F-50 blood test - what it is, how it is done, decoding the result

F-50 blood test - what it is, how it is done, decoding the result
F-50 blood test - what it is, how it is done, decoding the result

All infectious pathologies need accurate and timely diagnosis. HIV is no exception. An early diagnosis allows early treatment to begin, thereby prolonging the patient's life. When determining the pathology, an F-50 blood test is given. What is it and how to properly prepare for it?

Blood test for hiv f 50
Blood test for hiv f 50

Peculiarities of HIV

Everyone has heard of such a pathology as HIV, and knows that this disease is dangerous. The infection is transmitted through sexual intercourse or through blood. The first cases of infection were recorded not so long ago - at the end of the last century, and the virus itself was discovered only in 1982.

The immunodeficiency virus cannot exist on its own, it needs a living cell. He builds his genetic information into it. After infection, a person becomes a carrier of a pathology that may not manifest itself for a long time. As a result, the infected lose their ability to resist disease.

Normal in a he althy person 1200-3,000 T-leukocytes. With HIV, their number decreases. In this case, the patient may feel normal for a long time, since the pathological condition may not manifest itself for many years. But one day there comes a period when the number of cells reaches a critical point, and then the disease manifests itself. And in order to identify the pathology, they conduct a blood test for HIV. It can be done without waiting for symptoms to appear. There are methods that show the presence of the virus three weeks after a possible infection. The technique for detecting antibodies allows early detection of the infection and treatment.

Analysis for HIV f 50
Analysis for HIV f 50

Analysis features

A blood test for HIV F-50 is performed to detect the detection of enzyme-linked immunosorbent antibodies directed against HIV. If antibodies are found, then there is an infection of this type.

Many are interested in what is F-50 blood test and what does it show? This is a special technique for detecting antibodies. The letter "f" is an abbreviation of the word "form", the number is the number of the form. In other words, this is an analysis in form 50. The detection of antibodies allows you to determine what pathological processes are taking place in the body, as well as to determine past or current infections. Often, during the study, viruses and bacteria are detected that cannot be established using other methods.

Types of tests

HIV is detected by different methods. More common:

  1. PCR - is considered the most reliable way to detect the virus. Thisthe view allows you to detect the HIV virus as early as three weeks after infection.
  2. ELISA - carried out no earlier than 2-3 months after infection. At earlier dates, it does not give results.
F 50 blood test decoding
F 50 blood test decoding

When is the test?

The doctor prescribes a blood test according to form 50 to detect Rh-conflict during pregnancy, with thyroid pathologies. It is also prescribed for suspected venereal and other pathologies. In addition, blood for antibodies to HIV is donated in the following cases:

  • preparation for surgery;
  • when planning a pregnancy;
  • after casual intercourse;
  • with sudden weight loss;
  • when using non-sterile injection needles.

There are a number of alarming symptoms that require immediate investigation. These include:

  • stool disorder lasting more than three weeks;
  • unclear fever;
  • lymphopenia, leukopenia;
  • swollen lymph nodes in various areas not related to inflammation;
  • infectious pathologies: candidiasis, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, frequent exacerbation of herpesvirus.
  • Blood test f 50 what does it mean
    Blood test f 50 what does it mean


The procedure for taking blood from a vein takes about seven minutes. After taking the material, the injection site is treated and sealed with a plaster. The analysis is given on an empty stomach. To avoid dizziness after donating blood, it is recommended to drink a cup ofsweet tea or eat chocolate.

Doctors say that the F-50 blood test is an important procedure and must be completed. She is painless. To be referred for research, you need to visit a therapist. In private clinics, blood can be donated anonymously by filling out a questionnaire. She will be assigned a number that will be known to the patient and medical staff. The obtained results of the examination cannot be registered with the ORIB, and they cannot be provided at the antenatal clinic or during hospitalization.


Only a doctor can decipher the F-50 blood test and make an accurate diagnosis, because the same results in different cases can indicate different symptoms.

Qualitative analysis:

  1. Screening - if there are no antibodies in the blood, then the answer indicates "negative". If antibodies to the virus are detected, then a second study is carried out. In the case of a double confirmation of the result, indicate "positive".
  2. Verification analysis allows you to assess the presence of the virus by darkening at the locations of certain proteins. In other pathologies, changes in the test strip occur in other parts.
  3. F 50 analysis decoding
    F 50 analysis decoding

Quantitative analysis

Deciphering a blood test for HIV according to F-50 shows the volume of detected pathogen RNA and is expressed in copies / ml:

  1. RNA is not detected. In this case, the value is below the sensitivity limit of the method.
  2. Less than 20 copies/ml. RNA is detected within the sensitivity of the method. Characteristic withlittle precision.
  3. From 20-106 copies/ml - this value gives a reliable result.
  4. Over 106 copies/mL – RNA is detected at the indicated concentration, which is outside the linear range.

What does the F-50 blood test mean and how to understand it? Usually, the certificate indicates a negative or positive result. This is a qualitative result, it does not give an idea of the stage of the disease, the duration of infection.

From the article you learned that this is an F-50 blood test and what it gives. This method allows you to determine whether the patient is infected with HIV or not.
