ACCP analysis: features, preparation, norm, decoding, where to pass

ACCP analysis: features, preparation, norm, decoding, where to pass
ACCP analysis: features, preparation, norm, decoding, where to pass

Today, rheumatoid arthritis is considered the most serious disease. It affects the internal tissues of the joint. Accurate medical diagnosis is necessary to fight the disease. It depends only on her how effectively the appropriate treatment will be carried out.

Now you can use a new laboratory test method, which is defined as ACCP. This disease is almost impossible to detect with the naked eye. Research is needed to find it. No other method can detect antibodies before the first symptoms appear.

What does ACCP analysis reveal?

adcp analysis
adcp analysis

This analysis detects the presence of antibodies to CCP, which show abnormalities in the tissues of the joints. The inflammatory process takes a long time. This study allows you to identify the inflammatory focus at an early stage of development.

What changes occur in the body?

The disease is formed in the body a year and a half before it manifests itself. In the process of metabolism in the presence of a disease, citrulline is created. Amino acids are produced bybiochemical reactions. When the human body is completely he althy, there is no protein synthesis with citrulline. With rheumatoid arthritis, changes occur in the structure of the blood. The peptide contained in citrulline is perceived by the body as foreign. The human body begins to produce antibodies.

Why detect disease early?

take an analysis
take an analysis

Why do I need to take an ACCP test? It is the most accurate for determining rheumatoid arthritis. The accuracy reaches 99%. This allows you to fight the disease from the first inflammatory processes. Diagnosis is important at an early stage of the formation of the disease.

Symptoms of disease

This disease is accompanied by an inflammatory process in the joints, various changes occur in the body. The main symptom of the disease is the destruction of the internal tissues of the joints. Symptoms of the disease:

  • red spots appear on the skin;
  • pain in the joints;
  • puffiness appears;
  • hard to move limbs;
  • weakness in the body.

As the disease progresses, stiffness in movements and deformity of the joints appear.

If you need a blood test for ACCP, where to take it? The medical specialist should determine the emerging signs of the disease and send the patient for an appropriate blood test for rheumatic tests. In polyclinics, a routine rheumatoid examination is performed, which cannot show accurate data. The analysis is carried out in several stages. To get started, you needget a doctor's prescription. Then go to the laboratory.

Technology of carrying out

blood test for acp where to take
blood test for acp where to take
  • ACCP analysis performed in the morning.
  • Blood taken from a vein.
  • The blood is poured into a test tube, where it is split and sent for further research.
  • Analysis is fast and accurate.
  • The transcript of the results is ready in the first days, and the result itself is stored for about a week.

So, the analysis of the ACCP was passed. Norm - 3 units / ml. If you have received such indicators, you are completely he althy. If the values exceed the norm, then most likely the disease is developing or progressing. The stage of development of the disease depends on the coefficient of excess of the norm. The method and complex of treatment therapy depends on the coefficient of the indicator.

ACCP analysis needed for:

  • determining the disease at the initial stage;
  • detection of seronegative forms of the disease;
  • diagnostic characteristics of arthritis;
  • determining the risk of disease disorders;
  • determining the form of treatment.

Preparing for the test

analysis accp norm
analysis accp norm

Before you go to donate blood, you should follow the necessary requirements so that the analysis produces accurate results and there are no false positives. Basic Requirements:

  • no smoking;
  • it is forbidden to eat heavy and fatty foods, drink alcohol;
  • no physical activity;
  • get enough sleep the night before;
  • not stress;
  • nottake medication;
  • do not eat fast food;
  • analysis is performed on an empty stomach.

Factors affecting the result

analysis accp decryption
analysis accp decryption

What can affect the analysis of ACCP? The result depends on smoking. Experts have long established the fact of the influence of tobacco nicotine on the formation of rheumatoid arthritis. Smoking in itself entails serious consequences for the entire human body. It enhances the development of the disease. Nicotine increases blood cyclin and leads to inaccurate test results.

Where is the research being done?

How much does an ACCP analysis cost, where to take it? This analysis can be taken in many clinics in large cities. The price is approximately 1500 rubles.

Arthritis treatment

When the disease becomes chronic, it is necessary to be under the supervision of a doctor. It is a set of measures of therapy aimed at alleviating pain, dulling the development of the disease. During treatment, drugs are prescribed that reduce inflammation. This blocks the development of enzymes.

The basic drugs include Leflunomide, Azathioprine, Cyclophosphamide, Cyclosporine. You need to take them for at least six months. They are cytostatics, antimalarials, sulfonamides and D-penicillamines.

Glucocorticosteroid hormonal drugs are Dexamethasone, Triamcinolol, Prednisolone. They are prescribed because they remove pain, are used in a set of measures of therapy.

Protein drugs have an effect onimmunity and reduce inflammation.

Surgery is used in severe cases.

The lifestyle is radically changing, you need to give up bad habits, plan your daily routine, do exercises every morning, switch to proper nutrition.


To reduce the risk of occurrence and development of this disease, it is necessary to lead a he althy lifestyle. It is required to get rid of all bad habits: you can not smoke, drink alcohol. It is necessary to monitor your he alth, treat colds in time, as they can provoke the development of RA. Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious disease that develops into a chronic stage. It is required to be under the constant supervision of specialists.

Diagnosis plays an important role in detecting and preventing disease. It is important to conduct a qualitative and timely examination in order to predict future treatment. The main thing is to follow the rules for taking tests so that they are correct and that they do not make an erroneous diagnosis. Improper treatment can provoke a metabolic disorder. The study of ACCP is important in the modern world, where people do not attach much importance to various ailments. It is easier to prevent than to cure later.

ACCP analysis: transcript

analysis of accp where to pass
analysis of accp where to pass

It is required for medical professionals to draw up the correct step-by-step treatment. After the entire course of treatment is completed, you should re-take the test for the detection of ACCP in the blood. If the analysis again shows an increase in performance,you should contact a medical professional, show the results of a re-examination. Then the doctor will draw up a new set of measures to combat the disease.

  • Norm 0-20 U / ml - analysis with a negative value.
  • 20, 0-39, 9 U/mL - weakly positive assay.
  • 40-59, 9 U/mL is positive.
  • More than 60 U/ml - strongly expressed.

In case of abnormalities, you should immediately consult a doctor.
