Medicine 2024, October

Are midge bites really dangerous? Swelling and redness - what is fraught with such symptoms?

Are midge bites really dangerous? Swelling and redness - what is fraught with such symptoms?

A pleasant summer evening in nature can spoil such a small thing as midge bites. Swelling, itching, redness - this is what a meeting with such unpleasant neighbors can lead to. If the consequence of a mosquito raid was only spoiled rest, then this would not be worth paying attention to. But midge bites affect he alth

Recently, I notice that I don’t go to the toilet for a little

Recently, I notice that I don’t go to the toilet for a little

Those people who rarely go to the toilet are sometimes said that "they have an iron bladder", and to some extent they are envied. Infrequent use of the toilet is a valuable quality for a diplomat and any employee who has to attend events from which it is difficult to leave even for a short time. Therefore, with a complaint: “I don’t go to the toilet a little,” they turn to the doctor only when it already becomes painful to urinate or when you start to notice swelling in yourself

FGDS - what are these strange letters?

FGDS - what are these strange letters?

This method is unpleasant, but not painful. The patient only needs to relax and breathe properly, holding the mouthpiece between his teeth. The doctor inserts the probe himself during FGDS. This is much more convenient than the examination procedure performed earlier, in which the patient had to swallow the probe himself

If you start to notice that you often go to the toilet in a small way

If you start to notice that you often go to the toilet in a small way

The fact that something bad is happening to the body, you begin to understand when you notice that you often go to the toilet in a small way. If this process is not painful, then at first they try to brush aside the problem - a temporary phenomenon, a lot of liquid can be drunk. In the case when it is painful to urinate, or water loss is significant, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without drug therapy

Alkaline phosphatase is an important enzyme in the human body

Alkaline phosphatase is an important enzyme in the human body

The article describes what alkaline phosphatase is, indicates the reasons for changing its concentration, the features of a biochemical analysis to determine the level of this enzyme

What does a blood test indicate if ALT and AST are elevated?

What does a blood test indicate if ALT and AST are elevated?

For a correct and timely diagnosis, it is often not enough just to examine the patient and collect anamnesis. The leading role in diagnosing the disease is played by various types of studies, including the determination of biochemical blood parameters

Blood biochemistry: norm and interpretation of results

Blood biochemistry: norm and interpretation of results

Blood reflects a person's state of he alth. If there are malfunctions or problems with metabolic processes in certain organs, then they can be determined by a laboratory study. Most often, doctors prescribe a biochemical blood test to obtain detailed information, which is much more revealing than a simple clinical analysis. You can read about what blood biochemistry is and what this study shows in this article

Biochemical blood test: decoding in adults

Biochemical blood test: decoding in adults

To assess the state of he alth of the body, including the functioning of all organs and systems, a reliable method is used - a biochemical blood test. Thanks to this study, the doctor evaluates carbohydrate, mineral, lipid and protein metabolism, as well as the active work of enzyme substances. Deviation of indicators from the norm indicates a failure in organs and systems. Only a doctor can reliably assess the condition of an individual and correctly decipher the results

Blood minute volume: formula. Cardiac index

Blood minute volume: formula. Cardiac index

The minute volume of blood, the formula by which this indicator is calculated, as well as other important points should certainly be in the knowledge base of any medical student, and even more so of those already involved in medical practice. What is this indicator, how does it affect human he alth, why is it important for doctors, and what depends on it - every young man or girl who wants to enter a medical school is looking for answers to these questions

Butterfly valves: structure and characteristics

Butterfly valves: structure and characteristics

Morphology of heart valves has long attracted the attention of researchers. Violation of the architectonics or operation of any part of the valvular apparatus leads to a violation of the closing function of the valve and the pumping activity of the heart as a whole

Indirect cardiac massage: technique. Cardiac massage and artificial respiration

Indirect cardiac massage: technique. Cardiac massage and artificial respiration

In emergency situations, when you can save a person's life, you just need to know the basics of first aid. One of these fundamental skills is indirect heart massage, the technique of which is described in this publication. By learning some techniques for its use, you can save a human life

What is heart automatism? Violation of automatism of the heart

What is heart automatism? Violation of automatism of the heart

What is heart automatism? The answer to this question can be found in the article below. In addition, it contains information about human he alth disorders associated with the named concept

Semilunar valve of the heart: structure, location. Semilunar valves of vessels

Semilunar valve of the heart: structure, location. Semilunar valves of vessels

The valve apparatus is a set of anatomical structures that, when working together, prevent the reverse (retrograde) movement of blood

Apical thrust. Palpation of the heart area

Apical thrust. Palpation of the heart area

Cardiac impulse is a pulsation of the area of the anterior chest wall, which coincides with the contractions of the heart. It can be seen when examining the patient. Read more about this in this article

Ejection fraction of the heart: norm and pathology

Ejection fraction of the heart: norm and pathology

Due to the increase in life expectancy among the elderly, the prevalence of cardiac pathology, especially with impaired ejection fraction, is increasing in this group. In recent years, proven methods of drug treatment and the use of resynchronizing devices, a cardioverter-defibrillator have been developed, which prolong life, improve its quality in patients with this pathology

Types of he alth: physical, mental, psychological, moral, social. Fundamentals of He alth

Types of he alth: physical, mental, psychological, moral, social. Fundamentals of He alth

Under the concept of "he alth" many people mean only a list of specific physiological characteristics of a person. This understanding is false, but in fact it should be considered on several levels. This is the only way to answer the question of how he althy a person is. So, let's analyze the types of he alth and dwell on each of them in more detail

Description of the Samara Regional Narcological Dispensary

Description of the Samara Regional Narcological Dispensary

This medical institution is a budgetary organization in which every citizen of the Russian Federation can receive qualified free assistance. The Samara Regional Narcological Dispensary has a methodological department, CTL, an alcohol intoxication examination room, which operates around the clock. It is also possible to conduct a number of different examinations on the territory of the dispensary

Lipoid bodies in the spermogram: the norm and violations

Lipoid bodies in the spermogram: the norm and violations

Lipoid bodies, which can also be called lecithin grains, are non-cellular formations of a rounded or angular shape. They have the ability to refract light under microscopic examination. Lipoid bodies must be constantly present in its juice. Their absence or a significant decrease indicates the development of a pathological process in the body of a man

How to lower FSH in men and women with folk remedies

How to lower FSH in men and women with folk remedies

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is produced by the pituitary gland and is one of the main hormones that directly affect human reproductive function. A positive effect in the treatment with the use of some plants was revealed. As a result, traditional medicine is used as an adjuvant and always after consultation with the attending physician

Endoscopic sympathectomy of hyperhidrosis: what is this operation, for what and how is it performed?

Endoscopic sympathectomy of hyperhidrosis: what is this operation, for what and how is it performed?

Endoscopic sympathectomy for hyperhidrosis is the most common treatment for this condition. It is performed under anesthesia and has minimal postoperative complications. This type of sympathectomy is used to treat excessive sweating of the upper body of a person

Decoding PSA: blood test, indicators, norm, pathology and age-related features

Decoding PSA: blood test, indicators, norm, pathology and age-related features

PSA is a prostate-specific antigen. It is a protein produced by the prostate gland. It is a component of sperm. The main function of PSA is to liquefy semen to allow free movement of sperm to the egg. When deciphering PSA in men, experts rely on norms that take into account the age factor. This is due to the fact that in men after the age of 50, the size of the prostate gland increases, which suggests an increased PSA blood test

Antimullerian hormone: the norm in women

Antimullerian hormone: the norm in women

Hormones play an important role in the body. They are involved in the work of all human systems and organs. This is especially true of the reproductive function of a woman, because her ability to conceive depends on the hormonal background. During pregnancy planning, the doctor sometimes prescribes a special analysis. The study reveals the level of certain hormones, among which is AMH (anti-Müllerian hormone). What is he responsible for and what are his norms for a woman, we will consider in the article

Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). What it is? Indications, reviews

Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). What it is? Indications, reviews

Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), what is it? This procedure is a combined examination, including both endoscopic and x-ray examination of the pancreas and biliary tract. ERCP is currently considered one of the most accurate diagnostic measures used in the treatment of

Anisochromia in the complete blood count: what is it? Causes and treatment

Anisochromia in the complete blood count: what is it? Causes and treatment

Anisochromia in the complete blood count is a condition in which there is an uneven staining of red blood cells. This is due to the content of hemoglobin in them. The more it is in red blood cells, the brighter they are, and those red blood cells that contain an insufficient amount of hemoglobin look paler

Head of the pancreas: anatomy, size and pathology

Head of the pancreas: anatomy, size and pathology

The pancreas is one of the largest human organs. It is involved in many important processes in the body. The head of the pancreas is closely adjacent to the duodenum. The causes of enlargement of the head of the pancreas in the vast majority of cases are various diseases that are extremely important to diagnose in the early stages

In what diseases the oncomarker CA 125 is increased: features and causes

In what diseases the oncomarker CA 125 is increased: features and causes

CA 125 marker is a highly specific protein found on the surface of ovarian cancer. An increase in marker values can indicate both the development of an oncological process and be of a non-tumor nature

Metanephrine in urine - norms, interpretation and features

Metanephrine in urine - norms, interpretation and features

Metanephrine and normetanephrine are intermediate breakdown products of catecholamine hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine, which play a big role in adapting the body to stressful situations. Having fulfilled their functions, these hormones naturally break down and are excreted in the urine during the day. A significant or prolonged increase in this indicator may indicate the development of neuroendocrine tumors

Non-immune hydrops fetalis: causes and consequences

Non-immune hydrops fetalis: causes and consequences

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman's life. During this period, it is necessary to carefully monitor your he alth and the intrauterine development of the baby, because even minor failures or the addition of an infection can lead to irreparable consequences, one of which is non-immune dropsy of the fetus. What is it and what consequences can this disease cause, we will consider in the article

STI screening: basic methods

STI screening: basic methods

STI testing has always been a touchy subject, but it's vital to talk about it. Too high level of infections allows us to say that these sexually transmitted infections are one of the main and most important problems of modern medicine

History of coronary artery disease, symptoms and types of its course

History of coronary artery disease, symptoms and types of its course

History of coronary artery disease is the narrowing of the patency of the coronary arteries due to atherosclerosis. It can have a chronic and acute course, manifesting in such heart diseases as cardiac arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris and sudden death

Extracorporeal detoxification: modern methods, indications and contraindications

Extracorporeal detoxification: modern methods, indications and contraindications

Extracorporeal detoxification is a method of treating blood by filtering through membranes through centrifugation, irradiation, cleaning with sorbents outside the bloodstream. It is carried out in order to remove components that provoke or support the course of a particular disease. At the same time, medications are added to the blood to change its fluidity

Do you know what genes are?

Do you know what genes are?

The question of what genes are is very interesting. On the one hand, everyone knows that hereditary information is transmitted from parents to a child, but the very mechanism for storing this information is unclear to most people. All living beings have genetic characteristics, and they determine all the initial data about the body: its appearance, belonging to a certain species, structural features, etc

Do you know why a person twitches when falling asleep?

Do you know why a person twitches when falling asleep?

The phenomenon of sudden start in a dream is familiar to most people. Many of us have wondered why a person twitches when falling asleep. What does modern medicine say about this?

Laser therapy "Fraxel": reviews and benefits

Laser therapy "Fraxel": reviews and benefits

The article describes the use of the latest equipment for skin resurfacing and laser vascular removal. There are many hardware techniques for skin rejuvenation. The device "Fraxel" is a development of the corporation "Solta Medical" from the USA

Vilensky tires: purpose and rules of use

Vilensky tires: purpose and rules of use

With pre-dislocation of the hip, Vilensky's tires are prescribed. The telescopic strut is made of aluminum, and the material on the cuffs is made of genuine leather. The device is intended for permanent wear

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck): indications, contraindications, description of the procedure, reviews

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck): indications, contraindications, description of the procedure, reviews

You can lose weight by adjusting your diet and regular exercise. However, not everything is so simple, if the abdominal area is of particular concern, perhaps your problems are somewhat more serious. A large excess of skin is almost impossible to tighten with the help of sports and diet. As well as correcting the divergence of muscles. In these cases, tummy tuck will help to get the perfect figure - tummy tuck

How to make a postoperative scar inconspicuous? Removal and treatment

How to make a postoperative scar inconspicuous? Removal and treatment

Is it possible to completely remove the postoperative scar and how to make the scars less noticeable? Especially for you, we have studied all the methods of dealing with marks on the skin left after surgical interventions, and we are ready to share useful information right now

Joint operations: main types and features

Joint operations: main types and features

Mobile connection of the bones of the skeleton is a joint. Our joints allow our limbs to move. We can move our hands and do a lot of things with them. We can move our legs and, thanks to this, move in space over considerable distances. Inside the joint, the ends of the bones are separated from each other by a lumen, they are covered with a synovial layer and an articular bag

Resuscitation and intensive care

Resuscitation and intensive care

Intensive (emergency) therapy is a way to treat life-threatening diseases. Resuscitation is the process of restoring vital (life) functions, partially lost or blocked as a result of an illness. These types of treatment allow you to establish constant control over the restoration of functions and intervene in the process in case of rapid disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems

Where is your local clinic and how to find it?

Where is your local clinic and how to find it?

When the question arises of visiting a doctor, in order to receive treatment on an outpatient basis or simply to take this or that medical certificate, you can solve it in the clinic. To get an appointment with a specialist, it’s not enough just to put down the coupon and stand in a kilometer-long queue, you must have a residence permit that guarantees admission. But if the information about where the polyclinic is located at the place of residence is unknown, it is worth finding it out in advance, and there are many simple ways to do this