Every mother-to-be wants to give birth to a he althy baby. The women of the capital of Altai are no exception. The material presented is about how good 1 Barnaul maternity hospital is and whether it really meets the high requirements of women in labor.
History of Creation
It all started with an ordinary medical unit, of which there were many, and are in different cities and villages of our country. That medical unit, which later gave life to the maternity hospital number 1 in Barnaul, was called "Tekstilshchikov". Back in 1964, an obstetrics and gynecology inpatient department was opened on its basis. Simply put, the germ of a maternity hospital.
Then it could fit a little over two hundred beds. Over the next twelve years, the maternity hospital at the cotton mill (it was not for nothing that the medical unit had such a name) grew and developed, and in 1976, after merging with a similar medical institution at number four, it turned into the first maternity hospital in the Altai city. The first - and the largest. And ten years later, the maternity hospital 1 of Barnaul became the clinical base of one of the faculties of medicaluniversity, mutually beneficial cooperation with which continues to this day.
Today, after more than half a century (by the way, this year Barnaul Maternity Hospital 1 will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary), the above-mentioned medical organization continues to be the largest and one of the best in the city. During all this time, more than one hundred and fifty thousand little Barnaul residents were born in the institution. The institution has the most modern equipment for both diagnosis and treatment and / or resuscitation. In addition, in recent years, it has been actively involved in the implementation of the "Mother and Child" project (joint stay of the child and mother after childbirth in the same ward). Despite its venerable age, Barnaul Maternity Hospital 1 keeps up with the times, takes into account all medical trends and trends and successfully applies them in its work.

Despite the fact that all maternity hospitals, in general, are similar to one another - since they all perform the same functions - each of them is nevertheless different from the others, each boasts something own, special. What are the advantages of Barnaul Maternity Hospital 1 (photo below), besides being the largest relevant institution in the city?
Firstly - and this is really a big plus - in this medical institution, the percentage of child and maternal mortality is extremely low (virtually absent). Despite the twenty-first century and the advancement of medicine, unfortunately, this happens,both women in childbirth die, and just born babies, without even having time to feel the taste of life. What is to blame is a topic for a separate article. But the fact that this really serious, even terrible, problem was reduced to a minimum in Barnaul Maternity Hospital 1 testifies to the truly high competence of the doctors and nurses working here, their qualifications and professionalism. Isn't this a good reason for the expectant mother, who chooses where her baby should see the light?

Another indisputable plus of the work of the medical staff of this maternity hospital is the absence of severe obstetric complications. It is absolutely impossible without this, since there are all sorts of situations in childbirth. However, the complication of the complication is different, and the fact that difficult, critical situations do not arise due to the skillful actions of doctors and obstetricians is also very significant.
The next advantage of the maternity hospital is the possibility of partner childbirth. Yes, this is not new - now more and more such institutions are practicing such a service. However, it is still not everywhere, and therefore it is worth noting it. It is important to remember that partner childbirth is allowed only with the consent of the attending physician. In addition, the husband, mother or any other close relatives of the woman in labor can be in the ward for two hours after the birth.
Over the past few years, the reins of the Barnaul Maternity Hospital 1 have been in the strong and confident hands of Vyacheslav Nechaev. Previously, he worked within the walls of this institution as an obstetrician-gynecologist, and came to work there moretwenty years ago as a simple intern. In 1994, Vyacheslav Ivanovich graduated from the Altai Medical Faculty of General Medicine, and chose the maternity hospital as the place of his service. Five years ago, he completed advanced training in obstetrics and gynecology, and in 2017 he received additional education in the field of he althcare organization. By the way, exactly ten years ago Vyacheslav Ivanovich was awarded the city mayor's award as the best specialist. He still holds this brand.
Despite the fact that now Vyacheslav Nechaev occupies a senior position, he is still among the practicing doctors of the maternity hospital 1 in Barnaul. And the reviews about his work are very good.
Maternity hospital staff
The staff of the first maternity hospital in the Altai capital is more than three hundred people - a considerable number. Approximately a quarter of them are doctors, while most of the doctors of the 1st Barnaul maternity hospital have the highest or first qualification category. There are very few doctors without a category at all, these are young specialists who have just come to work - they still have everything ahead of them. There are not too many young newcomers in the maternity hospital - I would like more, according to the head physician Vyacheslav Nechaev.
Perhaps that's also why - due to the lack of "fresh blood" - specialists, experienced and skilled, who practically stood at its origins, still work in the institution. Among these doctors are 1 maternity hospital in Barnaul (photo attached below), for example, Lyubov Porotnikova or Valentina Leonova. The latter, by the way, headed this medical institution until the current authorities infor many years.

Also among the staff of the hospital, most of whom, like Vyacheslav Nechaev, came there after the internship and remained there, there are two candidates of science. As for the work schedule of doctors, it is better to find out on the clinic's website or by phone: 8 (385) 233-76-43. To avoid inaccuracies.
Structure of the institution
As in any other relevant institution, there are several departments in the 1st maternity hospital in Barnaul. Firstly, this is an obstetric and gynecological day hospital - that is, a department where women in labor are observed exclusively during daylight hours, come for scheduled procedures, and go home in the evening. Secondly, this, of course, is its own women's consultation, which is of great importance for the entire process of childbirth. It is here that specialists conduct pregnancy, monitor the condition of the future mother and baby, help women in labor prepare for an important and responsible stage in their lives. By the way, it is not at all necessary to give birth in the first institution, if you previously attended a consultation with him - no one canceled paid services in any others (as well as in the one we are interested in).

Also among the divisions of the 1st Barnaul maternity hospital is a round-the-clock hospital, which includes a neonatal department, a pregnancy pathology department, two obstetric postpartum departments and a maternity department itself. The pathological section is designed for fifty beds and is designed to eliminate severe obstetric pathologies. Postpartum departmentsthe two also have fifty beds (one - 35 and the other - 15), the same number is placed in the department of newborns - or neonatology.
In addition to all the above-mentioned parts, there is also a clinical diagnostic laboratory in the first Barnaul maternity hospital, where all the necessary tests are performed for both mother and child, there is an ultrasound center and an anesthesiology and intensive care unit, where, in particular, newly-made mothers after caesarean section are placed - there are six beds in this compartment.
How to behave in the hospital
Like any other maternity hospital, the first similar institution in Barnaul has its own rules. These include, for example, the schedule for receiving visitors and broadcasts. So, you can bring a parcel to mom and baby either from ten in the morning to one in the afternoon, or from five to seven in the evening. At the same time, you can take a walk with a young mother in the summer on the territory of the hospital or just see her in any other season, daily visits are allowed.

The rules of procedure also include a reminder of what documents a pregnant woman must provide upon admission to the maternity hospital. These are a passport, a medical policy, SNILS (green insurance certificate), an exchange card and a birth certificate. It must also be remembered that outerwear must either be given to relatives or handed over to the wardrobe - it is strictly forbidden to take it with you to the ward.
What can I bring from food
It is very important to remember the list of products that are allowed for a new mother. Is it sea fish, chicken orbeef (only boiled or stewed), the same broth, kefir, varenets, ryazhenka (yogurts are prohibited), bifidok, sour cream, cottage cheese, hard cheese, dried fruit compote, fruit drink or rosehip broth.
What to bring with you
What is the list of things for the 1st maternity hospital in Barnaul? What should be kept in mind? In general, this list is nothing special. The mother-to-be should collect the following:
- Documents, including a passport, an insurance pension certificate (green, SNILS), an exchange card, the results of ultrasound studies, a birth certificate and, of course, a medical policy. If there is a contract for paid childbirth, take it.
- Water without gas (no more than a liter).
- Charging for the phone and the phone itself.
- Washable slippers a la slates.
- Chapstick.
- Maternity and breast pads (both two or three packs).
- Disposable panties - five pieces.
- T-shirt or nursing bra.
- Ointment for nipple cracks - Bepanten or Depanthenol.
- Clothes for the maternity hospital - nightgown, dressing gown or pajamas.
- Dishes (cup, spoon, plate).
- Personal hygiene items.
- Bandage - to wear after childbirth.
- According to indications - elastic stockings or a bandage (going for a caesarean section - without fail).
- Wet wipes.
- Baby clothes and diapers.
- Baby soap, cream and powder.
- Clothes for discharge for baby and mother.
Not all of this listshould be taken with you immediately - it is more expedient that relatives bring what you need later.

Paid services
Like any other institution, the 1st Barnaul maternity hospital serves not only those patients who belong to it territorially. Any woman can get the desired help here, however, for a fee. The services provided for money include a lot of everything - the choice of a ward (including an individual one), and certain care for the baby, and separate stay with him (they bring the baby only for feeding, the rest of the time he is under the supervision of neonatologists), and certain procedures, and childbirth by a specific specialist … The range of services is huge! As for their cost, this issue is best clarified directly in a personal conversation with the head physician of the hospital - he receives visitors on Mondays from two to four in the afternoon.
Contact information
What is the address of the 1st maternity hospital in Barnaul? It is not difficult to remember it: German Titov Street, house number 25. The website of the maternity hospital has all the necessary information on how to contact the institution by phone or e-mail.

How to get there
Wishing to get to the 1st Barnaul maternity hospital, you need to get off at the stop "Ulitsa Titova". Minibuses 14, 32, 41, 51 and 76 go there. As well as buses numbered 35 and 57.
Barnaul, 1 maternity hospital: reviews
What do former patients of this institution say? Miscellaneous, and although mostly good, there are also negative opinions. So, there are among the reviews aboutdoctors of the 1st maternity hospital of Barnaul said about their "star disease", that some are slow and inattentive, as a result of which various complications occur. Moms note that in the emergency room there are not too polite nurses who talk through their teeth and thereby set up women in labor negatively. Women also recommend not to forget to bring clothes with you for the duration of your stay in the institution - despite the fact that official shirts are given out there. They note that they are torn and dirty - it is unpleasant to wear them.

A lot of laudatory words are written by women about Galina Saprykina, Lyubov Golubeva and Alla Nelyubova, as well as the chief doctor himself - Vyacheslav Nechaev. According to mothers, these are specialists with golden hands. As for opinions about the maternity hospital itself, women note that it is light, clean and quite comfortable there. And the atmosphere is generally friendly.
This is the information about the 1st maternity hospital in Barnaul.