How to find a good dermatologist in Voronezh? This question is not asked only by those who have already chosen an excellent specialist for themselves, but everyone else should only rely on the experience of these lucky ones and choose a skin doctor based on reviews on the Internet, as well as on the level of qualification and length of service. List of the best dermatologists, as well as dermatological centers and honey. institutions where they accept, later in this article.
Dermatological centers in Voronezh
Before you get acquainted with the list of the best dermatologists in the city, you should find out about special medical institutions narrowly focused on the study of diseases and beauty of the skin, or those where dermatological treatment is at a very high level. These are the following institutions of Voronezh:
"Sack of He alth"

- "Clinic of Elena Baibarina".
- "ClinicKamynina".
- Clinic "Linline".
- Beauty Land.
- Sova Clinic.
- "First family clinic".
- Polyclinic "Dubrava".
- Honey. QualiMed Center.
- Honey. Center "Dr. Albrecht".
- Honey. center of "Broad Hearts".
- Honey. Center "Children's Doctor"
- "S Class Clinic".
- Cosmetology "Era".
- Cosmetology and dermatology "Lemark".

- Cosmetology "Blueberry".
- Cosmetology VRN Cosmo.
- AMD Lab.
- Bevz He alth and Beauty Center.
- Difene Beauty and He alth Center.
- "Center for Modern Pediatrics".
- Hospital 7.
And now the best dermatologists of the city are presented to the reader's attention, with a rating, qualification data, as well as the time and place of admission.
Bulynina S. M
Opening the list of the best dermatologists in Voronezh is a rather young, but already very experienced specialist - Svetlana Mikhailovna Bulynina. The experience of this doctor of the first category is only 4 years, but the rating is currently the highest - 9.54 out of 10. We managed to find more than 30 positive reviews about the work of Svetlana Mikhailovna on the Web, and not a single negative one. All patients write that youth is beneficial for this specialist - freshness of views and absolute mastery of all modern methods of diagnosis and treatmenthelp her cure patients of the most difficult skin conditions twice as fast.
Dermatologist Bulynina is ready to accept her patients in honey. center "S Class Clinic" on Revolution Avenue, 29A. Center opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:00-20:00, Saturday and Sunday 8:00-17:00.

Romanova I. V
For 27 years, a successful dermatological practice has been led by a doctor with a rating of 8, 78 out of 10, Irina Vasilievna Romanova. In the comments about her work - entirely words of gratitude. In addition to successful help with diseases, patients note the friendly and attentive attitude of Irina Vasilievna.
Like the previous dermatologist, Dr. Romanova works in med. center "S Class Clinic" on Revolution Avenue, 29A. The time of its reception within the framework of the center's working hours should be specified at the reception.
Demyanova O. B

It is impossible to ignore among the best dermatologists in Voronezh and Olga Borisovna Demyanova. Candidate of Medical Sciences, a specialist of the highest level, has been working by profession for 26 years and has a rating of 8, 56 out of 10. More than 30 positive reviews have been written about her on the Internet - patients call Olga Borisovna a very competent, intelligent and pleasant specialist.
The name of the honey center should not be embarrassing for adult clients - they can also sign up withoutany restrictions. Both centers operate seven days a week, from 8:00 to 20:00, the time of Olga Borisovna's appointment should be specified separately.
Denisenko N. B

Voronezh dermatologist Natalya Bronislavovna Denisenko is a doctor of the first qualification category, has 18 years of experience and a rating of 8, 46 out of 10. Judging by the comments on the Web, Natalya Bronislavovna does an excellent job with her work. She very carefully delves into even the smallest problem and competently eliminates not only the symptoms, but also the cause of the disease.
Dermatologist Denisenko's jobs include honey. center "Children's Doctor" on Kholzunova street, 60B and Hospital No. 7 on Kalyaeva street, 19. In both cases, Natalya Bronislavovna's schedule is constantly changing, and therefore it should be clarified immediately before the appointment.
Saidyusupova I. S
Irina Saidokilovna Saidyusupova has brilliant qualifications: candidate of dermatological sciences, doctor of the highest professional level, has been working in the profession for 30 years and has a rating of 8, 11 out of 10. Judging by the reviews, patients really like Irina Saidokilovna's sincere interest in her work - she is enthusiastic and eager to help, which affects the speed and effectiveness of the treatment.
In Voronezh, dermatologist Saidyusupova is waiting for her patients at the First Family Clinic on 48 Vladimir Nevsky Street. onSundays from 9:00 to 18:00.
Vasilchenko P. S

Dermatologist of the highest qualification level with 18 years of experience and a rating of 7, 98 out of 10 is Petr Sergeevich Vasilchenko. He is a real champion of this list, as more than 70 positive comments have been left about his work on various sites on the Internet. They are written by people who, due to chronic diseases, have chosen Petr Sergeevich as a permanent doctor, as well as those who have successfully cured their disease and no longer need the help of doctors - and this already says a lot.
In Voronezh, Petr Sergeevich Vasilchenko is waiting for his patients at the Dubrava polyclinic, which is located on Moskovsky Prospekt, 112. From Monday to Friday, you can make an appointment from 8:00 to 20:00, as well as on some Saturdays (from 9:00 to 17:00) and Sundays (9:00 to 14:00) of each month.
Tuleninova V. V

Viktoria Vladimirovna Tuleninova is a dermatologist of the first category with a rating of 7, 83 out of 10, with 10 years of professional experience. In their feedback, patients thank Viktoria Vladimirovna for prompt assistance without subsequent side effects and a friendly attitude.
Here is a list of places where dermatologist Tuleninova works in Voronezh:
- "Sacvoyage of He alth" at 48A Moskovsky Prospekt.
- Honey. Center "He althy Child" on Leninsky Prospekt, 43A.
- Women's consultation "NK-clinic" on Generala Lizyukov street, 24.
- AMD Laboratory on the streetEngels, 25-B.
Baybarina E. V

One of the most famous dermatologists in Voronezh, thanks to the presence of her own clinic, is Elena Valerievna Baibarina, candidate of sciences, specialist of the highest category, owner of 22 years of experience in the profession and a rating of 7, 64 points out of 10. The reviews write about the wonderful attitude and high professionalism of Elena Valerievna - she is in love with her work and finds a new, individual approach to each patient.
In the "Clinic of Elena Baibarina" this dermatologist works in branches on Bolshaya Streletskaya Street, 20B and on January 9th Street, 32. You can make an appointment with her from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 20:00, as well as at Saturday from 9:00 to 15:00, but in which clinic the appointment will be carried out, you should specify when making an appointment.
Pozhidaeva E. E

Voronezh dermatologist Elizaveta Evgenievna Pozhidaeva has the highest medical category, 21 years of professional experience and a rating of 7, 25 out of 10. It was not possible to find negative reviews about the work of Elizaveta Evgenievna - all her clients express their sincere gratitude, praise the method of work and the ability to explain every nuance clearly and without further ado.
In honey. Center "Broad Hearts", which is located on Vladimir Nevsky Street, 19/2, dermatologist Pozhidaeva sees patients every day, seven days a week, by appointment - from Monday to Friday, working hours 16:00-20:55, and on Saturday and Sunday 9: 00-20:55.
Tanasevskaya T. V

The list of the best dermatologist in Voronezh is completed by Tatyana Viktorovna Tanasevskaya, a doctor with a rating of 7, 15 out of 10, who has been working in medicine for 11 years. In the comments, patients describe the feeling of comfort they experienced at the appointment with Tatyana Viktorovna. She is described as highly intelligent, empathetic and highly developed within her profession, which contributes to the in-depth study of each problem and fast, effective treatment.
Dermatologist Tanasevskaya is waiting for her patients at the Owl clinic on 52 Nikitinskaya Street. until 17:00.