Aspiration biopsy: description of the procedure

Aspiration biopsy: description of the procedure
Aspiration biopsy: description of the procedure

Suspicion of the presence of any pathology makes a person worry. This is especially true for oncological processes. Cancer is a terrible diagnosis both for the person himself and for all his close people. However, there are currently many ways to deal with it. The effectiveness of the treatment of oncological pathologies is high in the initial stages of the disease. Therefore, in order to quickly detect cancer, it is necessary to be examined at the first sign of the disease. One of the diagnostic methods is an aspiration biopsy. It is performed quickly and almost painlessly. In some cases, this study acts as a medical procedure.

aspiration biopsy
aspiration biopsy

What is the purpose of an aspiration biopsy?

In order to confirm or refute the presence of a malignant process, a study of the composition of the cells of the pathological formation is required. It is carried out using 2 diagnostic procedures. These include histological and cytological examination. The first is to perform a cut from the damaged organ, stain it and microscopy. Such a method isstandard for diagnosing cancer. Cytological examination consists in performing a smear from the surface of the biopsy. Next, microscopy of the glass preparation is carried out. To obtain material for research, an open biopsy is performed. This is a surgical operation that involves the partial or complete removal of an organ. Another way to collect cells is considered to be aspiration puncture biopsy. It can be used for histological and cytological analysis. For this purpose, biological material is obtained by puncturing the organ and splitting off small pieces of the affected area.

The benefits of the aspiration method include:

  1. No skin incisions.
  2. Painless procedure.
  3. Can be performed on an outpatient basis.
  4. Fast execution.
  5. Reduce the risk of complications that may occur as a result of the procedure (inflammation, bleeding).

Aspiration biopsy can be performed with special instruments or with an ordinary thin needle used for injection. It depends on the depth and localization of the neoplasm.

fine needle aspiration biopsy
fine needle aspiration biopsy

Indications for biopsy

Aspiration biopsy is performed when tumors of various organs are suspected. Among them are the thyroid and mammary glands, uterus, lymph nodes, prostate, bones, soft tissues. This diagnostic method is performed in cases where there is access to the neoplasm. The indications for the study include the following conditions:

  1. Suspicion of a malignant tumor.
  2. Inability to determine the nature of the inflammatory process by other methods.

In most cases, it is impossible to establish which cells the neoplasm consists of without cytological and histological examination. Even if the doctor is sure of the presence of a malignant tumor, the diagnosis must be confirmed. This is necessary to establish the degree of cell differentiation and carry out therapeutic measures. In addition to cancerous tumors, there are benign neoplasms that must be removed. Before proceeding with surgical intervention, it is necessary to confirm that there is no oncological process. An aspiration biopsy is also performed for this purpose.

Sometimes the treatment of inflammatory processes is ineffective, despite the adequacy of the therapy. In such cases, a histological examination of the tissue is required to exclude specific pathologies. In this way, tuberculous, syphilitic or other inflammation can be detected.

aspiration biopsy of the thyroid gland
aspiration biopsy of the thyroid gland

Preparation for the study

Depending on the location of the pathological site, preparation for the study may differ. In all cases, diagnostic procedures are required before aspiration biopsy. These include: blood and urine tests, determination of biochemical parameters, coagulogram, tests for hepatitis and HIV infection. If a tumor of external localization is suspected, no specific preparation is required. It concernsneoplasms of the thyroid and mammary glands, skin, lymph nodes. In these cases, a fine-needle aspiration biopsy is performed. This method is completely painless and resembles an ordinary injection. If the tumor is deep, a trepanobiopsy is required. It is carried out using a special tool and a thick needle. In this case, local anesthesia is required.

fine needle aspiration biopsy of the thyroid gland
fine needle aspiration biopsy of the thyroid gland

Preparing for an endometrial aspiration biopsy is slightly different. In addition to the above tests, before it is carried out, it is required to obtain the results of a smear from the vagina and cervix. If the patient is a woman of childbearing age, the biopsy is performed on the 25th or 26th day of the menstrual cycle. In the postmenopausal period, the study can be carried out at any time.

Performing a thyroid biopsy

Thyroid aspiration biopsy is performed with a fine needle. It is required in the presence of nodular formations in the tissue of the organ. Before the study, the doctor performs palpation of the thyroid gland. For this, the patient is asked to make a swallowing motion. At this point, the doctor determines the exact localization of the node. This place is treated with an alcohol solution for disinfection. The doctor then inserts a thin needle into the neck area. With the other hand, he fixes the knot in order to obtain cells from the pathological focus. The doctor pulls the plunger of the empty syringe towards himself to extract the biological material. Pathological tissue penetrates into the lumen of the needle, after which it is placedon a glass slide. The resulting material is sent for cytological examination. A cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution is applied to the puncture site and fixed with adhesive tape.

Fine needle aspiration biopsy of the thyroid gland helps to determine if there are malignant cells in the nodule. In their absence, conservative treatment of goiter is possible. If a doctor diagnoses thyroid cancer, removal of the organ and chemotherapy is required.

aspiration needle biopsy
aspiration needle biopsy

Endometrial aspiration biopsy technique

Indications for uterine biopsy are: suspicion of cancer, hyperplastic processes (endometriosis, polyps), monitoring hormone therapy. The study is performed in a treatment room or a small operating room under ultrasound control. First of all, palpation of the pelvic organs is performed. Then the cervix is fixed with the help of gynecological mirrors. A special conductor, a catheter, is inserted into the cervical canal. Through it, the contents of the endometrium are aspirated into a syringe. The resulting material is sent to the laboratory to determine the cellular composition of the fluid.

In some cases, uterine aspiration biopsy is performed using a special vacuum device. It is necessary so that the material is taken under pressure. With it, you can get several samples of biological material when performing 1 puncture.

Puncture biopsy of lymph nodes and breast

Lymph node biopsy is performed if the doctor suspectsspecific inflammation or regional spread of the tumor. The study is carried out using a thin needle. The technique of its implementation is similar to aspiration biopsy of the thyroid gland. The same technique is used to obtain material from neoplasms in the breast. In addition, aspiration biopsy of the breast is performed in the presence of large cysts. In this case, this procedure is not only diagnostic, but also therapeutic.

aspiration biopsy of the uterus
aspiration biopsy of the uterus

If the obtained material is not enough or it is not possible to confirm the diagnosis with its help, a trepanobiopsy of the mammary gland is performed. It is performed under ultrasound guidance. Thus, it is possible to track the course of the needle. In some cases, a vacuum aspiration biopsy is performed.

Contraindications for examination

There are practically no contraindications to fine needle biopsy. Difficulties may arise if the patient is a person with mental illness or a child. In these cases, intravenous anesthesia is required, which cannot always be performed. Aspiration vacuum or fine-needle biopsy of the endometrium is undesirable for inflammatory pathologies of the cervix and vagina. Also, the procedure is not performed during pregnancy.

Interpretation of research results

The result of the histological examination is ready in 7-10 days. Cytological analysis is faster. After microscopy of a smear or a histological preparation, the doctor makes a conclusion about the cellular composition of the neoplasm. In the absence of atypiathe tumor is benign. If the cells obtained during the study differ from normal elements, the diagnosis of cancer is confirmed. In such cases, the degree of tumor differentiation is established. The prognosis and methods of treatment depend on this.

vacuum aspiration biopsy
vacuum aspiration biopsy

Aspiration biopsy: doctors' reviews

Doctors say that the method of aspiration biopsy is a reliable diagnostic study, safe for the patient's he alth. With little information content of the obtained material, tissue sampling can be repeated. This study does not require hospitalization of the patient.
