The tailbone hurts a lot after a fall, what should I do? Bruise Treatment Tips

The tailbone hurts a lot after a fall, what should I do? Bruise Treatment Tips
The tailbone hurts a lot after a fall, what should I do? Bruise Treatment Tips

Coccyx is the lower part of the spine, consisting of fused vertebrae. This process is considered to be a modified tail, which we inherited from our distant ancestors - primates. Despite this, the coccyx has a rather complex functional significance.

Basic functions of the coccyx

  1. The anterior coccyx is designed to attach the muscles and tendons that are involved in the work of the genitourinary system and the distal large intestine.
  2. Part of the muscle fibers belonging to the gluteal muscle, which allow you to extend the hips, are attached to the coccyx.
  3. When sitting while bending back, part of the load of the body is transferred to the coccyx.
  4. tailbone hurts after a fall
    tailbone hurts after a fall

Sometimes people, especially during ice, fall on the "fifth point" and hit the tailbone hard. Such an injury cannot be ignored. If your tailbone hurts after a fall, it's best to see a doctor. After all, this part of the skeleton, as you have already noticed, performs important enough for goodwell-being functions. Even a slight bruise that has not been cured can cause moneyerative-dystrophic changes in the coccyx. What are the symptoms of a bruise?

Signs of a bruised tailbone

The difficulty of diagnosis is that patients complain of pain of a different nature. Therefore, self-medication should not be done in any case.

If the coccyx hurts (after a fall, cycling on rough roads can also be the cause), this condition in medicine is called anokopchikovy pain syndrome. This syndrome occurs often, but it manifests itself in different ways - it can be aching, sharp, tingling or paroxysmal pain, radiating to the perineum or buttock. At the same time, sometimes a trauma that took place in the distant past makes itself felt many years later.

hit tailbone hurts what to do
hit tailbone hurts what to do

However, most often, the pain syndrome manifests itself immediately after the injury - the injury worries so much that a person cannot find a place for himself from pain. A few hours after the injury, the pain subsides a little, but the attempt to sit or walk is quite painful. However, a decrease in pain intensity makes it possible to neglect a visit to a specialist. But the absence of symptoms does not guarantee that the injury is not dangerous - in the end, the patient develops a chronic bruise, which is fraught with complications, up to damage to the spinal cord. In addition, as a result, the pain will manifest itself with every squat or just an active walk.

One of the main symptoms of a bruised tailbone (besides the fact that the tailbone hurtsafter a fall) is the formation of a bruise. At the site of injury, small vessels rupture, causing hemorrhage into the soft tissues. Also, bruising may indicate a bone fracture.

tailbone hurts after a fall
tailbone hurts after a fall

Also, symptoms of a bruised coccyx are:

  1. Pain during bowel movements.
  2. Pain during intercourse.
  3. Pain while standing and walking.
  4. Soreness in lower limbs (pain radiates there).
  5. Edema. In this case, there is a risk of more serious injury.
  6. Formation of a painful bump on the coccyx.

If your tailbone hurts a lot, what to do in this case? To begin with, exclude the possibility that pain in the coccyx indicates a disease - osteochondrosis, hemorrhoids, etc. If there has been an injury, it is recommended to see a doctor - he will send you for an x-ray, because, in addition to a bruise, there is always a risk of dislocation or fracture.

If the coccyx hurts, which doctor diagnoses the problem and prescribes treatment? An experienced osteopath can eliminate pain in the coccyx and its consequences - it is he who specializes in diseases of the spine and joints.

Many women on the forums are interested in: "I fell, my tailbone hurts, what should I do?" First aid in this case:

  1. Apply a cold compress to the bruised area. It could be an ice cube if the damage happened in the house, or even snow. You need to apply cold in the first few hours after the injury, but do not do any more special actions aimed at improving well-being.should be avoided.
  2. Take an analgesic if needed. It will help reduce the intensity of pain for a while. Of course, constantly, if the coccyx is very sore after a fall, painkillers cannot be used, but at the first time of the recovery period it is necessary.
  3. Do not put pressure on the damaged area (the patient is transported on his side so as not to burden the coccyx).
  4. Seek medical advice immediately.

Coccyx injury treatment

So, if a woman hit her tailbone, it hurts, what to do in this case?

fell hurt tailbone what to do
fell hurt tailbone what to do

First of all, physical activity should be limited - do not walk, lie more, preferably on your stomach. Sitting is not recommended, as this can lead to complications. If you have to sit down, then use a special orthopedic pillow or a rubber circle - it is important that there are no loads on the coccyx.

Cold compresses are allowed, but hot compresses or baths are strongly discouraged. Relaxing baths and special gymnastic exercises are done in a sitting position. It is important to refuse massaging the damaged area.

Coccyx injury exercise:

  1. Lie on your back. Stretch your legs and squeeze and unclench the ball between your feet for about 5 seconds. No more than 10 repetitions, taking a break of 10-15 seconds between them.
  2. Lie on your back. Bending your knees, lift your pelvis and squeeze your buttocks, holding them in tension for 5 seconds. Do the exerciseas many as you can.
  3. Lie on your back, bend your knees. The ball used in the first exercise, compress and decompress with your knees, straining the press, but not sticking out the stomach. Take breaks between reps.

In no case is it recommended to do exercises immediately after an injury, a certain amount of time must pass after a bruise. It is important to consult your doctor before starting exercise.

hit tailbone hurts
hit tailbone hurts

Drug treatment for coccyx contusion

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended for inflammatory joint diseases, fever and pain of various etiologies. These include drugs such as Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, Piroxicam.

Muscle relaxants are drugs aimed at relaxing smooth muscles, which reduces pain in the area of damage and speeds up recovery. Such drugs include Tizanidin, Mydocalm, Baclofen.

Physiotherapy treatments with cold, high-frequency current, ultrasonic vibrations, magnetic field, etc. are also used.

Ointments in the treatment of bruised tailbone

When the coccyx hurts after a fall, ointments are prescribed that have an analgesic effect. They also remove bruises. Often such ointments include herbal ingredients - chamomile, arnica, calendula. Another series of ointments are gels that improve blood circulation,which helps to avoid the formation of bruises and seals. Such ointments include "Traumeel", "Dolobene gel", "Arnica" and ointments based on calendula and chamomile.

coccyx hurts which doctor
coccyx hurts which doctor

Folk remedies in the treatment of the coccyx

If you hit your tailbone, it hurts, what should I do? How to treat at home? You can treat pain in the coccyx using folk remedies. One of these is an onion compress or crushed wormwood, which must be applied to the damaged coccyx. But arnica tincture, in turn, reduces the intensity of pain.

Also, crushed plantain leaves or its juice are applied in the form of compresses. It promotes the healing of soft tissues and the coccyx itself. But remember: home treatment is only acceptable when diagnosed in a medical facility.

Suppositories in the treatment of bruised tailbone

Candles are also prescribed for coccyx bruises. Most Popular:

  1. Suppositories with ichthyol - antiseptic and wound healing agent. They are administered after a cleansing enema or spontaneous bowel movement. Put candles 1-2 times a day.
  2. Suppositories with novocaine. They are an anesthetic, applied 1-2 times a day.
  3. Candles with belladonna. Used for hemorrhoids, increase the tone of the sphincter. About three candles are used per day.
  4. coccyx hurts a lot what to do
    coccyx hurts a lot what to do

Prevention of coccyx bruises

If the coccyx hurts after a fall that happened a long time ago, then contact a specialist again. Any new injurycan be very serious. Avoid sitting on hard surfaces until fully healed.

It is also recommended to visit an osteopath every six months, which helps to improve the functioning of the pelvic organs, blood circulation and metabolism. The osteopath will refer you to the right specialist if necessary. Stay he althy!
