Everyone gets sick from time to time, but not every person is ready to run to the doctor for any advice or consultation. That's our mentality, there's nothing you can do about it. Therefore, many people will benefit from information that will tell you where a person's appendicitis is located.

About the concept
I want to say right away about the main thing: appendicitis is a disease, inflammation of the appendix. Therefore, it would be more competent, from a scientific point of view, to say: where is the appendix in a person. However, in view of the fact that we are so simply used to talking, no one considers it a mistake when a person is interested in the location of appendicitis. The doctors of such a patient immediately and without problems understand.
So, where is appendicitis in a person, and what does it actually mean? It is worth noting that the appendix is a small process of the intestine, which in most cases is located on the right side of the lower abdomen, approximately near the hip bone. However, there are deviations from this, because each organism is individual in nature. For some it may be higher.someone, in general, is strongly bent back. This is not a pathology, but just such a feature. One thing is for sure: it is located on the right side of the abdomen. But if a person has pain in that direction, this will not always mean inflammation of the appendix.

Having figured out where appendicitis is located in a person, now it is worth paying attention to the symptoms of inflammation in order to be able to accurately recognize this disease. First of all, a sick person will be accompanied by pain. They will be strong, sharp. At first, the pain will be in the entire abdomen, but over the course of a couple of hours it will move to the right area. Unpleasant sensations can be both above and below the navel, in the hypochondrium and even under the pubis - it all depends on the anatomical structure of the patient's organs. Sometimes such pain can be given to the back, lower back and even the leg. Often, with inflammation of the appendix, nausea and vomiting appear, the patient's tongue may become covered with a thick white coating. It is worth noting that already at this stage it is urgent to consult a doctor. If this is not done, the inflammation passes into the second stage, when the appendix becomes covered with ulcers, and into the third, when the inflamed process bursts and pollutes the entire abdominal cavity. At this stage, fatal outcomes of patients are not uncommon.

Age Group
Having figured out where appendicitis is located in a person, it is worth noting that in young children this inflammation is practically not observed. The main age of sick children isabout 9-12 years old. This is the period when patients are most often admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of appendicitis. It can also become inflamed in adults, as well as children, surgery can be applied to them.
Knowing where the appendicitis is located, after the patient arrives, the doctor can immediately make the correct diagnosis: is the appendix inflamed or not. If the appendix is not all right, most likely, the doctor will recommend surgery, during which the appendix will simply be removed. It is not worth resisting this, because. in case of untimely assistance, the disease can develop into peritonitis and significantly complicate the process of treatment and recovery of the patient.
A little trick
If, after all the explanations, a person has not yet understood where the appendicitis is, the photo is the first assistant who can put everything in its place. After all, it’s not in vain that they say that it’s better to listen seven times, but see once.