Compressor inhaler LD-211C Little Doctor: instructions, reviews

Compressor inhaler LD-211C Little Doctor: instructions, reviews
Compressor inhaler LD-211C Little Doctor: instructions, reviews

Which method of treatment is most effective for respiratory diseases? The best option would be to deliver the medicine directly to the diseased organ: the nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi or lungs. That is why the inhalation method of treatment is very relevant and effective. It is effective in diseases such as rhinitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, tracheitis, pharyngitis, etc.

Treatment in this way is necessary with the help of modern devices, such as the LD-211C inhaler.

inhaler ld 211c
inhaler ld 211c

How does inhalation treat?

The patient inhales the drug solution, which, with the air flow, enters the desired section of the respiratory system and acts there, producing a therapeutic effect.

Modern inhalers - nebulizers. They work without the formation of steam, spraying the drug solution in the form of tiny particles through the nasopharynx. It is on this principle that the Little Doctor-211C inhaler works.

The benefits of using non-steaminhaler:

  • creates a high concentration of the drug in the right part of the respiratory system;
  • allows you to avoid the effects of drugs on the kidneys, liver, heart and other organs;
  • eliminates a lot of side effects unlike other ways of taking medications;
  • reduces the amount of medication prescribed by a doctor in complex treatment;
  • The smallest particles of the drug solution, obtained through the inhaler nebulizer, easily penetrate into the tissues of diseased organs and act even more effectively.

There are many models of non-steam inhalers from different manufacturers. What is unique about the LD-211C compressor inhaler?

compressor inhaler ld 211c
compressor inhaler ld 211c

Types of nebulizers

Inhalers that work without the formation of steam are nebulizers. According to the principle of operation of the main device, they are divided into ultrasonic and compressor.

In ultrasonic models, the drug solution is atomized using high-frequency vibrations. Such models are an order of magnitude more expensive than compressor models, which work thanks to the flow of compressed air.

In addition, compressor nebulizers allow the use of a larger list of solutions for inhalation than ultrasonic ones.

The LD-211C inhaler is just so versatile and effective.

little doctor
little doctor

Features of the model

The usefulness of an inhaler in the treatment of respiratory organs is obvious. And how to understand which model to give preference to when buying?

Most often the choice of inhalationThe device is determined by the convenience in its use and components that are useful in various situations that arise during the treatment.

The LD-211C inhaler has a fairly simple control: one button that turns the device on and off. Even small children can easily master this procedure, which allows them to feel independent.

The compressor itself has the shape of a small suitcase with a convenient handle at the top. Thanks to the handle, the device is convenient to carry to the right place.

There are 4 rubber feet on the bottom of the compressor, on which the device rests. This will prevent it from sliding on any surfaces.

The LD-211C compressor inhaler has a spacious compartment at the bottom of the main unit where you can fold the power cord so that it does not interfere.

There are two recesses on the back of the compressor for attaching a plastic container. This container is included in the list of accessories that are sold with the inhaler. It is convenient for storing the numerous attachments and filters that come with the device.

A long inhalation tube (2 meters) allows you to place the device at some distance from the patient during the procedure. This is convenient because the running Little Doctor compressor is quite noisy. The noise becomes familiar over time, but some children may be intimidated by the loud sound and it may be best to move the unit away from them.

inhaler yellow
inhaler yellow


In addition to the inhaler itself, the package contains components that will be needed for the most effectivemedical procedures.

The LD-211C inhaler has the following list of accessories:

  • 3 types of nebulizer: for upper respiratory tract, for lower respiratory tract and universal;
  • 2 inhalation mouthpieces for inhalation of medicinal aerosol through the mouth;
  • 2 inhalation masks: children and adults;
  • 2 nosepieces: child and adult;
  • 1 inhalation tube;
  • 5 inhalation filters;
  • 1 plastic storage box for accessories;
  • 2 fuses;
  • 1 angled inhaler holder.

In addition to all of the above, the package contains a brief and detailed instruction manual in three languages: Russian, Ukrainian and Kazakh.

inhaler ld 211c reviews
inhaler ld 211c reviews

Basic rules for using a nebulizer

No matter how easy the LD-211C inhaler is to manage and use, its instruction manual is the document that you need to read first. This will help not only to avoid many errors during the procedure, but also prevent the use of solutions hazardous to he alth as inhalation agents.

Main prohibitions when using a nebulizer:

  • do not use any oil solutions in the inhaler to prevent the development of oil pneumonia;
  • do not use anything other than saline to dilute drugs for inhalation;
  • Do not allow the appliance to operate continuously for more than 20 consecutive minutes.

Remember! Only a doctor can prescribesolution for inhalation and its dosage. You should not self-medicate when it comes to the he alth of the respiratory system. An incorrectly chosen drug can aggravate the patient's condition, cause spasm or blockage of the bronchi and lead to respiratory arrest.

Procedure for inhalation with a nebulizer

  1. Set the desired atomizer.
  2. Pour the required amount of solution for inhalation into a container with divisions.
  3. Connect the inhalation tube, the container with the solution and the nebulizer. Connect it all to the compressor.
  4. Turn on the appliance.
  5. Perform inhalation.
  6. Turn off the appliance.
  7. Disconnect all attachments and tubes, rinse and dry.
inhaler ld 211c manual
inhaler ld 211c manual


The usefulness and practicality of treatment with an inhaler will be especially appreciated by parents whose children are often prone to colds.

A home inhaler is a timely help to the patient, an effective way to treat and cancel visits to the physiological room for a similar procedure.

For example, people who bought the LD-211C inhaler leave the following reviews about it:

  • relatively inexpensive model compared to other manufacturers;
  • many useful accessories that come in addition to the main device;
  • noise during operation of the device is moderate, you quickly get used to it;
  • long inhalation tube allows you to place the device at some distance from the patient;
  • easy to move,store, use and maintain the appliance;
  • Inhaler is guaranteed for 3 years.
inhaler ld 211c
inhaler ld 211c

Inhaler design

As you know, it is very difficult to persuade young children to sit quietly by the inhaler during the treatment procedure. Therefore, many manufacturers produce their models in the form of bright figurines that are attractive to children: animals, cars, etc. Unfortunately, the price of such “toy” inhalers is quite high.

Sometimes a bright coloring of the body of the device or a funny picture on it is enough to attract the attention of the child and inspire some confidence in this unit. So, for example, the model of the device we are considering LD-211C is available in two colors: white and yellow inhaler. The cost is within 2700-2900 rubles.

Children really like the second option, and they are happy to take medical procedures from such a “fun” device. In addition, the body of the yellow inhaler features a cartoon mouse, which will also help distract the child from negative thoughts and make the treatment process more fun.
