Methods of modern dentistry can change a person's bite, align the dentition. But this usually does not lead to a significant improvement in appearance. And if a person has any pathologies in the structure of the jaw, orthognathic surgery can help him. This section of orthodontics, which deals not only with the correction of the bite itself, but restores the symmetry and correct proportions of the face. For example, chin reshaping or jaw lengthening cannot be achieved with braces and other orthodontic appliances. It is orthognathic surgery that allows you to make your appearance more attractive. It corrects severe facial deformities in the jaw area.
History of the development of orthognathic surgery
This section of dentistry combines plastic medicine and maxillofacial surgery. Its goal is to achieve harmonious facial features. The name of this section comes from the Latin words, which translate as "directjaw". Initially, such operations were carried out only to correct the bite, while the shape of the face changed slightly. Their peculiarity was that they affected only the lower jaw, and the incisions were made from the outside, as a result of which scars remained on the skin of the face.
But in 1965 a technique was developed to move the upper jaw. After that, orthognathic surgery became an effective way to change the shape of the face. The methods of conducting operations were constantly improved, and soon they began to be done using internal incisions. This made it possible to make the patient's appearance more attractive. In recent years, the correction technique has become even more modern, now after it there are no scars and scars at all.

Where orthognathic surgery is better developed
Surgeons from Latvia, St. Petersburg and Moscow are considered the best in this profile. Similar operations can be done at the Riga Institute of Dentistry. There are several medical centers in St. Petersburg that perform such a correction. The most famous specialist in maxillofacial surgery is Dr. A. R. Andreishchev.
Orthognathic surgery in Moscow is especially famous. Specialists of the Scientific and Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology perform such operations using the most modern techniques, also using their own developments. These are Candidates of Medical Sciences, the best doctors of this profile in Russia A. N. Senyuk, I. N. Lyashev, M. A. Mokhirev and D. N. Nazaryan.

They all solve the same problem - correcting jaw defects and improving the appearance of the face. But depending on the individual characteristics and severity of the pathology, different operations are used for this:
- osteotomy of the upper jaw - moving it and fixing it with titanium plates;
- osteotomy of the lower jaw - setting it in the correct position;
- in some cases it is necessary to divide the jaw into several parts to increase it;
- moving the cheekbones;
- genioplasty - cutting off the excess part of the chin and correction of the midline of the face;
- sometimes additional rhinoplasty, liposuction or lipolifting is required.

Indications for surgery
Usually minor jaw deformities, malocclusion or uneven dentition are corrected with braces, crowns or veneers. But not in all cases it is possible to achieve success in this way. Braces often do not help or, on the contrary, worsen the patient's condition. If such orthodontic treatment is performed for severe jaw deformities, it can lead to pathologies of the mandibular joint or even dislocation of the teeth.
There are certain indications for orthognathic surgery, which allow such an intervention only when necessary. Usually these situations are:
- abnormal jaw size;
- jaw asymmetry;
- prognathic bite, in which the patient is verysmall chin;
- strongly protruding lower jaw;
- gingival or asymmetrical smile.

Orthognasty surgery is not for everyone. Some people wish to have such an operation without major deformities. If the bite is correct, but he simply does not like the appearance of a person, doctors will not undertake to treat him. In addition, there are certain contraindications to such operations:
- childhood and adolescence until the final formation of the jaws, that is, up to about 18-21 years old;
- bleeding disorder;
- cardiovascular disease;
- pathologies of the skeletal system;
- disorders of the endocrine glands;
- diabetes mellitus;
- nervous diseases.
What preparation is needed
Before the operation, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination by a dentist. The doctor determines the parameters necessary for the proper functioning of the temporomandibular joint, for the most complete closure of the jaws. In this case, the Dolphin computer program is used, which allows you to build a 3D model of harmonious facial features for a particular person. This template is used later during the operation.
But before proceeding with orthognathic treatment, it is necessary to align the dentition at least a little. For this, braces or transparent caps are used, which must be worn for at least 2-3 months. Sometimes this period is delayed for 1-1.5 years.

How is the operation going
Orthognathic surgery is a serious invasive treatment. Therefore, all operations take place in a hospital. General anesthesia is required. After all, the operation can last 5-6 hours. After it, a doctor's supervision is necessary, so the patient remains in the hospital for several days. But even after discharge, he is advised to refrain from normal activities. Therefore, sick leave is given for up to 3 weeks.
Could there be complications
Usually, such operations are tolerated by patients as easily as possible. There may be a complication after surgery - this is numbness of the lips, which soon disappears on its own and even has a positive effect: the patient does not feel pain. In addition, sometimes there is soft tissue swelling, sore throat, speech disturbance, nasal congestion, slight nausea. To be sure of the success of the operation and the absence of side effects, it is necessary to choose a good clinic and qualified doctors.
In addition, compliance with several rules will also help to avoid unpleasant consequences, because the operation is performed under general anesthesia:
- do not eat or drink for at least 8 hours before surgery;
- try not to smoke the day before;
- do not operate if you feel the slightest ailment, fever or intestinal upset.

Operation results
Orthognasty surgery can transform a person's appearance. Improvement in facial features helps him look younger and more attractive. This is necessary because the standard of beauty is symmetrical face shapes. In addition, a beautiful smile also attracts people. And a person with an irregular jaw shape is often simply embarrassed to smile, withdraws and loses self-confidence.
From different photos you can see what results orthognathic surgery helps to achieve. Before and after surgery, the patient often looks very different. She is able to lengthen the jaw or make it shorter, change its position, change the shape and size of the chin. Due to this, facial features become more correct and appearance is transformed. The positive effect of the operation is also explained by the fact that all incisions are made from the inside, so the integrity of external tissues is not violated.
In addition to obtaining an aesthetic result, this operation helps to get rid of functional disorders, such as blurred speech, difficulty chewing functions. And most importantly, orthognathic surgery improves the patient's psychological state and increases their self-confidence.

Feedback on this correction
In fact, few people know what orthognathic surgery is. Reviews show that mainly bite correction is carried out with the help of braces. And only with serious deformations of the jaw, people decide on an operation. But those who have used such services note that their appearance has changed for the better. Many, suffering for many years from speech disorders and malocclusion, suffering from an inferiority complex, changed after the operation. Orthognathic surgery can even help you look years younger. Moreover, patients do not notice any side effects or complications after the operation.
Orthognathic surgery is what will help change the appearance for the better with serious problems in the structure of the jaws. Modern methods of operations make such a correction safe and effective.