What can be more frightening than coming old age? Wrinkles, weakness, a gradual loss of clarity of thought, constant illnesses… Unfortunately, this share does not pass a single person: no cure for old age has yet been invented. However, there are ageless people whom time seems to bypass. And the reason for this is not endless plastic surgery, but genetic anomalies, the nature of which scientists still cannot explain. It is about such people that you will learn from this article. Who are they, the ageless people of the planet?
Why do people get old?
Some people live to a ripe old age, while others notice their first gray hair as soon as they turn 20. Why is this happening? The answer to this question is trying to give gerontology - the science of aging organisms.
Researchers believe that aging occurs due to the depletion of human gene resources. It is known that cells in the body are constantly updated by dividing. In this case, the chromosomes are first duplicated, after which copies are sent to new cells. Over time, as a result of such constant divisions, errors accumulate, which lead to decrepitude of the body. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to slow down this process. Tablets, special dietary supplements,a he althy lifestyle and the rejection of bad habits can only delay the onset of old age, but do not prevent it. However, sometimes inexplicable things happen: medicine describes ageless people, as if frozen in time.

Brooke Greenberg
Brooke Greenberg is a girl from America who lived in the body of a baby for 20 years of her life. Brooke's height reached only 76 centimeters, she weighed 7.6 kilograms. Brooke's mental development matched that of a nine-month-old baby. The birth was quite difficult: Brooke was born prematurely, at birth her body weight barely reached 1.8 kilograms. Fortunately, the doctors managed to save the child.
Brook is the fourth child of her parents - before her, three absolutely he althy girls appeared in the family. However, Brooke has never been in excellent he alth: she had several strokes, once she fell into a deep coma for two weeks. During this state, doctors discovered a tumor in the girl's brain, which, however, mysteriously disappeared when Brooke returned to consciousness.

Syndrome X
Of course, Brooke's parents tried to understand the cause of their daughter's strange illness. Numerous studies were carried out, which, unfortunately, did not give any result: Brooke's condition entered medicine under the name "Syndrome X".
Some researchers believed that the girl's genes hold the key to immortality, and she may well live much longer than an ordinary person. Her parents even noticedsigns of development and growth. However, hopes were not destined to come true: on October 24, 2013, Brooke died in the same hospital where she was born. However, not all ageless people die, the disease, the name of which was never invented, takes life only in rare cases.

Yakov Tsiperovich: a man who does not grow old
In the small German town of Halle, one of the most unusual people in the world, Yakov Tsiperovich, lives. This man is not subject to aging. Since Yakov experienced clinical death in 1979, his body seemed to start working in a new way. Surprisingly, clinical death lasted more than an hour: it is known that brain cells begin to die just 5 minutes after cardiac arrest. However, Jacob came to his senses. Immediately after the incident, he could not sleep: as if some unknown force was throwing him out of bed. This amazing man did not sleep for 16 years: Jacob was able to regain his ability to take a horizontal position only thanks to yoga and meditation. But this is not the most surprising. At 58, Tsiperovich looks like he's only 25.
Doctors have not found an explanation for this phenomenon. Some attribute the absence of age-related changes to the fact that after a coma, Jacob's body temperature does not rise above 34 degrees. However, so far no evidence has been found that lower body temperature is associated with the ability not to age. After all, other ageless people, whose illness could not be explained, did not possess such a property of the body.
SosoLomidze: ageless thief in law
At the age of 15, Soso Lomilze was recognized as one of the most dexterous pickpockets in Georgia. However, the amazing achievements of this man were not limited to this. One day, people around noticed that Soso had stopped aging. At the age of 25, his early gray hair disappeared, a few wrinkles smoothed out. Soso even became smaller and lost weight. At the same time, Lomidze's mental abilities were not affected: he turned into a skilled criminal who hid in the body of a child. And thanks to his unusual appearance, Lomidze managed to achieve a lot: he even became a thief in law, which is a very honorable title in the underworld.

"Crime of the century": how a "boy" stole Shevardnadze's watch
Once Lomidze used his unusual appearance to “punish” Eduard Shevardnadze for the hard life he gave to Georgian thieves in law. This high-profile story happened on April 9, 1979. Shevardnadze, who acted as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, decided to visit the Palace of Pioneers. Of course, it was not difficult for Lomidze to get lost among children and adolescents. When Shevardnadze stepped onto the red carpet, Soso rushed to meet him, shouting out words of gratitude for everything that the politician does for the republic. Moved by Shevardnadze, he lifted the "boy" into his arms and kissed him on the cheek. Despite the fact that the contact lasted only a couple of moments, Soso managed to appropriate the Swiss wristwatch of the honored guest. By the way, it was not just a watch: it was presented to Shevardnadze by the UnionGerman industrialists for their contribution to the withdrawal of a group of Soviet troops from the GDR.
The scandal turned out to be loud: Shevardnadze was disgraced throughout the republic. For this case, Soso Lomidze received the title of "thief in law." By the way, they called Lomidze "The Old Man": such a simple thieves' sense of humor.
Unfortunately, self-rejuvenation was not in vain for Lomidze. At some point, he realized that he had lost the ability to be a man. Lomidze even turned for help to the healer Juna, who could not help in any way: ageless people cannot be cured due to her influence. We can say that you have to pay for everything, including eternal youth.

Anne Bolton: the woman who wants to look older
Now Ann Bolton is about 50 years old. At the same time, it is impossible to give her more than 25. Ann got married at 24 to her peer. When the couple turned 30, conflicts began in the family: Ann attracted the attention of young guys who had not yet graduated from college. Unfortunately, at the moment the marriage broke up: Anne's husband felt that there were too many gossip behind his back. After all, many believed that he married a young girl and looks just ridiculous.
Anne did not despair and got married a second time. At first, the husband was pleased with the way his wife looked. But gradually he became irritated, tired of answering questions about whether Ann was his daughter or younger sister. Now the woman dreams of having plastic surgery that would help her look at "her" age. Anne Bolton considers eternal youtha real curse: the ageless people whose photos you see in the article are far from always happy that they are timeless …

Such eternal youth…
Aging is an inevitable process. Maybe one day a cure for old age will be invented, and people at 80 will have smooth skin and untouched gray hair. However, until such a moment has come, it remains only to reconcile and appreciate even more every moment of your youth, which will never happen again. In addition, this article proves that not all ageless people in the world are happy because of their inexplicable property…