Patients with back problems may hear about the term traction therapy, but not everyone knows what it is. But this is an effective tool for stretching the spine. And the need for this arises in a large number of people around the world. Stretching is performed only on special equipment and only under the close supervision of doctors.
But what is this therapy and what is its essence? Is there any benefit or is it all a myth? Issues that require investigation. And let's start, perhaps, with the essence.
What is the essence of therapy?
The spine of any person is an integral system conditionally divided into main sections:
- cervical;
- chest;
- lumbar;
- sacral.
All this is formed by 33-35 separate bones called vertebrae. In the normal state, they have little mobility relative to each other. The distance between the vertebrae is also within the normal range. Thanks to this, in fact, we can bend forward or backward, as well as turn the body, lift weights and perform other movements.
But under certain circumstances, the vertebrae begin to shift, due to various factors that can be conditionally divided into two groups:
- Long exposure - improper weight lifting, sedentary lifestyle.
- Instant factors - injury (fractures, bruises, dislocations and other cases).
The result of this displacement of the vertebrae is their compression against each other, which affects the intervertebral discs. Now we smoothly approached the main question - what is the essence of the mentioned treatment? From the Latin extensio means "to pull" or "to drag". This, in fact, is the basis of therapy - stretching the spinal column helps return the bones to their normal and natural position.

Benefits of Spine Traction Therapy
Such a technique for treating the spine has significant and invaluable benefits.
- Significantly increases the distance between the vertebrae, changed under the influence of various factors (pathological condition, injury).
- Effective method of dealing with vertebral hernias - there is no longer excessive pressure on the discs from the vertebrae. As a result, their destruction is prevented.
- Improves posture - as a result of correcting the displacement of the vertebrae, the entirethe spinal column is brought to a normal physiological state.
- The condition of the vessels that supply the bones with nutrition along the entire length of the spine improves.
- Due to the flow of blood, as well as due to the improvement of the metabolic process, bone tissue is restored, which eliminates swelling.
In the Russian Federation, traction therapy has been used for more than 50 years. This non-surgical technique helps prevent most diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Certain contradictions
Despite the above arguments, as well as different types of spinal stretching, this therapy has supporters and opponents. Moreover, even modern experts still cannot agree on the benefits and harms of traction treatment.
At the same time, most of the patients who have already completed a wellness course note positive trends, thereby proving the effectiveness of the procedure.
But despite this, the opinion regarding this method of solving back problems is still ambiguous. All these pros and cons of spinal traction are mainly due to the following explanation. Simply blindly performing the procedure is clearly not enough, since it is necessary to take into account the individual structural features of the patient's skeletal structures. Also, you can not do without constant monitoring of the condition of this important part of the back, which involves the use of x-rays and MRI.
You should not ignore all this and independently set such a course for yourselftherapy - the result can be just the opposite. And instead of benefit, harm will be done, and the degree of its severity will directly depend on the condition of the spine at the time of its extraction.

Risk group
Some people may be at risk, which is formed by the following factors:
- Patients who suffer from osteochondrosis.
- Getting severely injured.
- Age over 50.
- Recovery period after back surgery.
Due to too active stretching of the spinal column, which is typical in the case of using an inversion table for the spine, the tissues of the discs separating the vertebrae are inevitably injured. These tears are microscopic and imperceptible - the person does not experience any pain. But at the same time, over time, their character increases, which negatively affects the integrity of the intervertebral disc.
If the case is rather neglected, then a hernia simply cannot be avoided. In such a situation, the fibrous ring (shell) is completely destroyed. The consequences of such a pathological condition can be eliminated only by surgical intervention.
In other words, before deciding to carry out a spinal traction, it is imperative to consult a specialist. And even more so, one should not rely on advertising alone, which can always guarantee only a positive and effective result.
Indications for Traction Therapy
The above was given,that traction of the spine should be carried out in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient. And now we are smoothly moving on to the one to whom such a procedure is shown:
- herniated discs (not all varieties);
- neuralgic pain syndrome;
- fractures;
- triplanar deformity of the spine (scoliosis);
- annulus fissure;
- ankylosing spondylitis in the initial stage of development;
- spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine.
- degenerative processes in the spine against the background of the course of osteochondrosis (dorsalgia and other discomfort).
That is, such a procedure will be useful for people who have diseases in relation to the bone structure. But is it possible to solve the question of how to cure a hernia of the spine? The answer in this case will be positive. There are several ways to do this, which will be discussed a little later.
At the same time, the traction technique has one important advantage, which is to increase the distance between the vertebrae. No other procedure has this effect.
Therapeutic gymnastics only allows you to increase the flexibility of the spine, helps to activate the blood supply to problem areas. But at the same time, exercises alone cannot return the bones to their original position.

Contraindications to therapy
However, along with the indications, there are certain situations when even this type of wellness therapycan only do harm instead of good. Moreover, regardless of which apparatus for spinal traction is used. These include factors such as:
- Foraminal or sequestered hernia.
- Inflammation.
- Osteoporosis.
- Obesity.
- Violation of the functionality of the blood supply to the spinal cord.
- Presence of neoplasms.
- Exacerbation of any chronic pathology.
- A malignant tumor of any part of the body.
- Bleeding tendency.
In addition, it is highly undesirable to carry out such a procedure for pregnant women and children. Neglect of these cases can lead to serious complications. For this reason, the importance of a preliminary examination of the patient should not be underestimated.
Ways to stretch the spine
There are several ways to stretch the spine. But often skeletal traction is used, when it stretches along its height. There are two main types: vertical and horizontal extrusion. In the first case, the patient's lower back is fixed, as well as the head and shoulders, while the body is pulled in the opposite direction. In the vertical method, the patient is in a supine position on an inclined surface, and the spine is stretched by its own weight.
But here it is worth taking into account another important point, which, no doubt, will be of interest to everyone who is interested in getting rid of back or neck problems: how many times a week should you do spinal traction?
Butregardless of this, traction spinal treatment is performed using special surfaces and often with additional devices.
Features of dry spine stretching
In this case, a special table or couch is used, and you can be in a prone position not only on your stomach, but also on your back. Depending on the localization of the disease, different parts of the body are fixed with belts:
- If the problem affected the cervical region - the head.
- Pathological conditions of the thoracic region - shoulders and chest.
- In case of pathology of the lumbar region - the lower part of the body.
After fixing the patient on the traction table, special weights are attached to the belts, it is under their influence that the spine is gradually extended. The mass of these loads is calculated for each patient on an individual basis, and in the course of the he alth course, it increases to the required limit. As for the duration of the procedure, it is from 30 to 40 minutes, but sometimes it can last up to 2 hours.
Therapy improves blood and lymph flow directly to the affected area - the neck, thoracic or lumbar vertebrae. In addition, an additional supply of micronutrients (including oxygen) to the muscles is carried out. Due to this, the tone naturally normalizes.
In order to increase the effectiveness of treatment when using a traction table, it is necessary to lie down in the same position for 30 minutes immediately after the procedure, but no less. Same day worth wearinga special compress and avoid physical exertion (exercise is also contraindicated).
Water element
This type of therapy refers to a passive technique for stretching the spine. Due to its simplicity and effectiveness, it has gained great popularity, and recently an increasing number of people have begun to trust it.
The essence of the technique lies in an integrated approach to patients. That is, the spine is stretched under the influence of plain or mineral-enriched water in combination with the person's own weight. All this helps to improve blood flow throughout the body and nutrition of the bone tissues of the intervertebral discs.
There are whole sanatoriums with underwater spinal traction at the service of all those in need. And in most cases, such water procedures are prescribed as a prevention or treatment of intervertebral hernia, which occurs as a result of ongoing pathological changes. The process of its formation is due to the increased tension of the fibers of the connective tissues of the disc capsules due to the heavy load from the vertebrae.
Excessive mobility of the bones causes the muscles to contract more strongly, which is a protective reaction of the body. At the same time, too much pressure is exerted on the intervertebral discs, as a result of which the disc capsule cannot cope with such a load. As a result - a hernia.
You can only remove muscle blockage by force. After all, it is necessary to bring them into a relaxed state, which cannot be done with the help of medicines. Underwater traction does the job just fine.
Moreover, it is in the sanatorium with underwater traction of the spine that the water is saturated with special minerals, which contributes to effective treatment.

Using a special machine
The previous technique is good, but in its own way. If you need to quickly achieve the desired result, you should use the services of hardware therapy. In this case, not only is the impact on the spine, but there is also a massage and vibration effect on its various departments.
A variety of equipment is used for this purpose:
- Stationary devices - they usually have large dimensions, which allows them to be used in a hospital in a specialized institution or clinic. In this case, the procedure is carried out in a fully automated mode, but under the close supervision of a specialist.
- Small-sized devices - due to their size, they can just be used at home. The apparatus for traction of the spine "Panacea" is very popular. With it, you can carry out the procedure in a horizontal position.
- System simulator NT-01 – in addition to stretching the spine, the device allows you to strengthen the muscles of the back. A contraindication for its use is chronic hypertension.
- Autogravity simulator "Gravitrin" - as you can understand from its name, the spine is stretched due to the patient's weight. There are models with heating, as well as with vibration. They help to strengthen the muscle tissue of the back and increase blood flow in theproblem areas.
But here it is worth clarifying one important point - the independent acquisition and use of the device can bring nothing but harm. In this regard, it is necessary to get qualified advice from a specialist.
Only an experienced doctor is able to make a correct diagnosis and recommend the best course of treatment. It's time to get some information on the Glisson loop, which has a lot of good reviews.

Glisson loop
Another effective spinal stretch that is recommended under certain circumstances:
- osteochondrosis;
- presence of compression of the intervertebral discs;
- rigid deep neck muscles;
- hernia;
- protrusion of cervical vertebral discs;
- deformation of the vertebrae (bulging and subluxations).
In these conditions, the Glisson's loop allows not only to stop the pain syndrome. In this case, there is a positive effect on the susceptibility of the environment, the organs of vision, and memory. And this applies not only to the cervical spine, but also to other areas of it (thorax, lower back).
As evidenced by many reviews of the Glisson loop from specialists, the technique is actually highly effective. Due to this, it has become widespread, not only as a he alth course, but also in physical therapy.
Glisson's loop is especially effective in cases of cervical deformity, as well as in case of pinched nerves.roots, not to mention interdiscal hernias. The device helps to relax the muscular apparatus, restore the flexibility and mobility of the body.
In addition, numerous reviews note positive trends in the elimination of spasms of the muscle tissue of the cervical region.

Inversion table
The question of how to cure a hernia of the spine was mentioned above, and now it's the turn to get acquainted with an effective remedy for eliminating this problem. Intervertebral hernia is a fairly common disease of the human musculoskeletal system. In most cases, the problem affects the lumbosacral spine. The reasons for its appearance may be different situations:
- Sharp and strong movements.
- Under the influence of heavy physical exertion.
- Staying in one position for a long period of time.
In fact, the inversion table is a special type of simulator used to treat pathological conditions of the spinal column. In this case, the patient during the therapy is in a position upside down. At the same time, there is a stretching of the spine along with an increase in the distance of the intervertebral discs.
In other words, it's more like a special countertop that can take on different angles. The spine inversion table is equipped with leg mounts and handrails for balance. The duration of the procedure is up to 10 minutes. carry it out daily. At the same time every dayyou should change the angle of inclination, starting from the smallest and gradually bringing it to the position upside down.

Effective inversion table exercises
In addition to just hanging upside down, you can perform simple exercises on the simulator:
- Being upside down, try to pull up the hips and buttocks. In cases where this is not possible, bending the knees is allowed.
- Having fixed the legs, you should raise the upper part of the body by a third. Hands can be put under the head or put on the chest.
- Squatting is no less effective. Being again upside down, it is necessary to straighten your arms and press them to your sides. After that, bend your knees and each time try to reach your feet with your hands.
- In the presence of a hernia, rotations are also useful. To do this, you need to fix your legs, roll over upside down. Then, holding the bar with one hand, turn the upper body 90 degrees, leaving the hips and legs in their original position.
Thanks to such traction therapy, it is possible not only to alleviate the pain syndrome of the spine, but also to tone the muscles of the lower extremities.