Gonads are the primary organs of the reproductive system. In the male body, these are the testicles, and in the female body, the ovaries. Gonads enable a person to recreate offspring and have an extensive effect on the body. Many people wonder what gonads are when they hear such a term for the first time. In other words, these are the sex glands that are responsible for the sexual maturation of the body, the formation of appearance, as well as mental and physiological qualities.
The gonads in biology are the gonads. They have an important effect on the human body. To a greater extent, they regulate the process of maturation, they are needed for sexual reproduction. They also produce hormones for the formation and growth of primary and secondary reproductive organs. Gonads are components of the endocrine system and are classified as steroid hormones. They are able to penetrate the cell membrane in order to influence the expression of genes incells. Hormone production is regulated by hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary gland in the brain.
Gonad formation
The formation and development of the gonads occurs along with the excretory organs. They are organized from two types of tissues. First, the somatic mesenchyme forms the matrix, and then the sex tissue gives rise to germ cells. In both men and women, the gonads are classified as glands of mixed secretion. They are laid in the period of intrauterine development, and their formation occurs throughout the entire childhood period.
Biological action of gonads
The influence of the gonads is similar to growth hormones. After numerous laboratory studies, scientists came to the conclusion that it is impossible to isolate any single hormone in the human body. The main functions of the gonad include the secretion of milk and progesterone. All gonadotropic hormones require systematic interaction, since only in this case the body can be provided with the full functioning of the systems. Gonadotropic hormone provides stimulation of the anterior pituitary lobe and affects the functioning of the gonads. Among other things, the hormone activates the maturation of sperm and eggs.
Female gonads
From the anatomical structure of the female body, it can be seen that the fair sex has two gonads.

These are Bartholin's glands and ovaries. At puberty, the ovaries produce sex hormones and initiate the process of egg development. On the onsetreproductive age, the activity of the ovaries is subject to the menstrual cycle. On the first day of the cycle, the follicle matures. Then ovulation occurs in the middle.

The ovaries produce special hormones that directly affect the reproductive function of a woman. Among other things, hormones in the female body make it possible to ensure normal work, he alth and condition.
Male gonads
Men are less likely than women to think about their he alth and anatomical features, so not many people know what gonads are. The male sex glands are a system of spermatogenic tubules in which the creation of spermatozoa occurs.

All the vital activity of the male gonads is destined for products. The testicles produce sperm, the secretion is produced by the prostate gland, and the Cooper glands are responsible for the production of secretory fluid. What are the tasks of the gonads? The male reproductive organs perform the following functions:
- support physiological attraction;
- responsible for the process of reproduction of children;
- contribute to the formation of secondary male characteristics;
- form and transport spermatozoa;
- promote tissue growth.
In case of a lack of hormones, irreversible processes can begin to form in the male body, such as infertility, impotence, and a depressed state will also begin to develop.
The functioning of the male reproductive organs is inextricably linked with the part of the brain thatcalled the hypothalamus. All hormones produced by the testicles are called androgens. Each hormone is responsible for a specific function. For example, testosterone activates muscle growth and is responsible for arousal. Androsterone promotes the formation of masculine qualities and acts as a pheromone, while dihydrotesterone initiates the process of cell growth of the prostate gland and hair growth. The correct functioning of hormones in the body is very important, otherwise it can provoke the development of serious complications.
Pathologies of male gonads
What are gonads, we found out. Now you need to decide what diseases they can lead to. One of the most common pathologies is torsion. What it is? Torsion is a defective rotation of the spermatic cord. Experienced injuries or damage to the scrotum, as well as extreme overstrain of the press or anomalies in the process of testicular formation, can provoke this ailment.

How does this manifest itself? Proper signs indicate testicular torsion in a man:
- pain in the testicle, radiating to the groin;
- nausea and vomiting;
- appearance of swelling or induration in the scrotum area;
- frequent urination and anxiety.

Diseases of the female gonads
In the female body, diseases such as torsion of the ovary and its legs, ovarian cyst and torsion of the legs of a tumor formation can develop in the gonads.

Torsion of the ovary and its appendages is a serious disorder. It requires immediate healing. Generic factors, as well as diseases of the reproductive system, can excite pathology.
When the ovary is twisted in a woman, appropriate indicators appear:
- there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate both to the back, ribs, and to the side;
- feels nauseous and may vomit;
- stool disorders occur;
- when in contact with the lower abdomen, the patient feels severe pain;
- body temperature increases greatly.
A cyst is diagnosed relatively often for women. Such a diagnosis requires surgical intervention. It is strictly forbidden to ignore cystic formation, as this can lead to the development of serious consequences. Human gonads have a huge impact on he alth and overall well-being. Therefore, it is extremely important when signs indicating a deviation appear, immediately seek qualified medical help.
Gonadal dysgenesis
What is this? Gonadal dysgenesis is the incomplete development of the gonads. Violation refers to intrauterine pathologies of development. The following factors can provoke the development of a congenital form of gonadal dysgenesis:
- smoking while carrying a child;
- drinking during gestation;
- consumption of organic and inorganic nitrates;
- living in an area with the highest level of ionizingradiation;
- prolonged stressful situations;
- prolonged toxicosis;
- viral, infectious or fungal diseases during pregnancy.

How to cope with this pathology? Treatment should only be carried out by qualified professionals.
Gonadal disorders
Few people know what gonads are and what disorders they can provoke in the body. Most often, gonadal disorders are provoked by violations of the structure of functions in the human body. Such disorders have a direct effect on the ovaries. Disorders can cause abnormalities such as ovarian cancer, cysts, or torsion. In the female body, gonadal disorders are associated with hormonal abnormalities of the endocrine system. In men, disorders can lead to testicular cancer, inflammation of the appendages and testicular failure.
So, we have considered what gonads are and what functions they perform. If any disorders are identified, immediate treatment should be initiated.