Manual therapist in Yaroslavl: list, selection, rating of the best, clinics, medical centers and hospitals of the city, quality of treatment and patient reviews

Manual therapist in Yaroslavl: list, selection, rating of the best, clinics, medical centers and hospitals of the city, quality of treatment and patient reviews
Manual therapist in Yaroslavl: list, selection, rating of the best, clinics, medical centers and hospitals of the city, quality of treatment and patient reviews

Who is the best chiropractor in the city of Yaroslavl? It is quite logical that when deciding to entrust the he alth of joints and muscles into the hands of one person, the patient wants to see a qualified, competent, experienced doctor in front of him, and even a polite, sensitive and accurate one. It is from such specialists that the list of the best chiropractors in Yaroslavl presented in the article consists.

Mikhailuk I. G

Igor Mikhailyuk
Igor Mikhailyuk

Opens the list of the best chiropractors of Yaroslavl Igor Gennadyevich Mikhailyuk. This is a manual, neurologist and vertebrologist, who has a PhD degree, the second qualification category and 9 years of experience. In more than 20 positive reviews, patients of Igor Gennadievich wrote that he provided them with quick and long-term assistance in very difficult andpainful cases, when the other manuals of the city shrugged helplessly. Separately, it is noted that Igor Gennadievich is one of the few city specialists involved in the treatment of hip dysplasia.


In Yaroslavl, chiropractor Mikhailyuk conducts an appointment at the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine on Bolshaya Oktyabrskaya Street, 32.

Makarkin S. A

Sergey Makarkin
Sergey Makarkin

A noteworthy specialist is Sergei Alexandrovich Makarkin, a chiropractor and a neurologist of the second qualification category, who has been successfully helping people with a variety of problems for 10 years. In the comments, patients do not miss the opportunity to thank Sergey Alexandrovich. They talk about how he pinpointed the problem and fixed it with deft precision in no time.

The jobs of the chiropractor Makarkin include:

  • "Evidence Based Medicine Center" on Bolshaya Oktyabrskaya Street, 32
  • Tais clinic on Chkalova street, 32A.
  • Hospital No. 8 on Suzdal highway, 39.

Vorontsov V. M

A real veteran of Yaroslavl manual therapy is Viktor Mikhailovich Vorontsov, who gave the profession 40 years of his life. Patients of Viktor Mikhailovich agree that the experience of this doctor speaks for itself. The specialist quickly and accurately makes a diagnosis, and his movements are so perfect and clear that the result is not long in coming.

The chiropractor Vorontsov is waiting for his patients at the emergency medicine center"Medicor" on Republican street, 16A.

Yakovchik P. I

Pavel Yakovchik
Pavel Yakovchik

A good adult and children's chiropractor in Yaroslavl, as well as a massage therapist and physiotherapist is Pavel Ivanovich Yakovchik, whose experience is 29 years of successful practice. More than 20 positive reviews were found about his work and not a single negative one. In the reviews, patients write not only about professional talent, but also about the responsiveness and kind heart of Pavel Ivanovich. After his sessions, people leave not only with a light back, but also with joy in their souls.

You can seek help from a chiropractor Yakovchik at the Medical Center for Diagnostics and Prevention on Bazovaya Street, 3/2.

Bakhturin A. A

Alexander Bakhturin
Alexander Bakhturin

Alexander Alekseevich Bakhturin, a chiropractor with the title of "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation", has a significant 37-year professional experience. Not so many comments have been written about him on the Internet, but in all - exceptionally good information, left with gratitude. Patients appreciate Alexander Alekseevich's sensitivity, tact, care and accuracy during examination and procedures.

Manual Bakhturin is always happy to receive his patients at the Tais clinic on Chkalova Street, 32A.

Sirotin V. P

Vladimir Pavlovich Sirotin is a manual, vertebrologist and neurologist of the highest category with 34 years of experience in the profession. In more than 15 positive comments, patients write that Vladimir Pavlovich never puts pressure on peoplemorally and does not impose their services. He gives a complete picture of his therapy, answers all questions and explains the nuances, and only then proceeds to treatment if that was the patient's decision.

In Yaroslavl, the chiropractor Sirotin conducts his practice in the following institutions:

  • Road hospital on Chekhov street, 34.
  • Honey. diagnostic and prevention center on Bazovaya street, 3/2.
  • Center for correction of the spine "Bosphorus" on Tolbukhin Avenue, 17A.

Terentiev A. G

Alexander Terentiev
Alexander Terentiev

For 33 years, a very successful practice has been led by a manual therapist Alexander Georgievich Terentiev. Judging by the reviews on various sites, Alexander Georgievich has many regular clients who, having once got rid of serious pains and ailments, now regularly go to his preventive sessions and feel great.

In Yaroslavl, the chiropractor Terentyev receives clients at the Tais clinic at 32A Chkalova Street.

Omelchenko S. N

A chiropractor of the highest qualification level, as well as an exercise therapy doctor, is Sergey Nikolayevich Omelchenko, who gave his beloved profession 34 years of his life. Patients write that Sergey Nikolayevich is sincerely interested in their he alth and a fulfilling life - he not only provides effective assistance during sessions, but also gives free sets of home exercises that consolidate the results achieved.

You can sign up for Omelchenko's manual at Med. Center for Diagnostics and Prevention on Bazovaya Street,3/2, as well as in the Solovyov Hospital on Zagorodny Sad street, 11.

Molodtsov D. A

Dmitry Molodtsov
Dmitry Molodtsov

Dmitry Molodtsov, a chiropractor, has been providing highly professional assistance to patients for twenty years. It is not uncommon to see among the numerous reviews of his work the words "Well done - well done!", Because people who got rid of pain thanks to his knowledge, strong hands and right movements repeat this cute pun again and again with joy and gratitude.

In Yaroslavl, a chiropractor Molodtsov works at the Motus Center for Osteopathy and Neurology at 93 Tutaevskoye Shosse, as well as at the Constanta Polyclinic at 14 Pobedy Street.

Novikova T. I

Tatiana Novikova
Tatiana Novikova

The list of the best chiropractors of Yaroslavl is completed by Tatyana Igorevna Novikova, whose experience is 20 years of professional activity. In their reviews, Tatyana Igorevna's patients write that this fragile woman literally brings people languishing in pain back to life with a few jewelry-precise and strong movements. It is recommended to contact her both in emergency cases and for preventive purposes.

You can ask for help from Novikova's manual at the "Doctor Bubnovsky Center" on Republican Street, 42.

Clinics, honey. manual therapy centers and hospitals

  • "Doctor Bubnovsky's Center".
  • Motus Center for Osteopathy and Neurology.
  • Center for correction of the spine "Bosphorus".
  • "Freedom of movement".
  • "Evidence Based Medicine Center".
  • Image"Evidence Based Medicine Center"
    Image"Evidence Based Medicine Center"
  • Emergency Medicine Center "Medicor".
  • "Alpha He alth Center".
  • Sports medical center "Lokomotiv".
  • Soloviev Hospital.
  • "Constant".
  • "Tais".
  • "Private clinic".
  • Medical center for diagnostics and prevention.
  • Cardiocenter "Paritet".
  • Traffic Hospital.
  • Hospital 8.
  • Soloviev Hospital.
  • Polyclinic 2.
  • Sanatorium "Red Hill".
  • Medical unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
