Appendicitis: symptoms in adults, the elderly, pregnant women and children

Appendicitis: symptoms in adults, the elderly, pregnant women and children
Appendicitis: symptoms in adults, the elderly, pregnant women and children

Most often when a disease such as appendicitis occurs, the symptoms in adults, the elderly, pregnant women and children can vary significantly from each other.

Clinical manifestations of the disease in adults

Appendicitis symptoms in adults
Appendicitis symptoms in adults

Such people have the so-called classic symptoms of appendicitis. Initially, the patient has pain near the navel. Later they move to the right iliac region. If a person develops a gangrenous form of appendicitis, then the pain may subside for a while. When the appendix perforates, the patient has very severe, often diffuse pain. In this case, surgical intervention must be carried out as soon as possible, otherwise such a complication can lead to the most disastrous consequences. The fact is that in this case, peritonitis develops, which is perhaps the most dangerous condition for the body.

If appendicitis develops, symptoms in adults are not limited to pain. In these patients, there is an increasefever, vomiting occurs. Naturally, their general condition also suffers. It is worth noting that if appendicitis develops, the symptoms in adults most often correspond to their classic variant, but they can manifest themselves with different severity.

Appendicitis in the elderly

Emergency help for appendicitis
Emergency help for appendicitis

If appendicitis develops in the older generation, then their symptoms of this disease manifest themselves somewhat differently than in adults. The fact is that the sensitivity in older people is reduced. This leads to the fact that their pain has an unexpressed, diffuse character. They cannot pinpoint exactly where their pain is most pronounced. Sometimes appendicitis in such people is almost asymptomatic. The result of this is a fairly frequent development in the elderly of such complications as appendicular infiltrate. At the same time, the patient has dull pain in the right iliac region.

Appendicitis in pregnancy

Surgical intervention
Surgical intervention

If appendicitis develops, the symptoms in adults and pregnant women are almost the same. Expectant mothers also experience pain in the lower abdomen, in its right side. The only feature is the fact that in this area, pregnant women often experience pain without any pathological process. If the pain is not very pronounced, then the woman may not go to the doctor at all. It's dangerous enough. Only emergency care for appendicitis guaranteesboth the preservation of the he alth of the mother and the normal further development of the fetus.

Appendicitis in children

This disease can be very difficult to detect. If in older children its clinic is practically no different from that in adults, then kids simply do not have the opportunity to point to the place where the pain is localized. Naturally, such a child will be restless. In addition, his abdominal muscles will be very tense. The diagnosis is based on the examination of the baby by specialists.
