Anthropometric data are the subject of interest of various scientists. They began to pay attention to them almost immediately after the advent of human civilization. At the same time, they were and continue to be of great interest not only for people of science, but also for those whose vocation is art, especially for artists.

Today, the term "anthropometric data" is commonly understood as the value of body indicators measured in conditions of relative immobility of a person. That is, under this concept, you can combine all the static parameters, both of the whole organism as a whole (height, weight), and its individual parts (head circumference, arm length, foot size, and so on). The role of anthropometric data is quite large. The fact is that thanks to statistical studies, it was possible to establish the parameters of the norm for people of different ages, genders and even races. Moreover, the deviation from them in some cases is only a feature of the person himself, but in others it may indicate serious diseases. It is for this reason that anthropometric data are of great interest.for doctors.
Height and weight
The main anthropometric data are height and weight. They are the most commonly used in modern medicine. The fact is that on the basis of these two indicators alone, it is quite possible to calculate whether a person is overweight or even obese. These anthropometric data are determined almost every time the patient visits the clinic and the hospital. This is very important, since the detection of a large amount of overweight may indicate that the metabolism is disturbed in the human body.

Anthropometric data of children
The definition of individual indicators in babies is of great importance. The fact is that anthropometric data in this case make it possible to establish how correctly the child's body develops. Naturally, such indicators as height and weight are also superior here, however, in addition to them, there are several more that are highly informative for physicians. For babies of the first year of life, among anthropometric data, such a parameter as head circumference is of particular value. By the rate of its increase, one can often judge how the child's body develops as a whole.

How to determine the norm?
It is worth noting that manually calculating anthropometric data is not so easy. Today, this is no longer necessary. The fact is that there are special tools that help to quickly calculateanthropometric data. The table here is the simplest and at the same time perhaps the most effective tool. It provides an opportunity in a matter of seconds to determine the norm of one or another anthropometric data. Naturally, for this a person must know a certain indicator. Most often it is either height or age. That is, those parameters are taken as the basis, which practically cannot be changed in any way. Such tables are available in the office of almost every pediatrician and therapist. They allow these specialists not to waste precious time on rather complicated calculations, but to immediately receive comprehensive information about the limits of the norm for a particular patient on an individual basis.