Intestinal diseases are difficult to detect in the body. Until recently, the only way to diagnose was directly by the hands of a doctor and his knowledge in this area.
With the development of science and technology in medicine, endoscopy has become widespread, which made it possible to initially examine only the rectum (rectoscopy), and later the entire large intestine (colonoscopy), since the length of the tube for examination is more than 1.5 meters.
Today, the procedure is often prescribed, especially for people over 50 years of age, in order to detect cancerous tumors in the colon at an early stage. It takes no more than an hour, but you have to prepare for it in advance. Let's look at what a colonoscopy of the intestine shows and how this study is performed, andwe will also get the opinion of patients who have already experienced this.
Features of the structure of the intestines
The small intestine is more than 6 meters long, but it is quite narrow throughout, making it difficult to examine.

But the thick one is much shorter (about 1.5 meters) and larger in diameter (from 5 to 45 centimeters). It consists of the blind, colon and rectum. It has a fair amount of curves along its length. It is clear that a metal instrument will not be able to help in the diagnosis, but rather only harm the patient (rectoscopy is not applicable). Endoscopes can help us with this.
Colonoscopy - what is it?
The procedure consists in inserting a probe into the anus to examine the mucous membrane of the large intestine. This type of diagnosis is carried out using fibrocolonoscopes, invented in the second half of the 20th century.
The device is a long, thin and flexible tube, at one end of which there is an eyepiece with a light and special levers for controlling the device, and at the other end there is an optic for examining the colon (camera). The structure of the tube is fiber, which ensures complete internal reflection of the light beam and prevents its scattering. And the location of the ends of the fibers at the input and output is similar, which avoids distortion in the results. The fibrocolonoscope is connected to a monitor, which transmits the received information with sufficient magnification to see all the details.
It is important to note that in modern devicesonly cold light is used, so there can be no burns.
How is the study going?
Colonoscopy is usually performed under general anesthesia, but local anesthesia is also sometimes used, while a sedative is injected. The patient lies on his side on the table and pulls his knees closer to his chest. The doctor inserts the device through the anus into the rectum. Due to the folding of the mucosa, it has a high ability to stretch and straighten. Next, the doctor gradually pushes it further into the caecum and colon. The light element in the colonoscope allows you to pump air, thereby expanding the intestinal lumen.
If necessary, colonoscopy can not only diagnose a particular disease, but also remove neoplasms and polyps using electrocoagulation or take a biopsy, so that later the tissue can be examined to exclude malignancy.

This diagnostic technique can refine the data obtained from X-ray or ultrasound studies. The research method allows to study the anatomical features of the structure of the large intestine, assess the condition of the mucous membranes, and also expand the lumen when it is narrowed. For example, there is such a feature as the presence of additional loops in the large intestine in a patient, called dolichosigma.
Answering the question whether colonoscopy is indicated with an additional loop of the segmental intestine or not, we can unequivocally say: yes. Of course, there are other methods, such as ultrasound, radiography, but they areauxiliary character in this case.
When is a colonoscopy indicated? If a person complains for a long time about intestinal disorders in the form of chronic constipation or diarrhea, and also observes bleeding from the anus or pain, then you should definitely consult a doctor. In the case of the appearance of blood in the stool, as a rule, a colonoscopy shows hemorrhoids. The presence of mucus in the stool may indicate an incipient pathology that requires urgent diagnosis.
Sudden weight loss is also a dangerous symptom, you should consult a specialist to diagnose the condition of the intestine.
Does everyone need a colonoscopy? With age, the risk of oncology increases, therefore, at the age of over 50, colonoscopy is indicated for all persons, as well as for patients who have already had cases of this kind of disease in their family. The danger of bowel cancer is also that it is almost asymptomatic. It is recommended to re-examine every 7-10 years.
If in the course of this type of diagnosis the patient has such features of the structure of the intestinal walls, which is characterized by increased formation of polyps, then the study should be repeated more often and immediately remove the neoplasms that have arisen.
What a colonoscopy shows
A negative result is the best that a doctor can tell a patient. This indicates that pathologies and neoplasms were not detected. But if nothing is found, but at the same time, the intestinal lumen was not completely cleared of feces or other residuesundigested food, the doctor may order a second examination.
Normally, the large intestine has smooth pink shiny shells with a folded structure with a small amount of mucus and a moderate vascular network. If the doctor finds the presence of narrowing and adhesions, a large amount of mucus or uncharacteristic neoplasms, then he can take a tissue sample for histological examination.

Answering the question of what colonoscopy shows, it is necessary to note a number of diseases, such as colitis, tumors, Crohn's disease, coronary bowel disease, amyloidosis. You can also find polyps, which in themselves do not threaten he alth, but over time can degenerate into malignant tumors, and therefore require removal.
Many children suffer from various parasites in the intestines, in particular worms. Unwashed vegetables, insufficient heat treatment of meat and fish, poor hygiene - all this contributes to the development of parasites. To quickly eliminate them from the body, it is important to quickly and accurately diagnose their presence. Will a colonoscopy show the presence of worms? As a rule, they take tests of feces and blood for antibodies. If parasites were not detected, it is recommended to repeat the studies several more times to improve accuracy. Note: Colonoscopy will show worms with high accuracy.
Preparing for a colonoscopy
The study itself takes less than an hour in time, and the recovery period is short, but the preparation for it is serious. It consists not only in adjusting the regimenutrition, the most important thing is not to be afraid, because if all the indicators are normal, then the next test for your body will come no earlier than in seven years.
Specialists strongly recommend buying all the necessary medicines and personal hygiene products a couple of weeks before the examination.
Five days before the colonoscopy, the patient should begin to follow a diet, eating only those foods that are easily digested. It is recommended to eat lean meat or fish, vegetables without skins, fresh fruits without seeds, rice, pasta, light bread. And in the last two days, it is recommended to switch exclusively to soft foods (omelettes, cereals), as well as vegetable and fruit purees and low-fat soups.

It is important to let the doctor know if the patient is taking certain medications or has any allergies. This may affect the dose of medications taken during the procedure. You also need to inform the specialist when taking dietary supplements and vitamins.
The day before the procedure, the patient switches completely to a liquid diet, so that all undigested solid food residues come out of the large intestine. At the same time, you need to drink a lot. Both tea and broth, coffee will do. Do not drink red-colored juices so that there is no confusion when examining blood.
In the last 24 hours, the patient takes a strong laxative twice as prescribed by the doctor. At this time, there may be cramps, and diarrhea, and even vomiting. One can only sympathize with those who, in addition, suffer from hemorrhoids. You should purchase soft toilet paper and wet wipes in advance. It will also be helpful to use moisturizers and soothing lotions to reduce irritation and redness of the skin. You should also think about comfort in the toilet, you can take a book, a tablet, and also substitute stools for your feet. You will have to spend a lot of time here in the last few days. But what relief will there be if the patient turns out to be he althy, which is exactly what a colonoscopy of the intestine shows.
If your doctor has not prescribed a specific laxative, you can use castor oil or a solution of magnesium sulphate. In some cases, you can resort to an enema. It is done either at bedtime or a few hours before the procedure itself.
What does a virtual colonoscopy show?
This is a new stage in medicine that allows you to examine the condition of the large intestine without the use of endoscopes. And the information for such a diagnosis will be obtained using a multislice computed tomograph.
At the beginning of such a study, air is forced into the rectum through a special tube to stretch it. After this, the patient is asked to hold his breath and take pictures of his abdominal cavity in the supine position and then on the stomach. With the help of special programs, the doctor builds three-dimensional images of the abdominal organs and analyzes their condition.
Polyps and neoplasms can lead to malignant growths in the process of growth, which is precisely shown by virtual colonoscopy of the intestine and will allow them to be eliminated at an early stage.
The main advantage of this method isthat it allows you to distinguish the folded structure of the intestine from neoplasms and intestinal contents. In addition, with the help of optical colonoscopy or irrigoscopy, it is not always possible to cover all sections of the large intestine, a part remains outside our vision. Patients after surgery on the large intestine are also prescribed a virtual colonoscopy. A doctor will be able to show a photo of the condition of the large intestine immediately after the procedure to the patient.
Preparing for Virtual Colonoscopy
The key to a successful result after the procedure is a prepared intestine. It is important to eliminate fecal masses so as not to distort the picture. To do this, 2-3 days before the expected study, the patient must begin to follow a strict diet. You can not eat wheat and grain bread, foods rich in fiber (legumes, mushrooms, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables). On the contrary, it is recommended to drink more water, broths, unsweetened tea, so that the total volume of liquid per day is about two liters.
On the day before the procedure, overeating should be avoided, and dinner should be no later than 8 hours. At the same time, a special laxative drug "Fortrans" is taken. Immediately after it, the contrast agent "Ultravist" is taken. On the day of the study, you can only drink. Do not worry, the examination is carried out in the morning, you will not get very hungry.
People with intestinal obstruction need an individual approach with the appointment of special laxatives.
Irrigoscopy as an alternative to colonoscopy. Advantages and disadvantages
This is another examination methodlarge intestine using x-rays. One of its drawbacks is precisely this, radiation is not harmless to humans, but it should be noted that the dose is no more than with any other x-ray of bones and other organs.
During irrigoscopy, the large intestine is filled with a contrast agent (1.5-2 liters) through a special tube. At this point, the doctor takes several x-rays. After emptying the intestines, it is filled with air to straighten the walls, and the doctor takes pictures again.

The difference between barium enema and colonoscopy is that the first is performed without anesthesia. If a person is difficult to tolerate anesthesia, then you should think about conducting the first one. The preparation procedures are similar, both involve a diet and taking laxatives the day before.
Diagnosis of inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis) is quite difficult due to vague symptoms. Experts say that colonoscopy and barium enema will show appendicitis. But blood and urine tests, as a rule, will not show pathological processes in the large intestine.
Should I be afraid of a colonoscopy?
Many people are wary of this procedure. There is an opinion that the procedure can lead to rupture of the colon or fecal incontinence, but this is nothing more than a delusion. There is no scientific basis for these rumors, the study is safe for the patient.

It has already been said above that colonoscopy of the intestine shows. Feedback on suchprocedures are shared by many patients. They say that this is not the most pleasant pastime in your life, but it is better to get an examination and know that everything is in order than to risk life and limb to avoid some discomfort.
After Colonoscopy
Doctors recommend staying at home for a few days after a colonoscopy and not putting too much stress on yourself at first. Still, the intestines suffered stress, and the whole body too. It is necessary to refrain from food for the first hour and generally follow a diet for several days, eating semi-liquid cereals, broths to ease the work of the intestines.
After the examination, the feeling of bloating and mild pain may persist for some time. This is fine. If you are very worried, you can take an analgesic.
Patient opinions about the procedure
As you know, how many people, so many opinions. Someone says good things, some not so much, everyone can be understood, and they are all right in their own way. Someone got to an unqualified specialist, or he was simply deceived, and this happens. Someone, on the contrary, easily endured the procedure under the strict supervision of a doctor. However, most agree on one thing - to undergo the procedure only under anesthesia. Almost everyone who dared to do this without anesthesia speaks of unpleasant and even painful sensations. The choice of anesthesia option is easier for both the patient and the doctor conducting the study. He will not be distracted by the noise from the patient and will be able to focus on observing and determining what the bowel colonoscopy shows. Feedback in this case will be more positive, andthe patient himself will forget about the procedure and will not worry.

For some, it is not the procedure itself that causes fear, but the preparation for it. It will be especially difficult for those who do not eat well and are used to eating a lot. For a few days will have to be limited. But even this food can be made balanced and tasty, the main thing is to cook everything correctly.
To reduce irritation from frequent urges to the toilet, patients are advised to wait a bit and go there not immediately, so there will be less pain.
The consequences and sensations of the procedure also depend on the individual characteristics of the structure of your intestines, therefore, no one can say for sure what sensations you will have. Do not be afraid of this procedure, because what a colonoscopy shows, no analysis will definitely show. It is worth going through this and living a quiet life further.