The most common and simple analysis that a doctor prescribes for suspected pathology of internal organs is a urine test. It can show the level of sugar, the presence of white blood cells and protein. Normally, there should not be any proteins in the urine - everyone knows this. But there are also exceptions. Protein in the urine of a child is often associated with improper sampling of material for analysis, in the urine of a woman - with pregnancy. But in the urine of a man, protein can be detected after a workout in the gym. So let's look at the reasons that lead to deviations from the norm of protein in the urine. And at the same time, when it becomes a pathology. What does protein in urine mean and how to select the material for analysis correctly - this article is about this.

Proteins are everything
You will be surprised, but until 1928 it was proteins - chains of amino acids that form complex tertiary and quaternary structures - that were considered the carrierhereditary information. Today, everyone knows that deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) are responsible for heredity. In that distant year, the British bacteriologist F. Griffith was the first to question the role of proteins as carriers of the genome.
Proteins are polymeric biomolecules consisting of the 21st amino acid in our body. They perform a lot of functions: catalysis (enzymes), structural organization (membrane proteins), contractile (actin and myosin of our muscles), protective (antibodies that provide immunity), signaling (rhodopsin in the receptors of the retina), regulatory (hormones), transport (erythrocytes), energy and storage (albumin and ferritin).
That is why proteins are everywhere in our body and they make up about 15% of our body weight. There are also proteins in the urine, because it is a natural physiological fluid. And the norm of their content in the first morning urine should be 0.33 g / l.
This is what doctors call an increased level of proteins in urine. The causes of increased protein in the urine can be both physiological and pathological. The first appear in he althy people, and the second - against the background of various diseases.
In addition, it also happens that the level of proteins in the urine is low, that is, below the norm. And the reasons for this phenomenon can also be physiological (dehydration, starvation, taking certain drugs, lactation and pregnancy). As well as pathological ones, when proteins in the body are destroyed and are not absorbed back into the blood (organ pathologies, oncology, diabetes, thermal burns, frostbite, blood loss and trauma). Yet low levels of protein in the urine are rarer than high levels.

What can be considered normal?
The concept of the normal state of the body is relative. That is why the doctor carefully collects an anamnesis when examining and diagnosing a patient. That the norm for a diabetic is not at all normal for a person who does not suffer from this pathology.
On average, the rate of protein in the urine of an adult woman is 0.1 g/l. However, urinary protein levels during pregnancy range from 0.3 g/L in the first trimester to 0.5 g/L in late pregnancy.
The protein content in the urine of an adult male should normally be no more than 0.3 g/l.
In a child, the protein in the urine should not exceed the threshold of 0.33 g/L.
There is another indicator that is important for diagnosis. This is the loss of protein per day. The daily loss of protein in the urine normally ranges from 50-140 mg.
Proper collection of material is the key to quality analysis
It is when collecting urine that many people make mistakes that lead to unreasonable concern about the detection of proteins in the urine.
Simple rules will help you properly collect urine for general analysis:
- The day before passing urine, it is advisable to exclude from the diet all foods that can give it an unnatural color (beets, marinades, sweets, smoked meats).
- During the same time, avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks.
- Before taking the test, do not take dietary supplements and diuretics.
- Worth itrefrain from physical exertion, overheating or hypothermia.
- Before collecting the first morning urine, it is advisable to wash yourself and collect it in a special sterile container.
- It is important to collect a medium portion of urine.
- It is not recommended to store urine for more than 2 hours.

When can protein be present in urine (for physiological reasons)?
Even if all the rules are followed, the protein in the urine can be high in the following situations:
- Psycho-emotional stress.
- Physical activity.
- Exposure to direct UV rays.
- You are pregnant but don't know it yet. Proteins in the urine during pregnancy, as we remember, are elevated.
- The doctor felt the kidneys too actively during the examination on the eve of the analysis.
- Even if you had a contrast shower in the morning.
Other non-physiological reasons
If protein is found in the general urine test, a:
- Besides protein, there are also leukocytes - pyelonephritis is possible.
- In addition to protein, red blood cells are present - most likely, you have granulonephritis or urolithiasis.
In both cases, the patient is concerned about pain in the lumbar region, fever, weakness, chills, less often nausea and vomiting. In the first case, inflammation is localized in the renal pelvis, where urine is collected from many structural units of the kidney - nephrons. In the second case, the glomeruli of nephrons themselves become inflamed.

Othertypes of pathological proteinuria
The urinary disorders listed above are not the only ones that cause high levels of protein in the urine. In addition to them, you can list the following:
- Inflammatory processes in the prostate gland in men.
- Injuries and specific lesions of the kidneys.
- Concussions and epilepsy.
- Infections accompanied by fever and fever.
- Allergoimmune reactions - angioedema and anaphylactic shock.
- Hypertension in the second and third stages of the development of the disease.
- Endocrine pathologies - diabetes, hyper- and hypoavitaminosis.
- Obesity in the last stages.
- General intoxication of the body.
- Acute inflammation in the lower digestive tract.
- Systemic diseases - rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma.
- Oncological pathologies.
This is what protein in the urine means, but only a specialist should establish the diagnosis, taking into account the general anamnesis, examination of the patient and other types of tests.
Bence Jones' scary squirrel
This is an immunoglobulin type K and X. It is he who is found in the urine in cases of multiple myeloma (oncological pathology of the skin). It is produced by blood plasma cells, has a small molecular weight and is therefore well excreted in urine.
This protein is the main oncomarker in determining plasma myeloma. It affects older people more often, and earlier detection of this pathology gives a very positive prognosis.

Is it safe for expectant mothers to increase protein levels?
During pregnancy, the entire body of a woman is rebuilt, all its forces are aimed at maintaining the normal development of the fetus. And the kidneys during this period begin to work in an enhanced mode.
Urine analysis in pregnant women can reveal various pathologies in the work of the urinary system in the early stages. At this stage, a mild degree of proteinuria or mycoalbuminuria (albumin in the urine) is practically the norm. But if such a state persists for a long time, this should be alarming. If at the same time there is anemia, nephropathy, very fast fatigue and drowsiness, frequent dizziness, then these symptoms may indicate the initial stages of diabetes mellitus or heart failure. And this already poses a serious threat to the development and bearing of the fetus.
This is why gynecologists send a pregnant woman for a urine test every trimester, even if everything else is normal.
In addition, the blood pressure surges that are characteristic during pregnancy can also affect the protein in the urine. Therefore, every responsible future mother is obliged to visit a doctor regularly, follow all his recommendations, monitor blood pressure, and follow a low-s alt diet enriched with vitamins.

When should I think about getting tested?
Despite the causes that cause proteinuria, there are symptoms of this pathology, characteristic of both adults and children:
- Prolonged feeling of weakness.
- Drowsiness during non-sleep periods.
- Decreased appetite.
- Bouts of nausea and painful vomiting.
- Fever and chills.
- Swelling of the upper and lower extremities, sometimes right in the morning.
- Increased sweating.
- Not characteristic systemic pain in the joints and muscles (proteins just accumulate in the joints, more often fingers and hands).
But certain characteristic changes occur with urine:
- When shaking the liquid, a lot of foam is formed - these are proteins.
- A whitish sediment is found in the urine - in addition to proteins, there are leukocytes in the urine.
- Urine is cloudy and dark in color - red blood cells give color.
- The specific smell of ammonia when urinating - may be a signal for the development of diabetes.

What to do?
First of all, don't panic and see a doctor (physician or nephrologist) you trust. After completing the entire course of examination and testing, the doctor will make a diagnosis. There is only one way to reduce the level of proteins in the urine - to remove the cause of their appearance.
And there is no single recipe in this case. But even before the main diagnosis is made, it is advisable to exclude from the diet everything spicy and s alty, marinades and smoked meats, alcohol and coffee.
Today, according to the statistics of the World He alth Organization, there are not many pathologies in the world that cannot be treated or corrected with the correct, timely diagnosis and adherence topatient of all doctor's prescriptions.
Ignoring high proteins in urine can be detrimental to your he alth. Therefore, when they are detected, a re-analysis is first of all assigned. And, probably, you simply collected the material not quite correctly. Take care of your loved ones and stay he althy!