In the article we will consider what to do if the blood does not stop.
Cuts always occur very unexpectedly and even minor wounds can lead to serious complications: infection or large blood loss. That is why you should take action in time and stop the bleeding when the damage from the cut has not yet occurred.
The most important thing is to stay calm
If a person is frightened by the sight of blood, he should ask for help from someone around him. If this is not possible, you should overpower yourself, calm down and proceed to fix the problem. In cases where bleeding does not stop for a long time, it is important to take certain measures.
If you need to quickly eliminate bleeding, so as not to stain something with blood in the process of work, which cannot be postponed in anticipation of a natural stop of bleeding, you can use the fingertips sold in the pharmacy (in the case when a finger cut has occurred). In addition to preventing blood from getting into unwanted places, it will help stop bleeding from the finger due tothe compression effect of the rubber ring.
Indicated by continued bleeding from a finger, procedure
If the bleeding does not stop, certain first aid measures should be taken. Unintentional damage to the skin on the fingers and hands is a fairly common occurrence resulting from inaccurate and improper use of a compass, screwdriver, hammer, knife, or any other piercing or cutting object. In such a situation, it is important to clearly follow simple instructions that will prevent the development of further complications.
What to do when the bleeding won't stop?
First aid for injuries and bleeding
A person who finds himself in a similar situation should keep his sanity and try not to panic. Important steps to take to stop bleeding:
- First of all, it is necessary to remove debris from the wound, dirt particles, the remains of the object that provoked the cut (for example, if it is glass). This is not difficult to do in most cases. As a rule, all that is required is to rinse your hands under running, cool water.
- After that, the wound should be treated with an antiseptic. The most accessible antiseptics are hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, alcohol. If possible, it is better to use the first remedy, since this one effectively disinfects the wound without causing severe pain. Do not use iodine to treat a cut, as it dries a and prevents natural healing, creating a crust that cracks over time and causes additional difficulties with regeneration.
- What to do if the blood does not stop, it is important to find out in advance. If the wound resulting from an accident is not very deep, it is recommended to wait a little so that some blood flows out. This will allow dirt to naturally move out of the cut. To stop bleeding from a small wound, it is recommended to hold a swab soaked in an antiseptic preparation on the wound for several minutes.
- After stopping the bleeding, put a bandage or bandage over the cut. However, it should be remembered that they interfere with the access of air, which complicates the regeneration process. Therefore, you should not keep a bandage on a wound for a long time.
- In some cases, after removing the swab with an antiseptic, blood continues to flow from the wound, and quite strongly. In such a case, wrap the wound well using a bandage. If blood continues to flow, the person should seek help from the nearest medical facility.
- In very severe cases, to stop bleeding, you can put your hand in ice or attach something cold to the wound. It is important to remember that the injured area should not come into contact with moisture. That is, ice or a bandaged limb must be placed in a plastic bag. This recommendation is based on the fact that under the influence of cold there is a narrowing of blood vessels and, as a result,stop bleeding.
- It is also allowed to use a special glue that allows you to connect the skin and, thereby, stop the blood. You can buy the drug in almost any pharmacy. However, in difficult situations, such assistance is only temporary. That is, if you receive impressive cuts, you should go to the emergency room, where specialists will stop the bleeding and sew up the cut site.

So the blood doesn't stop. The reasons for this are given below.

What could be the causes of prolonged bleeding?
The most common cause of inability to stop bleeding is impaired blood clotting. This problem is caused by pathological changes in plasma proteins.
Such situations can occur due to a hereditary or acquired disease, such as von Willebrand disease or hemophilia.
It is not always easy and possible to eliminate such pathologies, therefore it is necessary to seek urgent help from a highly qualified specialist.

Impaired blood clotting with what ailments?
Why doesn't the bleeding stop? Coagulation disorders can also occur for other reasons. Among them:
- Thrombocytopenia.
- Medication use.
- Liver cell damage.
- Anemia.
- Lack of vitamin K in the body.
To questions about why the blood does not stop for a long time,experts answer that if insufficient coagulability is excluded, then, most likely, the depth of the cut turned out to be more significant than it seems, and damage to large capillaries occurred. An example of such cases is when the blood does not flow out, but drips in large dark drops. This indicates damage to the vein

Treatment of this pathology
In case of severe blood loss, doctors' recommendations are reduced to the use of iron-based drugs and blood transfusion. In the process of the latter, the patient is compensated for the lack of blood at the expense of donor blood. It is important to consider that it must be fully suitable for a particular patient, and the transfusion procedure is carried out exclusively in stationary conditions under the close supervision of a doctor.

Also, it may be difficult to stop bleeding if the patient has high blood pressure. Therefore, if possible, it should be measured immediately.
Damage Depth

So if the blood does not stop for a long time, then there is a reason for that. The simplest explanation may be a strong depth of damage. In addition, the reason may lie in poor blood clotting. If a minor injury causes prolonged bleeding, you should visit a doctor to find out the reasons. As a rule, experts first recommend taking blood samples for a coagulogram. Surely the doctor will stop the bleeding first.
Procedure forbleeding that does not stop for a long time

So, if the blood does not stop in a child or an adult, the procedure should be as follows:
- The damage must be treated to prevent infection. You can use a cotton pad and any antiseptic for the procedure: brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol.
- After that, you should stop the bleeding by bandaging the damaged area with a sterile bandage.
- In cases where bleeding continues, apply a tourniquet and seek medical attention. It is important to remember that the fixative can be applied for a maximum of 1-2 hours. In addition, the time of application of the tourniquet should be recorded and reported to the physician who will provide assistance.
Timely contacting a specialist will avoid serious consequences and at an early stage find out the reason why the blood stops badly.