Modern conditions of study and work, long sitting at the table and working at the computer very often cause severe back pain. The cervical spine is most susceptible to stress, which causes discomfort and discomfort that accompanies us throughout the day.
An effective way to relieve pain in the collar area is a special massage, it can be done by a specialist or done at home on your own.

Massage is prescribed for children and adults. It is used both for therapeutic purposes and for the prevention of the onset of the disease.
The main indications for massage of the neck and collar area is tension and spasm of the back muscles. Be sure to do the treatment of this section of the spine with fatigue, decreased performance and dizziness. Massage of the collar zone is prescribed for osteochondrosis, posture disorders, curvature of the spine.

Check problems can be indicated by frequent high blood pressure and respiratory problems.
Many people are recommended neck massage procedures, but there are a number of contraindications, in which it is strictly forbidden to use it. To avoid he alth problems and prevent worsening of the condition, it is necessary to consult a qualified doctor before starting the course.
It is forbidden to massage this area during an exacerbation of infectious diseases, at high temperature, high blood pressure. Massage should not be done if tumors have been identified in the cervical area.
Therapeutic massage
This type of massage is prescribed by doctors for certain indications. With an appropriate level of preparation and study of the methods of performing basic movements, one of the family members can massage the patient at home.
As a rule, at least 10 massage sessions are required to achieve a visible effect of the treatment.

The treatment procedure includes the following manipulations:
- stroking movements that are performed at the beginning of the session and contribute to the acceleration of blood and lymph;
- the second step is rubbing the palms in the neck area, thereby preparing the skin for further manipulations;
- The main part of the massage is kneading movements, which can be transverse, longitudinal and exciting. They normalize blood flow and contribute to the speedythe patient's recovery.
After a hard impact on the collar zone, it is necessary to relax the neck muscles with the help of vibrational movements, they are light pats on the working area. In order for the massage therapist to work comfortably, and he was able to find all the points for the procedure, the patient must lie or sit, leaning his hands on a chair or table. The head is placed on crossed arms.

To avoid injury to the skin during the session, you can use a special cream or oil.
If bruises remain on the body after the massage procedure, the patient experiences acute pain and deterioration in general condition, this means that the massage was performed incorrectly.
After the massage, the skin in this area usually remains reddened for some time. The patient may feel a slight tingling and burning sensation. This is absolutely normal and happens because after the procedure, metabolic processes in the whole body are accelerated and blood flow increases.
Acupressure for osteochondrosis
This procedure contributes to the rapid relief of a person's condition. Acupressure massage can be done at home on your own, the main thing is to find the right points, the impact on which will have a positive effect in the fight against diseases of the cervical-collar zone.
The first points to be affected are paired, located at the base of the skull under the tubercles on the back of the head. Further, the impact must be exerted on the points located at the junctionspine and skull. Acupressure ends with pressure on points around the seventh cervical vertebra.

The pressure should be strong, but not painful.
These points are responsible for improving blood circulation and help relieve muscle tension.
Diverting massage
This procedure helps to eliminate puffiness, which was formed due to the active deposition of s alts. In addition, this massage is used to normalize blood flow. With the abduction option, muscle tissue is strengthened, spasms are eliminated, and pain is reduced.
At the very beginning of the procedure, stroking movements are performed from the shoulders to the base of the neck, after which the massage therapist does kneading to eliminate muscle spasm.
As a rule, the duration of the course of the diverting massage is at least 7 procedures. The duration of each session is 20 minutes.
Massage for pregnant women
The period of pregnancy is a serious test for the female body. Very often, a woman carrying a fetus complains of pain in different areas of her back. During pregnancy, it is forbidden to do back massage, as this can provoke a miscarriage. Massage of the cervical-collar zone is not prohibited. It can significantly improve the condition of the expectant mother. The main thing is to know how to massage the collar zone for pregnant women at home, so as not to harm the expectant mother.
Women during this period are massaged while sitting, for convenience, the head is placed on folded hands. During the session, it is recommended to usenatural vegetable oils, such as olive oil. The movements used during the pregnancy massage are similar to those in the healing version.
Relaxing massage
It is this type of collar zone massage at home that is the most common. It is performed in a lying or sitting position. A relaxing massage is useful as it helps to restore the functioning of the intervertebral discs and joints.
Similarly to other types of massage of the collar zone, when performing a relaxing procedure, stroking and warming movements are first performed. After the skin turns red and is ready for further "manipulations", rubbing movements should be made with greater force, kneading the large muscles of the collar zone. During the procedure, you can use pinching, pulling and sorting.
An important condition for performing a massage is that the procedure should help to relax a person. During the session, the patient should not experience any discomfort or pain.

A relaxing massage session of the collar area ends with a light tapping of the edge of the palm for several minutes. This type of massage can be done at home daily.
Massage for children
As a rule, children are usually massaged at home by their mother in order to prevent and normalize the formation of the cervical spine. Massage can be prescribed even for infants. It is most convenient to start doing the procedure for an infant whenhe can already hold his head and lie comfortably on his stomach.

The main movements that are used when massaging the collar zone in children are light stroking with the palms. You can perform gentle kneading actions. The procedure ends with a light stroking of the neck and shoulders of the baby. When performing a massage of the child's collar zone, all movements must be done calmly without tension.
Not everyone has the opportunity to find a person who can carry out massage procedures, so self-massage is the most affordable option. For its implementation, classical techniques are used, such as stroking, rubbing, patting and pinching. In the event that there is severe inflammation in the cervical-collar zone, then during self-massage it is necessary to knead the side where the pain is minimal.
When self-massaging the collar zone, you can use hard washcloths, therapeutic warming ointments and special massagers. It should be noted that if there is no positive effect from self-massage and the state of he alth continues to deteriorate, then you should immediately seek help from a doctor who will help restore spinal function as soon as possible.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that the massage technique of the collar zone is quite simple and accessible to everyone. Properly performed massage helps to reduce the feeling of pain. In addition, patients experience an improvement in mood and an increase in vitality.strength.