Such an indicator as chest volume is clinically significant in the diagnosis of many diseases. It is measured monthly in children up to a year. However, deviations from the normal volume of the chest are often found in adults. In the presence of a smaller or larger indicator, it is customary to talk about the development of a pathological process in the body. Below is information on how to correctly measure the volume of the chest and what abnormalities indicate.

Normal values for women
For the fairer sex, this value directly depends on the thickness of the fat layer and body type.
It is customary to distinguish 3 types of chest:
- Normosthenic. It is characterized by proportionality, supraclavicular and subclavian zones are expressed, but in moderation. The shoulder blades fit rather tightly to the chest, and the epigastricthe angle is almost right.
- Asthenic. It is flat, it is characterized by retraction of the supraclavicular and subclavian zones. The shoulder blades are at some distance from the chest, and the epigastric angle is much less than 90 oS. Women with asthenic type visually look elongated and thin.
- Hypersthenic. Such a chest is very convex, it looks rounded, wide and shortened. The supraclavicular and subclavian zones are extremely weakly expressed, and the indicator of the epigastric node is more than 90 oС.
In women, the volume of the chest stops increasing at about 18-20 years. The average figure for adults is 82 cm. It can be slightly increased or decreased. In this case, it is necessary to measure the woman's height. After that, it must be divided equally. This is the normal chest volume.

Meanings for men
Doctors during the study are guided by anthropometric standards. These are average indicators that are typical for a larger number of males. In addition, specialists during the diagnosis take into account the constitutional type.
In men, the physique can also be asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic. It is also taken into account when assessing the proportionality and harmony of forms.
The average chest volume for men is 87 cm. Again, individual indicators play a big role. To determine the norm for a particular person, it is necessary to measure his height and divide in halfreceived value. It should also be equal to half the length of the body.

Normal values in children
In babies, indicators of the volume of the chest and head are clinically significant. Since the body is constantly growing, these values also change. The norm indicators are presented in the table below.
Age | Chest volume, cm (boys/girls) | Head volume, cm (for boys/girls) |
Up to 1 month | 34/33 | 35/34 |
1 month | 36/35 | 37/36 |
2 months | 38/37 | 39/38 |
3 months | 39/38 | 41/40 |
6 months | 43/42 | 44/43 |
9 months | 45/44 | 46/45 |
12 months | 47/47 | 47/46 |
1 year | 47/47 | 47/46 |
2 years | 51/50 | 49/48 |
3 years | 52/51 | 49/48 |
4 years | 53/52 | 51/50 |
5 years | 55/53 | 51/50 |
6 years | 57/55 | 51/50 |
7 years | 58/57 | 52/51 |
8 years | 59/59 | 52/51 |
9 years | 61/61 | 52/51 |
10 years | 64/63 | 52/51 |
11 years old | 66/66 | 53/52 |
12 years old | 68/71 | 53/52 |
13 years old | 71/74 | 53/53 |
14 years old | 74/76 | 54/53 |
Knowing the volume of the chest in children, it is possible to timely identify various pathologies at an early stage of their development.

How to measure chest volume correctly
In order for the indicator to be accurate and informative, you must follow the algorithm.
Adult chest measurements are as follows:
- Prepare the measuring tape. Check that all divisions on it are clearly visible. This will avoid getting an unreliable result.
- Take a standing position. It is important to know that the measurement should only be taken at rest.
- A centimeter tape must be attached to the back of the body strictly under the shoulder blades. In front, it should be located at the level of the fourth rib. In men, this zone is located just below the nipples. For women, the front band can be applied over the base of the bust or just below it.
- Check that the product fits snugly to the body. However, the measuring tape should not be stretched.
- Fix the result. If necessary, measure the height and check if the chest volume corresponds to it.
How to correctly measure the indicator in children? The baby must be laid on its back, older children should be in a standing position. The measuring tape at the back must be placed undershoulder blades, in front - at the level of the nipples. Fix the result. The child must be calm during the measurement.

Chest Excursion
This indicator is also clinically significant. How the measurement is done:
- The patient stands facing the doctor and spreads his arms to the sides.
- The subject takes a deep breath. Then he holds his breath. At this time, the doctor measures the volume of the chest when inhaling.
- Then the patient exhales and holds the breath again. The doctor takes a second measurement.
- The specialist calculates the difference between two indicators. This is chest excursion.
There are no clear criteria for the norm. The indicator directly depends on individual characteristics, such as gender, age and physique. On average, the chest excursion ranges from 1-3 cm. With a significant difference, it is customary to talk about the presence of pathology. The most commonly diagnosed are atelectasis or fibrosis of the lung, fluid accumulation, pleurisy, pneumothorax, emphysema.
Increase or decrease in volume in adults
With a significant deviation of the indicator from the norm upwards, it is customary to talk about pathology. As a rule, an increase in the volume of the chest is accompanied by its deformation.
If you have any warning signs, you need to see a doctor. The specialist will carry out diagnostic measures and draw up the most effective treatment regimen.
The main reason for an increase in the volume of the chest is the pathology of the respiratory organssystems. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive diagnosis. It includes a clinical blood test, x-ray, CT, MRI. Based on the results, the doctor draws up a treatment regimen or evaluates the feasibility of surgical intervention.
Volume reduction is extremely rare. As a rule, in this case, respiratory pathologies are congenital in nature and are diagnosed shortly after the birth of the child.

Increase or decrease in volume in children
Babies are measured immediately after birth and before discharge from the hospital. Until the child reaches the age of 12 months, parents need to show it to the pediatrician every month.
Change in the volume of the chest up or down can be:
- Purchased. In this case, the bone structures are deformed due to the fault of the parents. The volume indicator changes when the baby is constantly laid on the same side, they try to teach him to sit early, and also put a pillow under his head (the child does not need it until 2 years old). Another reason is rickets. The chest is deformed and reduced in volume.
- Innate. In this case, too small or large volume of the chest is due to hereditary factors or pathologies that have arisen during fetal development.
The most common cause of changes is rickets or pathology of the respiratory organs. In a child under 12 months, all diseases are detected in a timely manner. Ifalarming signs appeared at a later age, an immediate consultation with a doctor is required. It is important to understand that against the background of a change in the volume of the chest, not only the respiratory organs suffer, but also the heart. In some cases, surgery is indicated.

The treatment regimen directly depends on the root cause that caused the change in chest volume in adults and children.
For example, with emphysema, the use and inhalation of bronchodilators ("Salbutamol", "Theophylline") are indicated. In addition, doctors prescribe glucocorticosteroids ("Prednisolone"). As a rule, lifelong therapy is required in the presence of this disease. To stop the symptoms of pathology, oxygen therapy is prescribed. If necessary, an operation is performed to reduce the volume of the lungs - thoracoscopic bullectomy.
Another reason for changes in chest volume is pneumothorax. Pathology requires immediate surgical intervention. During it, the doctor sucks air from the pleural cavity.
Thus, an increase or decrease in chest volume is a symptom, not an independent disease. The choice of treatment regimen is carried out depending on the underlying cause.
In closing
The volume of the chest is a clinically significant indicator in the diagnosis of various pathologies. Without fail, it must be measured in children, but if there are suspicions of the development of the disease, the doctor also conducts a study in adults. When the indicator deviates from the norm by more or lessside it is customary to talk about the presence of diseases of the respiratory system. Treatment directly depends on the underlying cause. It can be both conservative and operational.