Undoubtedly, the work of doctors is noble, restoring sick people to he alth and saving them from death. Equally important is the work of nurses. The foundations of nursing were laid back in the 11th century and have undergone many changes over the years. But until now, the main postulate remains unshakable - the ability of nurses to help the patient with all their might to recover, and the incurable - to die without torment.

The most famous nurse
It is generally accepted that nursing was founded by the Englishwoman Florence Nightingale. Indeed, she did an incredible amount for the proper organization of the work of the medical staff. The activities of Florence and her associates in hospitals during the Crimean War contributed to a decrease in mortality among the wounded from 42 to just over 2 percent. This is an amazing result! It was achieved thanks to the introduction of asepsis rules in the wards, especially in postoperative and critically ill patients. In memory of this wonderful woman, a medal named after her was approved,considered the highest award for modern nurses, and Florence's birth date (May 12) is now celebrated as an International holiday - Nurse's Day. There is even the so-called "Nightingale Syndrome", which consists in the emergence of non-professional feelings among medical staff towards their wards.

First Steps in Nursing in Pediatrics and Surgery
No matter how great the merit of Florence Nightingale, the practice of medical work or, as they said then, sisters of mercy existed long before it. As early as the 11th century, the first women's nursing societies arose. History remembers the name of Elizabeth of Tyurineng, who built a hospital at her own expense and organized an Elizabethan community helping sick people, including lepers (with symptoms of leprosy, which was considered incurable and so contagious that even relatives refused the unfortunate). She also built an orphanage where sick orphans were cared for. This can be considered the first "swallow" of nursing in pediatrics.
In the same Crimean War, regardless of Nightingale's activities, the nursing work of our domestic nurses was quite well organized, as the famous Pavlov repeatedly mentioned. They not only carried the wounded from the battlefield, but also independently performed operations, applied bandages, carried out treatment and controlled medicines. Currently, operating room nurse nursing includes new functions, but its foundation is the provision of effective treatment.operable patients - remained the same.

The work of current nurses
In the modern world, new medical technologies appear every year, medical processes are improved, more effective drugs are created. Every nurse must be aware of all these changes in order to adequately perform their professional duties. To this end, seminars and refresher courses are regularly organized at hospitals and clinics. The speci alty "Nursing" can be obtained at a medical school or college. There are the following categories of nurses:
- ward room;
- guard;
- operating room;
- procedural;
- precinct;
- diet.
Each of the above positions has its own specifics, knowledge of which is obtained in the process of training and practice. Upon graduation, a certificate is issued. "Nursing" is the name of the speci alty, and in addition to it, the specialization is indicated.

Operating Nurse
The head doctor of the medical institution appoints this position. Only persons with a medical education not lower than average, who have completed practice in operating rooms and dressing rooms, can apply for it. Nursing in surgery is extremely responsible. The main functions here are the full preparation for the operation, and during its implementation - the implementation of the instructions of the surgeons. The professionalism of the nurse ensures the protection of the patient fromsurgical infections and trouble-free work of doctors.
Preparation for surgery consists in sterilizing surgical instruments, according to the requirements of asepsis, and placing them on the nursing table. Gowns, gloves, sheets are also sterilized. The duties of the operating nurse include providing the surgeons with all the necessary sterile material (bandages, cotton swabs, sutures, antiseptics, and other necessary medicines) and checking the good condition of medical equipment.

Obligations during surgery
Nursing in surgery is not only responsible, but also unusually complex. The operating sister must have an absolute understanding of the course of the upcoming operation in order to prepare for it without a single mistake. Even the order in which she placed the instruments on her table is important, because the surgeon focuses all her attention on her manipulations at the incision site and is not distracted by such trifles as telling her sister which item to give him. She must know this herself, and also be able to feed the instrument without violating its sterility. Choosing the optimal needle size, the desired thickness and length of the suture thread and checking its strength are also the functions of the operating nurse. At the end of the workflow, her duties include examining all instruments, sending them for sterilization and preparing the patient for transportation to the ward.

In separatecases, the operating nurse helps the surgeon as an assistant. Nursing in such situations consists in the production of manipulations that ensure the normal course of the surgical process. The nurse should be able to perform blood transfusions, insert and remove drainage, catheters, perform actions to stop bleeding, apply and remove sutures, assist the doctor in conducting endoscopic examinations, taking punctures, monitor the sending of material taken from the patient for further research, surgically process purulent and inflamed wounds, apply bandages and plaster.
Functions of ward and procedural nurses
Of course, a patient's recovery depends on more than just how well the operation is done in the operating room. Nursing is also about caring for the sick. Performed by ward nurses. They ensure the patient's hygiene, monitor wound healing, follow doctors' orders, put droppers, give injections, give medicines, measure blood pressure, temperature, together with a dietary nurse, provide proper nutrition and monitor the work of nurses in the ward to ensure all sanitary standards.
It is the responsibility of procedural nurses to keep the treatment room clean and all instruments and materials necessary for work in a sterile condition. Of course, they must be able to perform all types of injections, take blood samples for analysis, and prepare the patient for infusion therapy. To become a ward or procedural nurse, it is enough to graduatespecial courses, at the end of which exams are taken and a certificate is issued.

Working with children
If the patient in the hospital is a child, working with him has its own nuances. In this, nursing in pediatrics differs significantly from other categories. Small patients can not always clearly tell about their condition. Many of them do not know how to take care of themselves, suffer from urinary incontinence. Children's psyche is very vulnerable and sensitive to any negative manifestation on the part of adults. Therefore, ward nurses in children's departments must be attentive, kind, responsive and patient. Their duties include:
- every baby's daily routine;
- washing children after defecation;
- change bed linen if child wets bed;
- feeding small and handicapped children;
- preparation for injections so as not to cause fear in the child in advance, and during their implementation the ability to distract and calm the baby;
- constant control over the condition of their little wards.
Kind and affectionate attitude is not indicated in the job description, but these qualities in working with children are no less necessary than professionalism.

District nurses
Pediatric nursing is not limited to working in hospitals. The work of nurses in polyclinics is also of great importance. Their duties include assisting the doctor at the receptions of patients andhe althy children, maintaining documentation for each child, keeping records of dispensary patients and promptly inviting them for follow-up examinations, writing out prescriptions and certificates, providing the doctor with the necessary medical material. Together with the doctor, district nurses carry out patronage of newborns and infants according to the existing standard schedule, as well as older children and toddlers as the need arises. In addition, the duties of pediatric nurses include working with parents, conducting preventive conversations in order to protect children from infectious and other diseases.