Sporadic is the incidence rate outside the epidemic

Sporadic is the incidence rate outside the epidemic
Sporadic is the incidence rate outside the epidemic

Sporadic morbidity is one of the phenomena that make up the epidemic process, and a manifestation of the weakest manifestation of the epidemic (epizootic) process.

sporadic it
sporadic it

Links of the epidemic process

  • Sporadic incidence.
  • Epidemic.
  • Pandemic.

What is sporadic incidence

Sporadic - this means single, registered from time to time, irregularly.

Sporadic incidence is usually called the frequency of detection of a certain disease at a level characteristic of the area under study, the current season, or corresponding to the characteristics of a single population.

In other words, a sporadic disease is a disease whose cases are distributed relatively evenly in the population and are not linked by epidemic dependence and a common source of infection, and also do not have signs of a hereditary, family disease. The quantitative criterion of sporadic incidence is the frequency of occurrence of no more than ten cases of the disease per one hundred thousand of the population.

Main causes of sporadic disease

  • Neuroendocrine changes in the body.
  • Violationsnormal embryogenesis.
  • Pathology of pregnancy (particularly occlusive vascular lesions).
  • Spontaneous mutations.
sporadic disease
sporadic disease

Examples and features

  • Sporadic goiter. The disease occurs everywhere and is associated, rather, with neurohormonal disruptions occurring in the body. If such a disease is found to be associated with the characteristics of the composition of the soil or water in a given area, then this case is not sporadic. This phenomenon should be classified as an endemic pathology.
  • Sporadic hemiplegic migraine. A case of migraine is recorded as sporadic - this is when the clinical picture characteristic of this form (migraine with aura, manifested by hemiparesis, in extreme cases - up to hemiplegia lasting up to one hour) does not occur in the anamnesis of any of the relatives. Sporadic migraine should be differentiated from other forms of this disease that have similar symptoms, as well as cerebrovascular accidents, including transient ones.
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The character is sporadic in most cases. This disease also has a familial form, transmitted through an autosomal dominant inheritance. It is registered in ten percent of cases of the total incidence and has certain anatomical and clinical features that help differentiate it from a sporadic variant.
