At what pressure to call an ambulance: hypotonic and hypertonic types, normal blood pressure, lower and upper limits of normal, dangerous blood pressure indicators and first aid

At what pressure to call an ambulance: hypotonic and hypertonic types, normal blood pressure, lower and upper limits of normal, dangerous blood pressure indicators and first aid
At what pressure to call an ambulance: hypotonic and hypertonic types, normal blood pressure, lower and upper limits of normal, dangerous blood pressure indicators and first aid

Hypotonia and hypertension are often confused with each other, although in fact they are absolutely opposite. But under certain factors, hypertension can develop into hypotension, and vice versa, hypotension into hypertension. At what pressure should I call an ambulance during pregnancy and in the normal state? Let's deal with this issue.

at what pressure to call an ambulance
at what pressure to call an ambulance

How do you tell hypertension from hypotension?

The main difference between these conditions is that with hypotension there is a decrease in blood pressure, and with hypertension - an increase. Hypertension is associated with excitation of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. Hypotonia - with the excitation of the parasympathetic department. The main danger of hypertension is a sharp increase in blood pressure, which can lead to a heart attack, coma, or death. With hypotension, there is a critical decrease in blood pressure, as a result of which the hearta person can also stop. You need to study all the indicators in order to know at what pressure you need to call an ambulance.

Hypertension from hypotension can be distinguished by appearance. Doctors describe the portrait of a hypertensive patient as follows: most often this person is overweight, has bad habits, and prefers high-calorie foods. He leads a sedentary lifestyle, sleeps and rests little, and is often in stressful situations.

Hypotonics are described somewhat differently: this is a person with a thin body and eternally cold limbs. Has problems with appetite and breathing, often experiencing dizziness, headache and shortness of breath during physical activity.

For people of different ages there are blood pressure norms. When should you call an ambulance?

BP norms

Most often, young people do not worry about what their pressure is, and even more so they know little about its norms. Over the years, the body wears out and makes itself felt, then the person asks questions about the norms of blood pressure.

Age, years Minimum pressure readings Average pressure reading Maximum pressure readings
Up to a year 75/50 90/60 100/75
1 – 5 80/55 95/65 110/79
6 – 13 90/60 105/70 115/80
14 – 19 105/73 117/77 120/81
20 – 24 108/75 120/79 132/83
25 – 29 109/76 121/80 133/84
30 – 34 110/77 122/81 134/85
35 – 39 111/78 123/82 135/86
40 – 44 112/79 125/83 137/87
45 – 49 115/80 127/84 139/88
50 – 54 116/81 129/85


55 – 59 118/82 131/86 144/90
60 – 64 121/83 134/87 147/91

Sudden jumps in blood pressure to a critical state can lead to death. In order to prevent the death of a loved one or not to die himself, everyone needs to know which pressure indicators are critical.

The human bodyindividual, but many believe that a thirty-point drop in pressure is dangerous. Experts do not give an exact answer to this question, but they think that the body cannot withstand blood pressure greater than 260/140 mm Hg. Art. Then the person dies. And a sharp drop in pressure leads to cardiac shock and certain uncomfortable sensations, after which the heart muscle stops.

Hypertension causes frequent attacks. Most often, they are observed during stressful situations, mental and physical overload, as well as other factors. An increase in pressure leads to the development of severe complications of the cardiovascular system. It happens that hypertension manifests itself critically. In this state, the pressure often and sharply rises to 200/120 mm Hg. Art. and higher. Only timely first aid can save the patient.

At what pressure to call an ambulance? Doctors say that if the upper indicator is more than 160, then you should immediately contact a specialist, otherwise the risk of a hypertensive crisis is high. Then at what low pressure to call an ambulance? If the indicator is less than 60, then the patient should seek medical help.

If we are talking about pressure during pregnancy, then in this case, an ambulance should be called even with the most minimal jumps and a change in well-being. There are no standard norms, because a woman's body reacts differently. Uncontrolled pressure surges can greatly affect the condition of a pregnant woman and her unborn baby. So noself-medication is unacceptable here and the question at what pressure to call an ambulance during pregnancy is not worth it at all. Call her immediately.

at what pressure should an ambulance be called
at what pressure should an ambulance be called

Low pressure emergency

In case hypotension is traced, increased drowsiness, weakness, heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea and fainting, it is necessary to call an ambulance. While waiting for the arrival of doctors, do the following:

  • It is necessary for the patient to quickly take a supine position without a pillow, with legs elevated.
  • If this is not possible, then you need to seat him, bend your knees and gently lower his head between them. It is necessary that the patient relax the muscles and sit in this state for at least 3 minutes.
  • Breathing must be even and shallow.
  • Provide fresh air into the room, loosen constricting clothing on the patient.
  • Give him a glass of strong tea or offer him a pickle.
  • Intensively rub the patient's legs, starting from the feet and moving towards the knees.

Emergency help for hypertensive patients

To prevent hypertension from becoming a crisis, there are standards for patient care. Doctors act according to these rules:

  1. First, the patient is given a Nifedipine tablet under the tongue. This drug has a mild hypotensive effect and helps normalize blood flow.
  2. To lower blood pressure, a specialist injects Dibazol intravenously into a patient andmedicines representing the group of diuretics.
  3. If there are failures in the rhythm of the heart, then beta-blockers are used. They are also administered intravenously or intramuscularly.
at what low pressure to call an ambulance
at what low pressure to call an ambulance

Rules to follow

Treatment of acute hypertensive crisis should be carried out exclusively in intensive care.

  1. In case of complications, in the form of insufficiency of the left ventricle of the heart, ganglion blockers are used. These drugs isolate nerve impulses in the ganglia, thereby reducing the workload on the heart. Ganglioblockers are perfectly combined with diuretics.
  2. With a lack of coronary vessels, a very dangerous condition occurs. To facilitate well-being, "Sustak" and "Nitrong" are administered, combined with painkillers. If pain relief fails, narcotic drugs are used.

The main point of all therapy is to relieve symptoms and reduce the load on the heart.

at what pressure should i call an ambulance
at what pressure should i call an ambulance

And what if you had to stop the disease at home?

How can you quickly provide first aid to a patient with hypertension if an attack occurs at home? If the patient is not helped in time, high blood pressure disrupts the nutrition of the kidneys, eyeballs, myocardium and brain, because the vessels are in a state of spasm.

Of course, an emergency medical service is needed if a crisis develops. Relief of the crisis on your own,can lead to serious complications, and they, in turn, to death. It is vital for the patient to call an emergency and to know the following first aid steps.

at what pressure to call an ambulance during pregnancy
at what pressure to call an ambulance during pregnancy

Normalize mental state

It is necessary to normalize the mental state of the patient. With pressure surges, the patient's heartbeat quickens, thoughts based on anxiety appear, and a panic state develops. All this can contribute to an increase in blood pressure, so it is worth reassuring the patient, offering him a Corvalol tablet under the tongue or alcohol tincture of hawthorn.

at what pressure can you call an ambulance
at what pressure can you call an ambulance

Regulate breathing rhythm

The place where the patient is located must be ventilated. In order to stabilize the rhythm of breathing, breathing exercises should be performed. Take a comfortable position for the patient. It is better to find a bed of medium hardness, and place the patient half-sitting. You can make this position with the help of pillows.

On the forehead it is worth putting something cold for a couple of minutes, on the contrary, warming to the legs. Take heart medications prescribed by your doctor. Even if the medicine needs to be drunk by the hour, an extraordinary dose of the drug is used during an attack. With excruciating severe pain in the heart area, you need to take "Nitroglycerin". In the absence of a result, 2 more tablets are allowed, one at a time, with an interval of 10-15 minutes.

atwhat pressure to call an ambulance
atwhat pressure to call an ambulance

Relieve pressure

In order to lower blood pressure, it is necessary to take antihypertensive drugs. Persistent pressure may decrease slightly, because of this, you should take the drug one more time after half an hour. The patient must measure blood pressure, approximately every 15-20 minutes. in order to track progress. Such strict control will help to find out the effectiveness of the drugs taken.

If the measures taken have not brought relief, it is imperative to call emergency medical care. Information about all the measures taken before the arrival of the doctors will help specialists to stabilize the patient's condition in a short time.

Fresh air flow

If you take medication but do not ventilate the room, the result will be minimal. Relief will come faster if the patient is in a relaxed state. So his vessels gradually expand, breathing stabilizes. It is best to change the patient into loose clothing.

At what pressure should I call an ambulance to stabilize him?

No need to try to stabilize the pressure for a couple of seconds, this will only aggravate the situation. You should not take additional drugs to quickly bring it to 120/80. With a pressure jump to 220/120, it will be enough to reduce it to 160/100.

When all parameters are normal, for the purpose of prevention, you need to take a tincture of hawthorn or valerian. And for the next 5 days, it is recommended to continue taking them 1/2 tbsp. l., diluted in 1/3 tbsp. water, three timesin a day. In case of problems with sleep or disturbance of the psycho-emotional state, you should consult a doctor.

On the first and second day after a hypertensive attack, all drugs should be excluded, except for antibiotics and drugs with an antihypertensive effect. First aid will help to alleviate the patient's condition during an attack, but you should still consult a doctor and get advice on further actions.

After an attack, you may experience headache, dizziness, fatigue. It is necessary to adhere to bed rest and avoid stressful situations.

Critically high blood pressure can lead to the failure of vital human organs. Therefore, it is best to take care of your he alth and not bring yourself to such a state. And knowing at what pressure you can call an ambulance and how to provide first aid, you can avoid life-threatening situations.
