Treatment of the umbilical wound of a newborn: what is needed for this and how the procedure is performed

Treatment of the umbilical wound of a newborn: what is needed for this and how the procedure is performed
Treatment of the umbilical wound of a newborn: what is needed for this and how the procedure is performed

With such a procedure as the treatment of the umbilical wound of a newborn, all young mothers face. Of course, if it did

Treatment of the umbilical wound of the newborn
Treatment of the umbilical wound of the newborn

doctor, it would be all very well. But, alas! Treatment of the umbilical wound of a newborn will lie on your shoulders. When the umbilical residue disappears from the crumbs, a small wound surface is formed, which becomes the "entrance" for most infections. That is why the baby's navel must be carefully cared for. Let's figure out what needs to be done and how the umbilical wound of a newborn is treated. First, find out what is required for such a process:

1. Cotton buds (sterile).

2. Zelenka (one percent).

3. Sterile gauze pads.

4. Hydrogen peroxide solution.

Treatment of newborns
Treatment of newborns

Treatment of the umbilical wound of a newborn, algorithm of conduction

Such actions are recommended once or twice a day, preferably before feeding in the morning and after evening bathing. After about two weeks, the wound should dry out and heal. bathe the child in thisperiod is recommended only in boiled water and exclusively with the addition of a solution of potassium permanganate (add only before the procedure). So:

1. Wash your hands well.

2. Stretch the edges of the navel with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand.

3. Lubricate the edges of the umbilical wound with a cotton swab (soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide).

4. Take a dry cotton swab and dry the baby's wound (you can use a cotton swab instead of a cotton swab).

5. Treat the place with brilliant green.

6. Apply a sterile dressing to the umbilical wound.

Baby treatment of a newborn

Most mothers do not even suspect where they take the baby immediately after birth. The answer is quite simple: processing and inspection. It is also important that the first care of a child is the most important moment. After all, your baby has just appeared and, like all adults, needs basic hygiene rules. Let's take a step-by-step look at how newborns are processed. It is divided into four stages:

The first stage is the most important and responsible

Aspiration of the contents of the mouth and nasopharynx. This is done in order to free the above places from accumulations of mucus, which can interfere with the normal breathing of the baby.

Second stage

Prevention of gonorrhea baby. At this stage, the eyelids of the crumbs are wiped with a dry and sterile cotton swab.

Third stage

Prevention of bleeding from the umbilical cord, umbilical sepsis. Doctors apply two clamps to a certain area of the navel and cut it with sterile scissors. The remaining wounds are treated with 96% alcohol.

Primary treatment of the newborn
Primary treatment of the newborn

Fourth stage

Prevention of pyoderma. The child's skin is treated with a cotton swab dipped in vaseline and vegetable oil to remove dirt and cheese-like grease.


Treating an umbilical wound is a simple matter, but it requires attention from parents. After the obstetrician solemnly gave you your baby for the first time, he also gave you all the "authority" to care for the child. Do not forget about the simplest rules of hygiene and the stages of caring for your child. The main thing is not to be afraid! And then you will succeed!
