Ethanol is a powerful narcotic and depressant. This is a well known fact. Nevertheless, the culture of alcohol consumption has firmly taken root in the life of every inhabitant of economically developed countries. Drink men, women and even teenagers. With the abuse of ethanol-containing drinks, a severe headache often occurs in the morning. This is an inevitable companion of a hangover syndrome. Alcohol lovers have a question: what to do when your head hurts after drinking? You will learn the answer to it from this article.
Why do headaches occur after alcohol abuse?
In people sensitive to ethanol, a strong migraine is caused by taking even one hundred grams of strong drink (vodka, whiskey or cognac). In physically strong men with alcohol abuse, a headache develops in about 80% of cases. The following processes in the body contribute to this.
- Severe dehydration and water-s alt imbalance. Drinking alcohol damages the urinary system. I suffer from kidneys, ureters, bladder. Lack of fluid negatively affects the vessels of the brain, they experience stress and this is manifested by a headache.
- The liver works for wear and tear, throws all its strength into suppressing intoxication due to the use of alcoholic beverages. There is an interruption in the metabolism of glucose (which is the main food for the brain). As a result, our brain suffers again: it experiences a serious deficiency of glucose, and this is the cause of severe pain. In some cases, organic brain lesions may develop against this background.
- Spasm of blood vessels. Disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system with the abuse of ethanol-containing drinks provoke swelling and inflammation, severe headache.
- Sleep problems are common to avid drinkers. Often they are haunted by insomnia for several days. It is in this state that alcoholic delirium occurs, popularly known as the "squirrel". In this condition, headache is the patient's least concern.

Loss of the vascular system and brain
As it became clear from the causes of headache during intoxication with alcohol breakdown products, it occurs mainly due to damage to certain parts of the brain.
During a feast or a party, the breakdown products of ethanol first accumulate, then it is absorbed into the blood. As a result, each organ, each system of the alcoholic's body receives its share of "poison". Ethanol is broken down byenzymes to acetaldehyde, then to acetate, then to acetyl coenzyme, and finally to carbonic acid and water. This is a very complex chemical process. And not only the liver and pancreas play a role in it, but also the human brain.
The following processes are taking place:
- damage to brain cells that regulate muscle function;
- vegetative response failure;
- complete dysfunction of the endocrine system (recovers over time);
- development of a hypertensive crisis and serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
When exposed to alcohol poison, the access of oxygen to the cells is disturbed, oxygen starvation (hypoxia) sets in. An unlucky alcoholic perceives this process as fun, intoxication, euphoria, and in the morning - a severe headache and all the "charm" of a hangover, and then a withdrawal syndrome.

Principle of drug choice for hangover headache
The answer to the question "why does my head hurt after alcohol and what should I do to make it go away?" does not have a clear answer. With a hangover syndrome, the body is so weakened that taking strong anesthetics can cause serious side effects.
The liver and pancreas are weakened by the processing of ethanol into acetic acid, and a new blow to it with toxic "Paracetamol" or "Analgin" leads to fatty degeneration. As a result, over time, fatty hepatosis, toxic hepatitis appears, and progressive cirrhosis may develop. Whatwhat to do if you have a headache after alcohol and you can’t take medicine? You can try one of the folk methods that will be described below.
Strong anesthetics should not be preferred if the patient has congenital or acquired chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland, heart failure.

Analgesics for headaches
The most popular drugs in this class:
- "Aspirin";
- "Analgin";
- "Baralgin";
- "Solpadein".
The latter also contains codeine, and today it is included in the list of potent drugs. However, this does not stop unlucky drinkers: what to do if your head hurts after alcohol, and besides "Solpadein" there is nothing available? Of course, people accept it too. Such a frivolous attitude towards taking medications is unacceptable.
As a one-time remedy for a hangover migraine, you can take one tablet of "Aspirin" or "Analgin" - these are the mildest and relatively safe drugs from the class of analgesics.
Anspasmodics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Effectively and quickly relieve headaches. But taking them on a regular basis is fraught with he alth problems: in particular, toxic hepatitis.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs occupy a special place among painkillers. And although almost allthey have an analgesic effect, here is a list of the most popular and relatively safe in terms of side effects:
- "Ibuprofen";
- "Diclofenac";
- "Naproxen";
- "Ketorolac".
"Paracetamol" and products based on it
What to do when your head hurts after alcohol, and only Paracetamol is available? In acute pain, half a tablet is allowed - 250 mg (a whole tablet of 500 mg). Often you can not use this tool, as it is quite toxic to all internal organs.
There are many painkillers and antipyretics based on the active ingredient paracetamol. They are also acceptable to take if a person is thinking about what to do if his head hurts after alcohol. These are Fervex, Teraflu, Coldrex. In addition to relieving migraines, these medicines can relieve the first signs of acne and give energy for the whole day due to the content of ascorbic acid. Some of them also contain the stimulant caffeine.

Succinic acid and "Limontar"
Soft and safe means of the domestic company "Biotics" called "Limonar" - one of the best drugs to relieve the manifestations of a hangover. The cost of packaging is about one hundred rubles per hundred tablets. The composition includes succinic and citric acids. "Limontar" is not an analgesic or antispasmodic, but it can beneficiallyaffect metabolism, which alleviates hangovers and withdrawal symptoms.
Doctors have long recommended using products containing succinic acid after a stormy party. It supports the liver and pancreas, reduces the overall intoxication of the body.
"Glycine" for hangover headaches
Another drug from Biotiki. It is a dietary supplement and is not perceived by many patients as a serious medicine. And in vain: "Glycine" is an amino acid that has a beneficial effect on all parts of the brain.
With a hangover, this is the pill that will relieve panic and guilt, alleviate headaches and help improve sleep. After taking Glycine, the hangover goes away quickly. It is strictly forbidden to do any active exercise, clean up or go for a run with a hangover - such activities often cause heart failure.

What to do at home if your head hurts after drinking
Domestic alcoholics drink once every one or two weeks to the state of a hangover. But at the same time, they do not consider themselves dependent people - after all, they "work and do not wallow in a ditch." Such people often even try to take care of their he alth and think: what to do if your head hurts after drinking at home?
In fact, with a hangover, it’s really better to do with folk recipes for migraine and not burden the intake of pharmacological agents without thatan organism tormented by ethanol.
Here are some effective tips on how to manage a severe headache on your own:
- massage the temples, alternating strong pressure with a soft effect;
- if a patient has osteochondrosis of the cervical region, it is also worthwhile to massage the neck and shoulders;
- drink strong black tea, adding plenty of sugar to it (to replenish blood glucose levels);
- for the same purpose, eat something sweet with a minimum fat content (so as not to burden the liver and pancreas once again);
- drink rich chicken broth - it will improve overall well-being and help reduce pain symptoms;
- take a contrast shower, bath.

Psychological aspect of the problem
In order not to suffer and not think "when your head hurts badly after alcohol, what to do and how to be treated?" a short psychological analysis of the reasons for such behavior can be carried out. What makes a person drink so much to suffer a hangover in the morning? Usually people who have had a drink the night before are not inclined to ask such philosophical questions.
The nature of a hangover migraine can be so severe that the patient feels like his head is about to burst. This is really a very serious condition, and at least a day, or even two, you need to lie down. But the most important thing is to find the cause of alcohol abuse and try to prevent the situation from recurring.

Tips and advice from doctors
Here are simple recommendations from he alth professionals on what to do if your head hurts after alcohol. What to do in such a situation so as not to aggravate the condition?
- If the patient has already taken one pill and the pain does not go away, it is strictly forbidden to take the next one or mix it with other medicines.
- After alcohol, it is highly undesirable to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, strong analgesics and other substances that can increase the toxic load on the body.
- After severe ethanol poisoning, in some cases (especially binge drinking) professional help is needed: call an ambulance. With a critical hangover, this can save the life of the patient.
- What to do: the head hurts very badly and does not go away either after taking the pill, or after eating and hot drinking - you need to call an ambulance or go to the hospital. Perhaps this is a consequence of organic changes in the brain.
- Enterosorbents ("Enterosgel", "Activated charcoal") will effectively help reduce general intoxication in hangover and withdrawal symptoms. They will not help to overcome a headache, but will contribute to its gradual reduction.
Easiest way to avoid hangover headaches
The banal, but at the same time the most effective method to avoid a headache the next morning after a party is not to abuse alcoholic beverages. Every adult knows his own measure, after which hebecomes bad. If after one or two serious hangovers the patient continues to abuse - we are talking about the loss of a sense of control over the drink. Such a person is a potential visitor to the drug treatment room. He often has a severe headache after alcohol, what to do with this, he does not know.
Over time, the dosages will become higher, headache and nausea will be joined by hand tremors, fever, chronic pancreatitis, constant heartburn and stool disorder. In a few more years, things will get even worse: alcoholism is a progressive disease.
The question is "what to do if your head hurts after alcohol?" unfamiliar to people who do not have problems with the amount of alcohol they drink, who have not lost control of their behavior and who are not potential alcoholics.