EHF-therapy - methods, indications, contraindications, patient reviews

EHF-therapy - methods, indications, contraindications, patient reviews
EHF-therapy - methods, indications, contraindications, patient reviews

Many diseases are successfully treated in sanatoriums and hospitals, medical centers and oncology dispensaries, if physiotherapy procedures are combined with drugs. Often patients may hear the term "EHF-therapy". What does this mean? Extremely high frequency therapy is the use of electromagnetic waves in medical practice. The range of this type of radiation is millimeter. Their penetrating ability in human tissue is extremely low (up to 0.6 mm). They also differ in spatial heterogeneity. Special so-called waveguides collect these millimeter waves into beams that act locally on the area of the body to be treated.

kfc therapy
kfc therapy

The development of this type of treatment began in the 1980s, but research on this issue was conducted earlier under the leadership of N. Devyatkov. The EHF range helps to synchronize all the cells of the body and makes their work more harmonious and productive, the healing process begins.

What is EHF-therapy

It is known that the radiation of a he althy person and one weakened by an illness is different. The therapeutic effect of extremely high frequency therapy looks like this: radiation affectsstructure of the skin, activate nerve fibers that exhibit tonic activity. Due to the modulation of the activity of these impulses, skin-visceral reflexes are noticeably activated.

As a result of the local impact of millimeter waves on painful areas of the body, reflexogenic and active points, the activity of the nervous and endocrine systems begins to change. EHF helps to tune the body and, as it were, imposes a he althy wave.

kfc therapy devices
kfc therapy devices

Practical application

Secretory, immunocorrective and neurostimulating effects are exerted in practice by EHF-therapy. Apparatuses of the appropriate type are available in many he alth resorts and in physiotherapy rooms. For the recovery of patients, such wave generators as "Yav 1-5", "Electronics KVCh-101" and others are used.

This technique detects diseases at an early stage of development, therefore, it is not only an addition to medicines, but also an excellent replacement for them. It also helps to avoid serious consequences.

How EHF affects cells

Throughout life in the human body, cells exchange information all the time. It is transmitted through blood vessels, nerve impulses and electromagnetic radiation.

EHF therapy methods
EHF therapy methods

EHF-therapy "understands" the language of cells and helps them to work more coherently. After all, any disease is a violation of their well-coordinated activities. Along with this, the process of normalization is activated, and the bodyrecovering.

Millimeter waves in EHF are non-ionizing radiation. How does it affect cells? If the action is of an energy type, then the vibrations have a noticeably greater power, which warms up the tissues. With the informational nature, the waves are transformed in the human body, and thus information is transmitted.

Indications for use

Who is EHF-therapy recommended for? Indications for the use of this physiotherapeutic method are diseases (chronic or subacute) of the nervous system. Among them are neuralgia and neuritis. In addition, this includes diseases of the chronic type of human internal organs: coronary heart disease, gastric or duodenal ulcers, which are in the acute stage, angina pectoris. EHF is also indicated for skin diseases such as hair loss, psoriasis, scleroderma, cervical erosion and consolidated bone fractures.

You especially need this therapy if your body does not tolerate weather changes, is sensitive to magnetic storms. Thanks to therapy, the acclimatization process is easier and more imperceptible. If you have some kind of difficult disease and it does not respond well to drug treatment, try EHF. This therapy restores the body's defenses.

kfc therapy indications
kfc therapy indications

Extremely high frequency therapy treats sinusitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchial diseases, trachea, pancreatitis, non-infectious hepatitis, cholecystitis, dyskinesia, gastritis, enuresis, diseases of the genitourinary system andthyroid, diabetes mellitus.


Who is not recommended EHF-therapy? Contraindications to this physiotherapeutic method: purulent and inflammatory diseases during the period of exacerbation, neurodermatitis, bronchial asthma, vegetalgia and hyperthyroidism.

Treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Electromagnetic vibrations that use EHF-therapy have gained quite wide popularity. Patient feedback shows that this type of treatment reduces pain and eliminates the need for various medications.

EHF therapy indications and contraindications
EHF therapy indications and contraindications

The effect that occurs during treatment is normalizing functions and restoring. Most often, in diseases of the cardiovascular system, EHF is used in combination with traditional drugs for the treatment of myocardial infarction in the acute stage and angina pectoris.

Why is this therapy so effective for this group of diseases? The fact is that all over the world, mortality from vascular and heart diseases occupies a leading place. Medicines often have a short-term effect and cause allergies, so you have to look for alternative methods. This therapy has a beneficial effect on blood clotting, which is effective in hypertension.

Radiations of this range protect against free radicals, the condition of the walls of arterioles and venules improves, because it is the deterioration of these indicators that causes heart attacks and strokes, and the risk of insidious atherosclerosis also decreases. Since the 1980s, a richexperience in the successful use of EHF in practice. Even with the most severe angina after the use of EHF-therapy, the condition improves in 80% of patients. And the use of combination therapies is now massively reducing cardiovascular mortality.

Basic techniques

hf therapy contraindications
hf therapy contraindications

EHF-therapy methods: saturation of water with millimeter waves (baths, washing), recording the radiant spectrum from medicines to water or sugar. With the method of blood purification, the emitter acts on the vessels and arteries in turn. It is also EHF-therapy.

Apparatus allow to apply another technique - background resonance radiation. At the same time, millimeter waves are capable of destroying pathogens of a particular disease. For treatment with information wave therapy, a broadband emitter is used.

A little more about EHF

EHF-therapy involves treatment and preventive action using millimeter waves (from 1 to 10 mm). The disadvantage of this substance is that such waves cannot be heard or seen, smelled or felt. Many well-known biologists, physicists, doctors, such as N. Devyatkov, V. Adamenko, V. Kislov, M. Golant and others, worked on extremely high-frequency therapy. EHF-therapy is now approved by the Ministry of He alth. Special equipment has all the necessary state certificates.

The effectiveness of extremely high frequency therapy is appreciated by many well-known clinics and oncological institutes, transfusion centersblood and other medical organizations. Any device is absolutely safe, since EHF radiation is used at low intensity. A small power when exposed to the body does not contribute to the heating of tissues.

kfc therapy reviews
kfc therapy reviews

Due to the fact that there is no thermal effect, the physiotherapy apparatus for EHF therapy can be used in pregnancy, tumors (benign and malignant) and various inflammatory diseases.


Having learned about what EHF-therapy is, having studied its indications and contraindications, we will conclude that this is the treatment of many diseases with the help of millimeter waves. After such procedures, the cells work more harmoniously for the recovery of the body, all structures and systems unite and generally normalize human life. This is especially indicated for those who are in old age, often suffer from chronic rhinitis and tonsillitis, have problems with the bronchi, or people with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Extremely high frequency therapy is successfully combined with traditional medicinal methods of treatment, as well as other physiotherapy. What else doctors and patients liked was the absence of absolute contraindications. This gives an advantage in the treatment of seriously ill people and pregnant women.
