Family therapy is an indispensable tool in a situation where the family is in danger of destruction. This can happen in anyone's life, and you don't even have to be guilty. Many note that everyday life is filled with conflicts, and people cannot come to a mutual understanding so characteristic of the first time. Family therapy helps to find a common language, cope with problems together and avoid the collapse of the social unit.

No way
This is exactly what many people think when they find themselves in a situation of difficult family relationships, if friends, relatives offer to seek help from a specialist. Family therapy for some unknown reason seems to be something frightening, even embarrassing. The opinion is completely wrong. Systemic family therapy helps to cope with numerous difficulties, get rid of innuendo, a load of problems. With the help of a doctor who specializes in this matter,you can finally understand the mindset of a loved one, make contact with him and restore peace in the house.
Families who are faced with difficult life situations often need help. Many people are by nature closed, they simply cannot afford to share their emotional state even with a loved one. Systemic family therapy comes to the rescue, allows you to form a productive dialogue. A timely visit to a specialist is a way to preserve the marriage bond and prevent the destruction of the family. Systemic family therapy is a modern approach actively developed by psychologists and psychotherapists around the world. The accumulated experience shows that this is a really successful method of solving the problem of mutual understanding between family members.
Features of the situation
The Family Therapy Institute was developed as a specialist response to the ever-increasing incidence of crisis in relationships between loved ones. Observation of the cells of society gave an idea of the most typical reactions of a person in a state of crisis:
- distrust of others;
- taunt;
- skeptical perception of the interlocutor.
Techniques of family therapy are based on the following postulate: the interlocutor simply does not realize that a loved one is trying to convey such reactions to him. Many in this situation simply do not understand that relationships can be saved, restored, returned to their former glory.
General information
How does the modern Family Therapy Center work? This is a place where only professional psychologists andpsychotherapists. The task of specialists is to prevent possible problems in the near future, work on situations that have already happened in order to understand the behavior of all participants in the causes of what happened. Doctors help people understand what led to the crisis, what factors provoked it and stimulated the development of the situation. Family psychology and family therapy are an effective measure to prevent emotional breakdowns, from which, unfortunately, no family is immune, especially in the rather difficult social conditions of our time.

By turning to specialists for help, you can restore relationships with loved ones. There are several large clinics working in this direction. The result of the course is positively assessed by people who have visited the Minukhin School of Family Therapy, good reviews about Schwartz and some other authors of unique approaches.
How does it work?
The Institute for Integrative Family Therapy provides interested individuals with up-to-date, useful, practical information in the following areas:
- family system, the essence of the unit of society;
- the ability to realize oneself as part of a family;
- formation of a sustainable productive dialogue with objects that are difficult to communicate;
- restoring understanding between loved ones;
- ways to achieve harmony in the family;
- methods of understanding others.
The Institute for Integrative Family Therapy helps to cope with the fears associated with insight into complex,controversial situations. Success is achievable only when blocking a superficial approach, understanding the essence of the factors that provoked the conflict situation. All problems, as psychologists assure, can be solved, and many patients, having completed a specific course, are surprised, looking back: how did they not understand before that building productive relationships is so simple?
What to pay attention to?
Integrative family therapy helps to define, formulate, establish the boundaries of relationships. This is equally true for the problem of "fathers and children", and for the relationship between parents. As part of the course, the psychologist helps clients find common themes and realize how important they are and how they can determine the future. At the level of sisters and brothers, a specialized approach will help create pleasant relationships, eliminate the harshness and conflict of perception of another person. Many note that only with the help of a psychotherapist they were able to realize the intimacy of a relationship with a loved one. At the same time, an important role in the systemic family therapy of subpersonalities is played by the fact of joint participation, awareness of the interest of all parties in communication in a positive result.
The task of the psychologist is to let the client understand that the family does not contain extra people, everyone is needed, everyone is needed. Thanks to this, it becomes easier to mutually overcome the differences that have arisen. When revealing betrayal, a psychotherapist will help analyze the painful situation. The task of family members is to understand that the preservation of events in the current situation will not give any benefit to moving forward, developmentrelationships must overcome this difficulty. Often, the most modern subpersonality family therapy, developed by a prominent figure - Richard Schwartz, comes to the rescue.
Equality and respect
Family Therapy Helps:
- achieve equal status for all family members;
- eliminate the situation of the appearance of a "scapegoat", including preventing such a position for yourself;
- help each other within the family (this also needs to be learned!);
- reformat relations in such a way that the future is as prosperous as possible;
- realize the importance of the family and its values.
Basic techniques
Currently, family art therapy is popular, psychodrama, joining, playing, observing are no less relevant. The specific method is chosen according to the situation. Many experts positively assess Schwartz's approach: systemic family therapy of subpersonalities. By the way, the author even published a rather popular book based on his own achievements, written in a simple and understandable language, without the use of specific terms. If it is not possible to take a course of family psychotherapy, you can start by studying this work and applying its postulates in reality, gradually developing the situation and, possibly, bringing those close to the understanding of the need for external intervention - psychotherapeutic advice.

This approach involves the inclusion of a doctor in family relationships: the psychologist becomesfull member. This allows you to understand the essence of what is happening between people and take measures to eliminate the conflict situation. This model belongs to the category of role-playing games and includes several successive stages:
- Description of the problem by family members, which helps the psychologist to identify the most active, dominant member.
- Collecting information about the position of each member, formulating a primary conclusion on the situation, confirming the existence of a problem.
- Debriefing first by clients, then with the participation of a psychotherapist.
As noted in psychotherapeutic practice, with this approach to solving a problem, the second step, connected with the formulation of conclusions, is often the most difficult. Many visitors to the sessions categorically disagree with the doctor's opinion, and the difficulties in mutual relations do not allow one to reach an agreed position in a group of clients. Thanks to the transformation of an outsider into a family member, it becomes easier to understand what the essence of the problem is, to find the positive aspects of interaction, develop a strategy to strengthen them, and formulate a line of conduct in relation to a difficult situation. At the stage of debriefing, the psychotherapist controls that the problem is not solved under the direction of one of the group, but by the joint work of all participants. Only joining forces and showing everyone's interest allows you to get a really productive result.
Summing up
The final stage of the role-playing game, involving the addition of another family member, is the development alternative solutions to the circumstances. Under the supervision of a psychotherapist, the participants play out a specific situation, each explains what he will do, how he will behave, how he will react to the actions of others. During the game, all participants have the right to stop others, correct their actions and express their vision.
The psychologist necessarily gives "homework": work through, discuss what was understood during the session, do specific things and not perform certain actions. At the same time, it is monitored that all members of the incoming group take an active part - this condition is one of the key for family therapy.

Surveillance and recycling
With this method of work, the psychotherapist carefully observes the interaction of clients within the group: how people listen, react to information coming from the interlocutor. The data obtained in this way is used to formulate conclusions, draw up a program of recommendations for improving the atmosphere in the house.
Redesigning involves emphasizing the important positive aspects of family relationships. The psychotherapist helps to realize the benefits, pleasant moments of interaction, provokes a desire to work on their development.
Techniques - such means, the use of which helps to adjust the structure of interaction between family members. Sherman, Fredman, in their works generally recognized as applicable in practice, formulated the following list of ways to influencesituation:
- sociometry;
- behavioral strategies;
- paradoxical approaches;
- using the power of imagination.
And if in more detail?
Sociometry is the most widely used approach today. The prevalence of the method is due to the universality of its application. Psychotherapists who have mastered this option of influencing clients to perfection can cope with any family difficulties, placing emphasis on the most powerful aspects of the relationship.
Behavioral approaches involve finding the cause of a difficult, conflict situation. The task of the psychotherapist is to help clients adjust their behavior so that the relationship becomes he althier. It is believed that this method is one of the most effective.

Techniques based on the paradox show a quick positive effect, and the clients get the impression that the problem has exhausted itself. But for a psychologist, mastering the approach is not easy; its application is also associated with certain difficulties. Finally, the use of imagination involves art therapy, working with associations.
Historic moments
Family therapy is a fairly young and currently actively developing method. It was first used after World War II. The authors were the leading psychotherapists of America. It is now recognized that approaches need to be developed and improved. Feature of psychotherapeuticmethods in that the doctor simultaneously works immediately with a group of visitors, influencing the family as a whole. The Germans were the first to recognize this technique, then the method was approved by the Austrians and was adopted in Sweden.
Today, family therapy is actively used in different countries of the world, it is recognized as economical, effective, with long-term results. From year to year more and more numerous new proposals are heard regarding possible methods and approaches, new dependencies and facts are being discovered, ways of influencing people that are fundamentally different from those used previously are being worked out.
Not everything is so simple
While some see family therapy as the future of society, others firmly believe that this option is not suitable for permanent use. The peculiarity is in the absence of own concepts and unique theories accepted by wide circles. What is written in the key works for the direction and what is observed in practice often diverges. It is noted that family therapy is largely heuristic.
Curious Moments
The duration of a course of family therapy in the simplest cases is only a couple of weeks, but there are situations when medical assistance has been needed for years. This is largely determined by the carrier of the symptom and the presence of mental disorders, as well as the activity of interpersonal conflicts. In different cases, clients are motivated to achieve success to varying degrees, this also plays an important role. As a rule, classes begin with one or two sessions weekly, then the frequency is reduced to once every two weeks,then every three weeks.

The main stages of the therapeutic course indicated in the works of Justickis, Eidemiller:
- diagnostics;
- conflict resolution;
- reconstruction;
- support.
The most important thing is to start right
Diagnosing involves typing identified problems. The task of the psychotherapist is to pay attention to the personal qualities of all participants in the process. The psychiatrist formulates hypotheses and seeks justification for them. At the same time, therapy is distinguished by the presence of a diagnostic component at all stages of interaction between the doctor and clients: this is the only way to choose really effective methods of influencing people.
When interacting with family members, the doctor should take into account that the data received from one participant may not coincide with the vision of another person. You need to be able to correlate the information received, form your own unique impression, question and control the behavior of the arriving group. The task of the psychotherapist is to look at the situation from the perspective of each of the family members in order to understand and understand their point of view and help to resolve the conflict situation.
What's next?
After the initial acquaintance with the situation, you can proceed to a deeper analysis of the circumstances. The psychotherapist meets with the family, identifies the source of the conflict situation, analyzes the emotional reaction of each interested person, and looks for ways to eliminate the consequences. As part of the workflow, you need to createa productive dialogue between the client and the doctor, otherwise the event will not be successful.
The task of the psychotherapist is to help all participants in the situation to establish mutually understandable contact, when each family member is able to perceive and understand the information presented by others. The doctor becomes an intermediary, helping to select such a volume of data that all parties to the conflict situation can currently perceive, his task is to control the very fact of transmission, to make sure that the information was heard and understood. The psychotherapeutic session is aimed at working with non-verbal informational components. As a rule, the doctor asks the client to express conflicting data with gestures, asking him to be tolerant and sensitive to others. The most widely used non-directive technology helps to verbalize relationships that are not recognized by family members. Additionally, the doctor can develop unique methods of influence that help clients establish a constructive dialogue.
Continuing work
Only deep insight into family conflict can make a course of systemic therapy really effective. This requires the organization of group discussions with the participation of not only a particular family, but also other people who find themselves in a similar situation. The correct formation of groups allows you to conduct role-playing training, teach clients to discuss, adhering to the rules of constructive dialogue.

When clients have acquired a sufficient amount of empathic skills, the doctor thinks andimplements a course of consolidation of the received information. It helps to correct ranges of behavioral responses and communication skills, thereby enhancing the quality of everyday family life.