CT of the larynx: prices, reviews. What will a CT scan of the neck and larynx show?

CT of the larynx: prices, reviews. What will a CT scan of the neck and larynx show?
CT of the larynx: prices, reviews. What will a CT scan of the neck and larynx show?

CT of the throat and larynx helps to identify dangerous diseases, prescribe the best methods of treatment. Before undergoing this diagnostic measure, you should take tests and consult with your doctor. With the help of CT of the larynx, serious diseases can be detected at an early stage.

What will CT show?

Computed tomography of the larynx and throat shows a complete picture of the condition of the upper respiratory tract, as well as soft tissues and blood vessels. This study is usually prescribed when making any controversial diagnosis. It is necessary for its clarification or refutation. At the moment, the modern diagnosis of the disease by CT of the larynx is very much appreciated. What the study will show will confirm or refute the diagnosis made in absentia. The procedure includes a complex set of measures that include analysis, assessment of all symptoms of diseases.

CT scan of the larynx
CT scan of the larynx

Device device

The ray tube is equipped with a detector. These elements rotate uniformly. In one revolution, they can only illuminate a thin strip of fabric. Gradually, a complete picture will be formed when the system photographs everythingnecessary areas. All images are taken not in the same projection, which allows you to consider the problem from all sides. With the help of built-in programs, the resulting image is gradually transformed.

Principle of using CT

Together with the deformed mucosa on the opposite background, the system displays absolutely he althy organs. Further, a detailed analysis of all deviations is carried out. The received data is recorded by employees for further transmission to a doctor who can decipher them. After analyzing the information, the specialist makes a decision on the further course of treatment.

CT scan of the neck and larynx
CT scan of the neck and larynx

Reasons for CT

The attending physician directs for a CT scan of the neck and larynx under the following circumstances:

  1. Severe neck injuries that can lead to dangerous disorders in the functioning of internal organs that need to be corrected.
  2. Congenital disorders in the growth and development of any internal organs.
  3. The possibility of the appearance of benign tumors, suspicion of their degeneration into malignant.
  4. Growth of cancerous growths.
  5. Examination of the location of metastases, their size and possible progression.
  6. Determination of the exact location of foreign bodies in the neck, if they need to be removed surgically.
  7. Cystic formations of any internal parts of the neck.
  8. Disturbances in the work of the upper spine, any destructive processes, as well as all kinds of curvatures and injuries.
  9. Inflammatory processes of the neck of any complexity. Sometimes research is needed even ifcommon angina. More often they consider the location of abscesses, all kinds of accumulations of fluid due to infectious disorders in the structure of the tissues of internal organs.
  10. Formation of a diverticulum in the larynx, and if necessary, check for these abnormalities in the upper esophagus.
  11. Vascular problems, including thrombosis or atherosclerosis, are investigated in detail, especially in cases of unclear etiology.
  12. Swollen lymph nodes, if the cause of this phenomenon cannot be argued.
ct of the larynx what will show
ct of the larynx what will show

CT Security

Computed tomography can really harm the he alth of a living organism, but it is insignificant, there were no cases of pronounced violations that led to a CT scan of the larynx. This research method is based on x-rays. This phenomenon is recognized as relatively safe for human he alth, if he is not constantly near the device without special protection.

Fear of undergoing the procedure has no reason, so if necessary, do not refuse this functional study. When conducting a CT scan of the larynx, the price is moderate, the cost of the study is about 4000 rubles. Modern devices are created with a modified design, so the dose of direct radiation is even lower. It is allowed to conduct this study repeatedly, while there will be no disturbances in the work of internal organs.

CT of the throat and larynx
CT of the throat and larynx


  1. You can not do a CT scan of the larynx pregnantwomen. The fetus is sensitive to any dose of radiation, so you should not put it in danger. This test is only allowed if the risk to the mother's he alth is too great and any delay could cause an aggravation of the disease.
  2. CT is not done if you can do without it when a person has a strong pain syndrome or hyperkinesias appear, that is, the patient does not control his movements, expressed in strong and intermittent twitches.
  3. CT with contrast doctors do not recommend doing during lactation, that is, at a time when a woman is breastfeeding a baby. This warning is justified by the fact that contrast radiation can penetrate and accumulate in breast milk. If a woman was forced to perform a CT scan with contrast, then it is necessary to interrupt breastfeeding for at least 2 days. Before the procedure, you can drain some milk and leave it for the baby so that the temporary transition to formula is not too painful.
  4. Patients with kidney failure are limited in their ability to do CT scans when needed. If the violations in the work of the kidneys are too striking, then this study is prohibited. Substances that enter the body as a result of this diagnostic measure must be excreted by the kidneys. If these organs fail to function properly, there is a risk of poisoning the body.
  5. People who are allergic to iodine are not allowed to perform the procedure.
  6. CT is not performed in many cases in thyroid diseases, but inIf necessary, doctors allow the use of this diagnostic method. The possibility of worsening symptoms has been recorded. First, the level of thyroid hormones should be determined, if it is unsatisfactory, then CT is most often canceled.

Why do I need a CT scan with contrast?

This diagnostic measure is sometimes performed with contrast. This is a special substance made on the basis of iodine, which helps to more clearly see all the internal structures of organs. This drug is administered intravenously to the patient before a diagnostic study. When it spreads through the vessels, a specific color is visible on the scoreboard. Further, the substance accumulates in the tissues, helping to identify the affected structures. This substance is especially effective in staining tissues with a large blood flow, therefore, with its help, malignant tumors and inflammatory processes are easily identified.

ct throat and larynx price
ct throat and larynx price

How is CT performed?

The patient is located on a sliding table, the doctor monitors his body position. A special ring starts when the device is turned on and makes rotational movements around the patient. The person should not move at this time.

When performing a CT scan using a contrast agent, the drug is administered intravenously before starting the machine. Sometimes it should be taken orally. In this case, the doctor gives a special command, according to which the patient drinks the provided liquid.

CT scan of the neck and larynx
CT scan of the neck and larynx

When performing a CT scan of the throat and larynx, the pricesmall is provided. The procedure is completely painless and safe if all tests were passed before the study, and the patient received the approval of the attending physician for this diagnostic method. The person will have a complete picture of the disease of the neck organs, based on the data revealed, he will be prescribed the most optimal treatment.
