Why do people need vitamins

Why do people need vitamins
Why do people need vitamins

Video: Why do people need vitamins

Video: Why do people need vitamins
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Why do people need vitamins? Our body is unique - it can work at full strength for some time even with a lack of nutrients. But how does he succeed and what are the consequences? Should I bring myself to such a state, or is it better to avoid it by taking vitamins?

why do people need vitamins
why do people need vitamins

Vitamins are biologically active substances of organic origin. They are not a source of energy for the body or a building material. But at the same time, vitamins are involved in almost all physiological and biochemical processes occurring in the body. In other words, the question “Why does a person need vitamins” can be answered as follows: without them, the normal course of all life processes is impossible. In case of their deficiency, and even more so the absence, metabolism is disturbed and vitamin deficiency develops. Its symptoms are initially invisible, and, as a rule, no one pays attention to them. In the future, fatigue, irritability appear, the condition worsensleather.

vitamins for children up to a year and older
vitamins for children up to a year and older

Today, about 20 substances are known that are classified as vitamins. They must be ingested daily in certain quantities. A feature of vitamins is that they do not accumulate in the body and require constant replenishment. In addition, some substances can enhance the effect of others, while others, on the contrary, can depress.

The need for vitamins depends on the age of the person. Vitamins are extremely important for children up to a year and older. During this period, active growth and mental development takes place. The lack of necessary substances can lead to various deviations in the future. Since the diet of babies is not as rich as in adults (especially in children under one year old), pediatricians recommend taking additional vitamins. The most suitable for the little ones are liquid complexes.

No less important are vitamins in tablets for the elderly. In this case, various changes and disorders occur in the body associated with the "fatigue" of the internal organs. Why do people need vitamins at this age?

vitamins in tablets for the elderly
vitamins in tablets for the elderly

For the full functioning of the whole organism, relieving nervous tension, improving memory, restoring normal physical activity and a he althy appearance.

The human body is unable to synthesize vitamins. Most of them we get from food. However, it should be remembered that today the ecological situation leaves much to be desired. Farmed products do not contain enoughthe number of elements. And not everyone has the opportunity to fully eat. In this regard, the question arises of the need to take special drugs.

Why a person needs vitamins, we have already found out, it remains to figure out how to get them. Taking vitamin and mineral complexes is necessary for people of all ages. Such drugs are presented in pharmacies in large quantities. Which one you choose is entirely up to you. It is not necessary to take them all the time. For example, in the summer, they can be completely abandoned. The optimal time is mid-autumn, early spring, and also during the period of the disease.