In the article we will consider what vertical EOS means.
To diagnose heart disease and determine the effectiveness of the functioning of this organ, they resort to a large number of methods, including the definition of EOS. This abbreviation stands for the electrical axis of the human heart.

EOS is defined as a diagnostic method that displays the electrical parameters of the heart. The value that sets the position of the electrical axis of the heart is the summed value of the bioelectric processes that occur during its contractions. In the process of cardiac diagnostics, the direction of EOS means a lot.
The human heart is understood as an organ of three-dimensional structure, which has a volume. Its position in medicine is determined and presented in a coordinate virtual grid. During their activity, atypical myocardial fibers intensively generate electrical impulses. This system is integral, it conducts electrical signals. It is from there that electrical impulses begin, which make parts of the heart move, determine its Literally a fraction of a second before contractions, electrical changes occur that form the value of EOS.
Sinus rhythm, EOS parameters are reflected on the cardiogram; measurements are taken by a diagnostic apparatus with electrodes attached to the human body. Each of them catches bioelectrical signals that are emitted by parts of the myocardium. The electrodes are projected in three dimensions onto a coordinate grid, allowing you to calculate and determine the angle of the electrical axis, which passes through the areas where the most active electrical processes are located.

Many people wonder if the vertical position of the EOS is dangerous.
What is determined for
Almost all works on ECG deal in detail with issues related to the electrical cardiac axis. Its direction is a significant parameter that needs to be determined. However, in practice, it does not help very well in the diagnosis of most of the pathologies of the heart, numbering more than a hundred. Really useful deciphering the axial direction is in determining the four main states of the body:
- Right ventricular hypertrophy: the hallmark symptom of its enlargement is axial deviation to the right; at the same time, if left ventricular hypertrophy is suspected, a displacement of the cardiac axis is not at all necessary, and the determination of such a parameter in its diagnosis will help little;
- blockade of the anterior-superior branch of the left leg of the bundle of His;
- ventricular tachycardia; some of its forms are distinguished by a deviation to the left or an indefiniteaxis position, in some cases there is a turn to the right side;
- blockade of the posterior-superior branch of the left leg of the bundle of His.

Specific concept
There are several variations in the location of the cardiac electrical axis, under certain conditions its position changes. This does not in all cases indicate diseases and disorders. In a he althy human body, depending on the build, anatomy, the EOS deviates within 0 … + 90˚ (it is considered normal with a normal sinus rhythm +30 … + 90).
Vertical EOS is noted when it is within +70…+90˚. This is typical for tall people with a thin physique (asthenics).
Intermediate types of addition often occur. Thus, the position of the cardiac electrical axis also changes, for example, it can become semi-vertical. Such displacements are not pathological, they are typical for people with normal body functions.
ECG formulation
In the conclusion of the ECG, there may be such a wording: “Vertical EOS, sinus rhythm, heart rate per minute. – 77” - this is normal. It should be noted that the concept of "rotation of the EOS around the axis", the mark of which may be in the electrocardiogram, does not indicate any violations. Such a deviation in itself is not regarded as a diagnosis.
There is a group of ailments that differ just in the vertical sinus EOS: various kinds of cardiomyopathy, especially in the dilated form; ischemia; congenital abnormalities; chronic heart failure.
Whenthese pathologies, there is a violation of the sinus rhythm of the heart.

Left position
If the electrical axis is shifted to the left, the left ventricle with myocardium is hypertrophied (LVH). This type of violation is the most common. This pathology has the value of additional symptoms, not independent, it speaks of an overload of the ventricle, a change in its working process.
The listed violations occur with arterial hypertension of a protracted nature. Pathology is accompanied by a strong load on the vessels that deliver blood to the organ, so ventricular contractions occur very strongly, its muscles increase in size and hypertrophy. The same process is observed in cardiomyopathy, ischemia, etc.
Left localization of the electrical axis, LVH are also diagnosed with defects in the valvular system, the sinus rhythm of contractions is disturbed. Pathology is based on the following processes:
- weak aortic valve, with some of the blood returning back to the ventricle, overloading it;
- aortic stenosis, which makes it difficult for blood to flow out of the ventricle.
The listed disorders are congenital or acquired. Often the cause of the latter is rheumatism suffered by the patient. A change in ventricular volume is noted in people who are professionally involved in sports. Such patients are strongly advised to consult a specialist in order to determine whether physical activity is harmful to he alth.
Deviation of the vertical position of the EOS andsinus rhythm is also found with conduction defects in the ventricle, with blockade heart disorders.

Deviation to the right
In the right ventricle, hypertrophic processes accompany EOS deviation to the right. The right area of the organ is responsible for the flow of blood to the lungs, where it is saturated with oxygen. BPH is characteristic for diseases of the respiratory system: pulmonary obstructive processes of a chronic type, asthma. If the disease proceeds for a long time, it provokes ventricular hypertrophic changes. Other causes of pathological processes are the same as for deviation to the left side: rhythm disturbances, ischemia, chronic heart failure, blockade and cardiomyopathy.
Consequences of displacement, features
Are sinus arrhythmia and vertical EOS dangerous?
EOS is shifting, which is determined on the cardiogram. Additional studies and medical consultation are required when the deviation leaves the normal limits set in the range of 0…+90˚.
Factors and processes influencing the displacement of the cardiac axis are accompanied by severe clinical symptoms and require mandatory additional examinations. It is necessary to pay special attention to the factors when, with pre-existing stable values of axial deviation, an ECG change or a sinus rhythm defect suddenly appears. This symptom is one of the signs of blockade.
Axis deviation itself does not require therapy, it is a cardiac condition that needs to be identified firstappearance. Only a cardiologist will determine whether treatment is necessary in each individual situation.
Sinus arrhythmia is characterized by a change in the duration of the intervals between contractions of the heart, which occurs due to a disorder in the conduction or generation of electrical impulses in the myocardium. The rhythm of the heart may be within the normal range (60-90 beats per minute), as well as be disturbed. Arrhythmias have a different nature, causes and severity.
With this problem, people turn to a therapist, but the treatment of the disease may be in the competence of a cardiologist, neurologist or even a psychotherapist.

Sinus rhythm and vertical position of EOS
There are cells in the heart that create an impulse with a certain number of beats per minute. They are located in the atrioventricular and sinus nodes, in the Purkinje fibers that enter the tissue of the ventricles. On the ECG, sinus rhythm with a vertical EOS means that the sinus node is directly responsible for the generation of such an impulse (50 is the norm). If the value is different, then the pulse is generated by a different node that produces different numbers. A he althy heart sinus rhythm is normal, regular, heart rate is different, depending on age. The rhythm frequency in newborns can range from 60 to 150 per minute. The frequency of the rhythm slows down with growing up and approaches 6-7 years to adult values. In a he althy adult, this indicator is from 60 to 80 per minute.

Vertical EOS in a child
In infants and newborns, there ispronounced right axis deviation on the ECG, by the age of almost all children, the EOS becomes vertical. This is explained physiologically: in the heart, the right sections to some extent prevail over the left ones both in electrical activity and in mass, the position of the heart can also change, that is, rotations around the axes. In many children, by the age of two, the axis is still vertical, in 30% it becomes normal.
At preschool and school age, the normal axis predominates, the vertical axis can be more common, the horizontal one less often.
We looked at what vertical EOS means.