutic procedures, it is extremely important to restore the functioning of the immune system. Usually, for the purpose of prevention, vitamin complexes and physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed.

white creamy discharge, odorless and itchy
white creamy discharge, odorless and itchy

Prevention measures

White creamy discharge in women is most often considered the norm. However, sometimes they are a symptom of a pathological process. Any gynecological disease always causes discomfort to a woman and requires competent therapy. To avoid such disorders, doctors recommend following the elementary rules of prevention.

  1. Personal hygiene is essential. Water procedures are recommended to be carried out twice a day.
  2. When choosing underwear, preference should be given to options made from natural fabrics.
  3. Gynecologists do not recommend using sanitary napkins every day, as they are practically not breathable. As a result, a favorable environment for the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms is formed. If panty liners are unavoidable, change them more often.

For the timely detection of gynecological diseases, it is extremely important to undergo regular examinations with a female doctor.
