"Cuckoo" with sinusitis: a treatment procedure

"Cuckoo" with sinusitis: a treatment procedure
"Cuckoo" with sinusitis: a treatment procedure

In the autumn-winter period, many people suffer from sinusitis. This pathology is characterized by an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinus. This is a serious disease that requires complex adequate treatment. After all, sinusitis can lead to serious consequences, ranging from severe pain to sepsis. To prevent the development of such complications, the doctor will recommend appropriate drug therapy. But adequate treatment is absolutely impossible without such a procedure as "cuckoo". With sinusitis, it is she who brings quick relief and ensures recovery.

cuckoo with sinusitis
cuckoo with sinusitis

The essence of the method

The procedure is known in medical practice by the name of the doctor who invented this method of treatment - Arthur Proetz. In the people, the event is called "cuckoo". What is this procedure?

The "cuckoo" method for sinusitis is a physiotherapeutic measure that allows you to perform hygiene of the nasal cavities with the help of medications. During the manipulation, the patient should say: “ku-ku”. Through these simple steps, the holelarynx securely closed. As a result, the patient's oral cavity is completely protected from the penetration of mucus and medicinal solutions into it.

It is precisely because of the need to "cook" during the procedure that the people got such a strange name for washing the nose.

What is the procedure for

"Cuckoo" with sinusitis is not only a hygienic measure, but also a medical one. The procedure is recommended for patients suffering from various diseases of the respiratory system. This method allows you to protect the body from the spread of infection. In addition, it provides excellent he alth benefits.

If viruses attack the body, then mucus begins to secrete from the nose. This is a normal defensive reaction to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. Mucus protects the respiratory system from bacteria and dust entering it. But the body can not always fully resist the infection. And this threatens the development of diseases.

Washing the nasal cavities eliminates pathogenic flora, dust, dead cells, excess mucus. Thanks to this procedure, nasal breathing normalizes very quickly, and the functioning of the mucous membrane is restored.

treatment of sinusitis cuckoo
treatment of sinusitis cuckoo

In addition, the "cuckoo" procedure for sinusitis is carried out using special therapeutic solutions. This greatly enhances the cleansing effect. But the most basic and main advantage of this method is the ability (in most cases) to avoid surgical interventions (punctures), which are sometimes required for sinusitis.

Indications forevent

The sinus lavage procedure is recommended for patients diagnosed with the following pathologies:

  1. Sinusitis. The event helps to cope with both chronic and protracted forms of the disease.
  2. Adenoiditis. Pathology implies an inflammatory process occurring in the pharyngeal tonsil. The disease is often observed in patients in childhood.
  3. Inflammation of the sinuses. Such symptoms are characteristic of various curvature of the nasal septum. These pathologies prevent the free outflow of pus and mucus.
  4. Adenoids. The growth of the pharyngeal tonsil, which is based on hypertrophy of the lymphatic tissue, often leads to difficulty breathing and accumulation of mucus.
  5. Rhinitis. Flushing will benefit from rhinitis of any nature. The event helps even with allergic rhinitis.

Most often, the "cuckoo" procedure is recommended for sinusitis, when the process has become chronic. So, initially the patient is prescribed antiviral agents, antibiotic treatment. If sinusitis returns after some time, then doctors speak of a chronic form. In this case, the patient is recommended to resort to washing the nose.

Procedure in hospital

How do they make a "cuckoo" with sinusitis in a medical clinic?

cuckoo procedure for sinusitis
cuckoo procedure for sinusitis

The technology for performing the event is quite simple:

  1. Initially, the doctor will drip the nasal cavities with a drug that provides vasoconstriction. This will reduce swelling of the mucosa, increasethe effectiveness of the event and the depth of the effect of the drug solution.
  2. The patient lies down on the couch and tilts his head back a little. The tilt angle should reach 45 degrees.
  3. With the help of a syringe (with the needle removed) a drug solution is injected into one nasal passage. For one nostril you will need 120 ml of liquid. This is about 5-6 infusions with a 20-milligram syringe.
  4. A special suction is inserted into the other nasal passage. Such an electromechanical device sucks up the fluid that flushed the sinuses.
  5. During the procedure, the patient constantly repeats: "Ku-ku".
  6. If congestion is found in the sinus, then the ENT clamps one nostril for a couple of seconds, then the other. This method creates a pressure drop, as a result of which a purulent plug comes out much faster.
  7. Flushing is also carried out for the other nasal passage.
  8. At the end of the event, the patient is injected with a drug into the sinuses.

Often, patients are interested in the question: is this procedure painful? Doctors say that the event does not cause pain at all. However, nasal lavage is somewhat unpleasant. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare psychologically in advance for such treatment.


It is best to entrust nose washing to competent specialists. Especially if the procedure will be performed on a child or performed for the first time.

how to make a cuckoo with sinusitis
how to make a cuckoo with sinusitis

But many people prefer to wash their own nose. In this case, correcttechnique.

A “cuckoo” is performed for sinusitis at home as follows:

  1. The procedure is most conveniently performed near the sink, in the bathroom.
  2. Prepare the medicated rinse solution.
  3. At the pharmacy you can buy a special teapot designed for washing the nose. Sometimes such devices are sold complete with a medicinal solution for the procedure. In the absence of this equipment, you can use a regular syringe (20 ml) without a needle or a rubber bulb.
  4. Clean your nasal cavities as much as possible. Then instill vasoconstrictor medicine into each nostril.
  5. Over the sink, take the appropriate position. It is necessary to tilt the head forward and slightly to the side (at an angle of 45 degrees). This position will avoid the penetration of the solution into the nasopharynx or ear holes.
  6. The tip of the irrigator (syringe, pear) is inserted into the upper nasal passage approximately 1 cm.
  7. Very carefully, giving the solution in a small jet, start washing. Gradually, the flow rate must be increased. If the washing is performed correctly, a liquid containing mucus, pus will begin to flow from the nostril below.
  8. Repeat a few more of these infusions for one turn. Then flush the other cavity.
  9. After the event, carefully empty your nose of mucus.

Safety rules

It is very important that the nose is washed correctly with sinusitis. "Cuckoo" is a procedure that brings great relief. But in case of incorrect implementation, the event mayprovide extremely negative consequences.

cuckoo method for sinusitis
cuckoo method for sinusitis

Therefore, during the event, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Be sure to control the supply of the drug solution.
  2. Before you start washing, eliminate the swelling of the mucosa. For this, vasoconstrictor drugs are used. Otherwise, a solution containing purulent discharge from the sinuses may enter the ear canals. This will lead to the development of purulent otitis or eustachitis.
  3. If the event is held in a clinic, the patient is forbidden to rise sharply. This will cause dizziness, nosebleeds, and sometimes even loss of consciousness. In the case of self-treatment, do not perform sudden head movements.
  4. One session is enough to feel significant relief. However, the patient needs to tune in to a full course of washings. As a rule, it consists of 5-7 procedures on average. Doctors recommend 8-10 sessions to fully recover from the disease.
  5. Flushing should not be done immediately before going out into cold air. This will lead to hypothermia of the body. Do not perform the event at night, as the liquid will continue to flow from the nasal passages.


Cuckoo washing for sinusitis involves the use of medications.

2 types of drugs are used for the event:

  1. Vasoconstrictor drugs. They are used before the procedure. These medicines are designed to relieveswelling of the mucosa.
  2. Antiseptics. Medicines are designed to fight pathogenic bacteria. Such medicines can sometimes cause a burning sensation, irritation of the mucous membrane, provoke sneezing.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

cuckoo washing with sinusitis
cuckoo washing with sinusitis

Great remedies are:

  • Nazivin.
  • Farmazolin.
  • Oxymetazoline.
  • Sanorin.
  • Nazol.
  • Otrivin.
  • "Dlyanos".

Antiseptic drugs

The choice is often limited to these medicines:

  • Miramistin.
  • Furacilin solution.
  • Chlorhexidine.
  • Cefatoxime.

Possible side effects

"Cuckoo" with sinusitis is an almost painless and safe procedure. Discomfort that can sometimes occur in patients is psychological in nature (fear of the event, anxiety, panic).

But in some patients, the procedure may be accompanied by quite negative manifestations:

  • burning sensation;
  • red eyes;
  • nasal discomfort;
  • strong sneeze;
  • pain, heaviness in the head;
  • mild nosebleed;
  • congested ears;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • injuries and damage to the nasal mucosa.

Contraindications to the procedure

Treatment of sinusitis "cuckoo" is strictly prohibited when:

  • allergies to wash solution;
  • resistantswelling that cannot be reduced;
  • tumor growths in the nose;
  • diagnosing otitis media;
  • epilepsy;
  • frequent nosebleeds.
cuckoo with sinusitis at home
cuckoo with sinusitis at home

Patient feedback

Many people speak quite positively about such a procedure as "cuckoo" with sinusitis. Reviews of most patients confirm the painlessness and effectiveness of the event. Washing quickly restores nasal breathing. In addition, the event allows people to avoid such an unpleasant interference as a puncture.
