What can you get poisoned with? Let's find out

What can you get poisoned with? Let's find out
What can you get poisoned with? Let's find out

Poisoning is a violation of the human body due to the ingress of any toxic substances into it. In this case, various organs can suffer - the digestive system, kidneys, liver, eyes, heart and others. Poisoning can be acute, when a large amount of toxic substances enters the human body in a short time, and it can also be chronic, if the poison acts in small doses for a long time. Both species require treatment equally.

What can you get poisoned with? In general, anything - toxic substances can be contained in food, water, air. It can be stale food, industrial poisons, toxins released by animals, plants and fungi, as well as alcohol, tobacco, drugs.

what can kill you
what can kill you

In the list of what you can get poisoned with, food takes, perhaps, the first place. And it's not just about alcohol, which in large quantities causes severe intoxication. Many types of mushrooms and berries are poisonous, so you need to be very careful when picking them yourself orbuying by hand. Simply stale foods, in which pathogenic bacteria have multiplied, can be toxic. It is not without reason that cases of poisoning occur more often in summer - under the influence of heat, bacteria multiply faster, and the shelf life of any products decreases. Another type of food that can be included in the list of what you can get poisoned with is vegetables and fruits, especially their early varieties. Very often, in order to increase productivity, producers use all kinds of fertilizers and insecticides that contain poisons that accumulate in fruits. Is it possible to get poisoned by champignons or other products that are grown at home? Answer: it is possible, and it will not even be a matter of the manufacturer's dishonesty. The fact is that the human body can be poisoned by any substance to which it has an individual intolerance. And if there was a component in the food that your body can react to with symptoms of poisoning, then poisoning will most likely occur.

is it possible to get poisoned by champignons
is it possible to get poisoned by champignons

Another leader in the list of what can be poisoned to death are narcotic drugs and medicines taken in the wrong dosage. If everything is clear with drugs - more than one social advertisement tells about their harm, then drugs taken without a doctor's prescription (or taken in the wrong dosage) can also lead to serious poisoning and death.

Of course, the list of toxic substances can be continued for a long time - this will include paint and varnish products, and all kinds of chemical fertilizers, household chemicals,carbon monoxide and other substances hazardous to human life. It must be remembered that what can be poisoned should be stored with due regard for safety precautions and as far as possible from children - a child needs a much lower concentration of poison to get poisoned than an adult.

And if you feel the manifestation of the most characteristic symptoms of poisoning (vomiting or nausea, convulsions, an increase or a sharp decrease in body temperature, headache and stomach cramps, impaired breathing and swallowing, fainting), you should immediately call a doctor, and before his arrival, take a horizontal position, ensure yourself plenty of fluids and do not self-medicate.
