How to find a good pediatric dermatologist in Perm? Knowing the level of qualification of a specialist, his experience and the availability of a scientific degree, it is not difficult to determine whether he is worthy of treating your child's skin or not. Instead of wasting time searching for information about each doctor on the Internet, the following list of the best pediatric dermatologists in Perm will help.
Kobernik M. Yu

Opens the list of the best children's dermatologists in Perm Marina Yuryevna Kobernik, a specialist of the highest medical category with a PhD degree and 20 years of professional experience.
You can make an appointment with a dermatologist Kobernik at the A2 Med medical center on Komsomolsky Prospekt, 15v. The cost of one appointment - from 1350 rubles.
Plutalova E. M

There are more than 20 positive reviews about Perm children's dermatologist Elena Mikhailovna Plutalova on the Web. This specialist has the highest medical category, 24 years of professional experience, as well as highlevel in the field of mycology.
You can seek help from a pediatric dermatologist Plutalova at the Genesis clinic on Chernyshevsky Street, 15-b. The cost of medical services starts from 1200 rubles. Elena Mikhailovna also carries out medical practice at the Alfa He alth Center clinic on Pushkin Street, 50.
Denisova V. P
More than 40 years of her professional life, a doctor of the highest category, Valentina Petrovna Denisova, has devoted specifically to pediatric dermatology. You can sign up a child for a consultation with her at the children's clinic No. 5 on Soviet Army Street, 10. If the child has a compulsory medical insurance policy, admission and further treatment will be free.
Sherstobitova T. D

Tatiana Dmitrievna Sherstobitova is a pediatric and adult dermatologist, mycologist and venereologist with the highest level of qualification and 22 years of experience.
Dermatologist Sherstobitova is waiting for her patients at the Genesis clinics on 15-b Chernyshevsky Street and the Alfa He alth Center on 50 Pushkin Street.
Dackovsky S. B
A good children's dermatologist in Perm from the Regional Polyclinic on Lunacharsky Street, 95, is Stanislav Bentsionovich Datskovsky, a doctor of the highest category, who has devoted more than half a century to diagnosing and treating children's skin. To the already impressive 51-year experience of Stanislav Bentsionovich, it is worth adding the title "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation" and a badge"Excellence in Public He alth of the Russian Federation".
Recording and consultation of the doctor Datskovsky in the regional polyclinic are free of charge if the patient has a compulsory medical insurance policy.
Narel T. I
Another experienced specialist on this list is Tatyana Ivanovna Narel, who has worked in the profession for 40 years and is a doctor of the highest certification category.
Dr. Narel is ready to accept her little patients absolutely free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy at the children's polyclinic No. 1 on Pushkarskaya street, 88.
Nasonova G. A

Children's dermatologist-allergist of Perm, as well as an immunologist is Galina Alekseevna Nasonova. Her professional experience is 35 years of successful practice, and the category is the highest.
At a price of 1,000 rubles for an appointment with a dermatologist Nasonova, you can enroll a child at the Medicina medical center on Kosmonavtov Highway, 141. The price of one consultative session will cost from 1,000 rubles. You can get a free appointment with Galina Alekseevna for compulsory medical insurance at the regional children's clinic on Bauman Street, 22.
Smirnova M. L
Margarita Leonidovna Smirnova is a pediatric dermatologist of the highest category who has worked for the benefit of Perm dermatology for 38 years.
Children's Polyclinic No. 3 on Shishkin Street, 31, and Children's Polyclinic No. 4 on Kalinina Street, 74 - these are the places where dermatologist Smirnova works and practices. Since these polyclinics are municipal, all services will be free under the CHI policy.
Ovchinnikova A. D

A special place in the list of children's dermatologists in Perm is Anna Dmitrievna Ovchinnikova. The skin doctor proudly occupies the highest certification level. The medical worker has extensive experience in medical practice, backed by twenty years of professional experience.
You can book a young patient for an appointment with Anna Dmitrievna at the Medsi clinic, which is located on Pushkin Street, 109/1.
Mitrofanova G. G
It is impossible not to mention in this list the dermatologist, pediatrician and trichologist Gulsina Gaisaevna Mitrofanova, a specialist with the highest level of medical category and more than 20 years of experience.
In Perm, children's dermatologist Mitrofanova visits the following medical institutions:
- Clinic "Roden-Med" on Lunacharskogo street, 35. Admission is paid, the price needs to be specified.
- Branch "Roden-Med" on Yursha street, 9. Admission is paid.
- Children's polyclinic No. 6 on Petropavlovskaya street, 109. Admission here is free of charge under compulsory he alth insurance.
Chirkova T. A

Another good pediatric dermatologist is Tatyana Alexandrovna Chirkova. A young and promising doctor in the profession for ten years. During this time, the doctor managed to prove herself from the best side.
Tatiana Alexandrovna carries out medical practice at the AMD Laboratory Center on Revolution Street, 5/1, as well as at the ninth Pichugin Children's Hospital at Komsomolsky Prospekt, 43.
Tretyakova E. A

The list of the best children's dermatologists in Perm is completed by a specialist with 14 years of experience Ekaterina Alexandrovna Tretyakova, who also works in the fields of children's cosmetology, trichology and mycology. More than 15 positive comments have been written about her work on the Internet.
You can contact a dermatologist Tretyakova for advice and further assistance at the Medline clinic on 25 Let Oktyabrya Street, 77. Services are paid, you need to find out the cost at the reception.