Parents are kind to newborn babies. Any medical appointments cause them a lot of questions. When a doctor sends an infant to check the hip joint, ultrasound seems to them something dangerous and undesirable. However, an ultrasound examination does not have a negative effect on the baby's body. This technique is harmless. Parents should understand that the doctor is designed to protect their child from serious problems, so his appointments must be followed. What can alert the doctor and why do an ultrasound of the hip joint in the baby?

Indications for ultrasound examination
Babies can be born with dysplasia in one or both hip joints. According to statistics, this problem occurs in 15% of newborns. Attentive parents notice the first signs themselves. They usually have one of the following warning signs:
- one baby's leg looks shorter than the other;
- when bathing or dressing, it is difficult for the baby to completely spread the legs, the movement is limited;
- clicks in the joint are heard when one or both hips are abducted;
- folds on the legs and buttocksasymmetrical;
- leg muscles are in hypertonicity.
However, if the parents did not notice these abnormalities, then the doctor will definitely see them. He will check the mobility and examine the hip joint. Ultrasound will be the best option to clarify the diagnosis.

Risk group
All babies at 1 and 3 months old undergo a mandatory medical examination by specialists. However, there is a risk group for hip dysplasia. Particular attention is required for premature babies born at 7-8 months of pregnancy, and children whose mothers had a similar anomaly. In addition, the risk group includes children from multiple pregnancies and those born with a breech presentation. Ultrasound of the hip joints of newborns from this group can be considered mandatory. Since the earlier the pathology is detected, the more likely it is to completely correct the situation. Neonatal dysplasia can be cured completely, and the child will not feel any discomfort in the future.
What is dysplasia?
Dysplasia is a congenital disease characterized by underdevelopment or abnormal formation of the hip joint. Medicine distinguishes 3 degrees of the disease:
- I – predislocation of an underdeveloped hip joint without visible changes in the position of the femoral head in relation to the articular cavity.
- II - subluxation, that is, the thigh bone is partially shifted relative to the articular depression.
- III - dislocation, that is, the head of the femoral bone is completely shifted or out ofdeepening of the hip joint.
Preparing baby for ultrasound
What should parents do if their one-month-old baby needs a hip exam? The ultrasound will be performed in the supine position. The baby during the examination should be calm and motionless. The main task of parents is to ensure a comfortable state of the child so that he can calmly endure the examination.
In order for the baby to be calm, he must be full and he althy. On the day of the examination, he should not be disturbed by colic. 30 minutes before the procedure, the newborn must be fed. If this is done earlier, the baby may get hungry, and if later, then burp during the procedure.

How an ultrasound is done
Ultrasound of the hip joint in children is a safe procedure. It does not lead to radiation exposure of a small patient. Research is carried out with a linear scan sensor.
The baby is placed on a hard trestle bed, on its side, while the legs should be pulled up in the hip joints at an angle of approximately 30 °. A hypoallergenic gel is applied to the skin in the study area. The sensor is located above the greater trochanter. For clarity, the image is shifted in the required direction. To reveal the decentration of the head of the joint, the hips are pulled up to the stomach and rotated. After examining one hip, the ultrasound is repeated on the other side.
The results of the examination are recorded on thermal paper. After a visual study, the specialist deciphers the indicators.
There are cornerindicators that are used to decipher the results of the survey. To do this, 4 lines are drawn on the ultrasound picture: basic, acetabular, inclination, convexital.

Next, angular values are measured and dysplastic changes are assessed according to the classification list:
- Normal, that is, a full-fledged hip joint, is designated as type 1A.
- The transient form of dysplasia, that is, short with an extended limbus, but without offsets from the center, is designated as type 1B.
- A joint with developmental delay, in which the cartilaginous area of the roof over the cavity is enlarged, is designated as type 2.
- Delayed joint (for children under 3 months) - like type 2A.
- Delayed maturation joint over 3 months of age - type 2B.
- Changes with slight decentration are referred to as type 2B.
- A joint with retarded development and a flattened cavity roof is referred to as type 3.
- Underdevelopment of the joint without structural changes is designated as type 3A.
- Underdevelopment with cartilage restructuring - type 3B.
- Severe underdevelopment with protrusion of the head from the articular cavity - type 4.
After deciphering the ultrasound of the hip joints, the rate of development or pathology is described and transferred to the attending physician. However, if the examination was carried out by a medical worker without appropriate qualifications, then the sensor could be located at the wrong points. This means that the result will be incorrect.
Is therecontraindications for babies?
Parents should not be nervous about the scheduled examination. Ultrasound of the hip joints of newborns, whose age is 1 month, has no contraindications. Starting from 2 months, ossification of the femoral head may become a contraindication. In this case, from the age of three months, an x-ray of the hip joints may be prescribed.

In some cases, love for children takes a strange turn. Parents are afraid that orthopedic structures (stirrups, spacers) cause inconvenience to the baby, and remove them. It seems to them that they took pity on the little man, but the consequence of such “pity” can be disability. With age, the child will begin to experience pain, his legs will have different lengths. Over time, joint replacement surgery may be needed. Is this what the “compassionate” parents wanted for their treasure?