Romberg's pose: photo. Instability in the Romberg position

Romberg's pose: photo. Instability in the Romberg position
Romberg's pose: photo. Instability in the Romberg position

Almost everyone who has been to a neurologist has been tested for Romberg's posture, but why this is done - few doctors will explain, while using medical terminology, intelligibly and simply without even trying to speak.

What is the test?

rhomberg pose
rhomberg pose

The inability to stand evenly, steadily and without swaying with a straight spine and eyes closed is called a symptom or Romberg's posture, it is unstable for those who have problems with the nervous system.

Legs should be tightly shifted at the feet, the line of the spine is extended upwards, the shoulders and chest are open, and the arms are straight out in front of you, the hands are located not lower than the line of the shoulder joints.

With eyes closed, some people cannot maintain a stable position: they begin to sway, their hands may begin to shake, and there may be a feeling of tipping back. In some cases, instability in the Romberg position is additionally checked by asking the subject to put one foot in front of the other so that the heel of the front foot touches the toes of the foot standing behind.

There are also options for setting stops,and also when the patient is asked to bend forward with eyes closed and straighten back. If the vibrations of the body become even more pronounced, then there is a lesion of the central nervous system.

romberg's position is unstable
romberg's position is unstable

Why is the pose called that?

Moritz Heinrich Romberg (1795 - 1873) - professor at the University of Berlin, specialized in internal medicine, published very actively in journals on the topic of neuralgic diseases and was an extremely popular teacher.

In 1840 he wrote and published a book on neuropathology, which was long used as a classic textbook, and the author himself is considered the founder of neuropathology.

If the posture is unstable: what does it mean?

Immediately make sure that the whole procedure is carried out in a calm environment, without external stimuli, and if there is staggering in the Romberg position, loss of orientation in space or even falling for a short period of time (less than eight seconds), then you need to sound the alarm: along with the untrained vestibular apparatus, the posterior nerve roots of the spinal column, which are responsible for the conduction of nerve impulses, are most likely damaged, multiple atherosclerosis is possible (especially if maintaining a posture is impossible even with eyes open), although perhaps this is just a tendency to neurasthenia, neurosis and inability to control body functions.

instability in the romberg position
instability in the romberg position

If the cerebellum is affected, the patient will deviate towards the affected side, because the cerebellum is responsible forcoordination of movements, which a person comprehends in childhood. If the Romberg pose is held, but not for long, then most likely there is only a tendency to atrophy of the skeletal muscles: this is fixable if you practice this position every day until you get a stable result.

What is the benefit of the Romberg pose? Why do it?

The human body is so arranged that if one system fails, the rest will “fall in” behind it. The most important human system is, of course, the nervous system, along with the spine, along which the most important “transmission line” runs. While a person actively and variously uses the small muscles of the whole body, his nervous system works flawlessly, but if a passive and sedentary lifestyle defeats common sense, then he alth problems begin: immediately insignificant in the form of a headache or chronic fatigue, but over time the problem of worsening he alth will grow like a snowball, and one day will result in a serious illness.

If you try to practice the Romberg Pose regularly, the body, learning to stretch and adjust the balance in space, will use different and diverse neural circuits, thus maintaining the central nervous system in a he althy state.

staggering in the rhomberg position
staggering in the rhomberg position

Yogic version

In the arsenal of yoga poses there is a similar position: Tadasana - the pose of the mountain, in some yoga schools it is called Samastitihi, which means "to stand evenly and calmly." This is the basic position from which the lesson begins, a test for stabilitymind and body response to it. Some beginners consider this pose uninteresting and insignificant due to its apparent simplicity, and only over the years understand its real taste and importance, because yoga is not a beautiful or spectacular position of the body, like a leg behind the head, but the ability to keep your mind in check ("yuj", the word from which the term "yoga" in translation from Sanskrit means a bridle, a harness), remaining even and calm in any situation.

How to be sustainable?

Every day, try to practice this position for at least five minutes, after checking the correctness of the construction of the Romberg pose with the photo indicated above. It is very convenient to do this in front of a mirror, lying sideways to it, in order to make sure that the spine is straight and the hands are in the correct position. The feet are in contact with the inner line, the knees are close to each other, but not clamped with effort, the hips are in a slight tone and the line of the coccyx is slightly tucked under the stomach. The shoulder joints are open, and the shoulder blades are slightly shifted towards each other.

photo pose romberga
photo pose romberga

You should try to stretch the top of your head up, keeping the spine in one straight line. Pay more attention to the internal tone in the pelvic area: it is from there that the stability of the entire position comes, while the pose should not be overly tense and compressed like a spring, it is rather a light composure and concentration.

At first, perhaps, the pose will be difficult and there will be no long-term fixation, or the body will sway or tremble in some areas, but as you get used to and experience inPractice will definitely work!
