Pressure 100 over 70: causes and treatment

Pressure 100 over 70: causes and treatment
Pressure 100 over 70: causes and treatment

A blood pressure of 100/70 is most often not normal and needs to be treated. But there are exceptions. For example, teenagers and athletes may not worry if they see such a mark on the tonometer. For them, this is normal pressure. However, for other people it is hypotension. This pathology significantly reduces the quality of life: patients experience weakness, shortness of breath, migraine and dizziness. If the pressure dropped very sharply, a person may even lose consciousness. Therefore, you need to understand how dangerous it is. A pressure of 100 over 70 can cause sudden fainting.

What to do if the pressure drop is caused by illness?

pressure 100 over 70
pressure 100 over 70

Low blood pressure is common not only for the elderly, but also for young people. Often it is purely physiological in nature, but some ailments are not excluded. If they are, then it is necessary to take medications for low blood pressure. They must be prescribed by a doctor. If the pressure is 100 to 70, then there is no doubt that the specialist will do everything possible to normalize it. No need to worry, better trust the doctor and hope for the best.

Physiological hypotension

Low pressure hasmany reasons. But most often, physiological hypotension is explained by the genetic predisposition of a person and is observed in people who do not have serious diseases. Throughout their lives, they never experience any alarming symptoms, their working capacity is at the appropriate level, they can perform both physical and mental work. They don't mind the low pressure. 100/70 is normal for them. Therefore, they can not worry about their he alth.

The consequences of moving

In some people, blood pressure drops when moving to another city or country, when the acclimatization process is underway. At this time, the body gets used to the new conditions. As a rule, the pressure drops when visiting mountainous areas and those states where a hot climate reigns. This should be taken into account when moving. In addition, low blood pressure can often be observed in those who move a lot or engage in physical labor, and this is not a cause for concern. If a person feels well at the same time, he should not consult a doctor. The pressure of 100 over 70 does not pose any danger to him.

if the pressure is 100 over 70
if the pressure is 100 over 70

Chronic diseases in which hypotension develops

Doctors-therapists say that hypotension often occurs in people prone to serious chronic ailments. These include hypothyroidism, VSD, hypofunction of the adrenal cortex, and head trauma. In some cases, the pressure is significantly reduced in exhausted people who have survived surgery. In addition, often acute hypotensiondevelops with collapse, severe blood loss, heart attack, and also after poisoning. In such cases, the pressure of 100/70 is an alarming symptom. This needs to be clearly understood.

blood pressure 100/70
blood pressure 100/70

If there is a disease, the doctor prescribes drug therapy aimed at increasing pressure. Choosing the right drug is not easy - for this you need to carry out a reliable diagnosis. To eliminate the existing pathology, drugs are selected exclusively by a doctor.

Some more causes of hypotension, treatment

Pressure can drop sharply if the peripheral vessels of a person are in a weak tone, and also if the heart contracts unnaturally rarely. In this situation, it is imperative to take action. If the pressure is very low, medications are usually given through a vein. Adrenomimetics are used to restore normal tone to peripheral vessels. What funds are included? The most common are the drugs "Norepinephrine" and "Methasone". They help well for those who have blood pressure of 100 over 70.

low blood pressure 100 over 70
low blood pressure 100 over 70

Sometimes it is necessary to increase cardiac output, in which case it is worth resorting to special drugs called glycosides. They are represented by such means as Strofantin, Celanide, and Digoxin. These medications are usually prescribed for hypotension caused by heart failure.

Also, to normalize blood pressure, drugs are often prescribed that havecombined effect. They perform two functions at once: they increase vascular tone and accelerate heart contractions. The most common drugs in this category are Adrenaline and Ephedrine.

Pressure 100 over 70 is not a sentence, it is easy to normalize it. The main thing is not to despair and follow the recommendations of the doctor. And, of course, it is forbidden to self-medicate, because this can only do harm. Many people buy their own medicines, guided by the recommendations of relatives, acquaintances, friends, which they later bitterly regret. After all, the desired improvements, as a rule, do not occur, and in some cases the condition only worsens. And now a completely sick person comes to see a doctor, who is forced to save him not only from hypotension, but also from complications and side effects caused by improper treatment. In this situation, you should not rely on yourself, but only on a specialist.
