What everyone should know: first aid for arterial bleeding

What everyone should know: first aid for arterial bleeding
What everyone should know: first aid for arterial bleeding

There are cases that we never want to face, but … We must know what to do in such a situation. Moreover, knowledge should not be superficial, but very thorough, since not only our life, but also the life of our loved ones depends on it. Article topic: "First aid for arterial bleeding."

To begin with, I would like to remind you that our body is supplied with two circles of blood circulation: small and large. From the "push", more precisely from the contraction of the heart muscle, there is a splash of a certain portion of blood in the artery. At the first stage, it is considered arterial, enriched with oxygen and nutrients necessary for the cells of the body. Having reached each vessel, giving up the “burden”, this liquid takes away carbon dioxide and metabolic products. It returns to the heart already changed (through the veins) and is called venous. There are four types of bleeding wounds: capillary, mixed,venous and arterial. They can also be external and internal. First aid for arterial bleeding should be appropriate (for venous, mixed and capillary, the sequence of actions is different).

signs of arterial bleeding first aid
signs of arterial bleeding first aid

First of all, you need to determine the type of bleeding. Color will help you with this. Venous blood has a brown (dark cherry) tint, and in terms of "temperament" it is calmer, as if quietly pouring out of the wound, and not pushed out by a fountain with each contraction of the heart muscle. Oxygenated, bubbling, bright red blood, in some cases a constantly gushing wound, are nothing more than signs of arterial bleeding. First aid in this case should be of an emergency nature. After all, a person can lose most of the vital fluid in a short period of time, which will lead to death.

Based on the external data of the wound, first aid is provided for arterial bleeding. It is impossible to do anything with an internal injury outside a medical facility, so the only way to save a person's life is to urgently deliver him to the hospital. It is advisable to do this as carefully as possible, and give the victim an elevated position. With an open wound, it is also necessary to quickly take a person to a medical center, but on the way you need to apply a bandage and pull the artery gushing blood. This is done with a tourniquet, you can pinch it with your finger. It is important to do this above the wound along the artery, and not below. Mandatoryit is necessary to remember, but it is better to write down the exact time when the tourniquet was applied. This is important!

first aid for arterial bleeding
first aid for arterial bleeding

In some cases, first aid for arterial bleeding is accompanied by limb flexion. In particular, if the femoral artery is damaged, the leg is bent at the knee and fixed to the body with a belt. A roller is preliminarily placed in the inguinal region. If the artery is damaged below the knee, the victim is placed on his back, a cotton-gauze roller is placed under the knee, the shin is fixed to the thigh with a belt, and raised to the stomach.

First aid for arterial bleeding accompanied by fractures is somewhat different, since it is undesirable to injure the victim once again. You must always act according to the situation, be able to call the ambulance station, where they will give you all the advice online and help you wait for the specialists.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
