Khadu (gymnastics) - exercises that prolong life. Feedback on the effectiveness of gymnastics

Khadu (gymnastics) - exercises that prolong life. Feedback on the effectiveness of gymnastics
Khadu (gymnastics) - exercises that prolong life. Feedback on the effectiveness of gymnastics

Hado - gymnastics, which is designed to get rid of problems associated with the condition of the joints and spine. This set of exercises is suitable for everyone without exception: men, women, children, and even the elderly. Hadu affects the human body in many ways and positively. This makes it possible to heal the whole body completely, and not individual point problem areas.

hadu gymnastics
hadu gymnastics

In order to engage in this set of exercises, no simulators or other additional equipment are required. Training can be carried out in any place convenient for you - at home, outdoors, in the office or in the gym. It is enough to lay a mat under your feet, after which you can begin classes. Although, in case of its absence, you can do without it.

Advantages of Khadu over other types of gymnastics

Saving time

The way to the he alth of your body with Hadu gymnastics will beuncomplicated. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to conduct three one-hour workouts every week. Allocating this amount of time is not so difficult, given the fact that other ways of dealing with ailments require more attention. You can train anywhere, without going to the gym. Therefore, you can save a significant amount of your time.

No aid costs

hadu gymnastics reviews
hadu gymnastics reviews

Hadu is gymnastics, which has a lot of positive qualities and advantages in comparison with other exercise systems. One of them is the lack of additional healing methods, such as massage, manual therapy, the use of medications, rubbing ointments and others. Khadu gymnastics is absolutely harmonious and complete. The absence of all kinds of weights used in gyms makes it possible to precisely control the degree of load at each moment of training, depending on the need.

Gymnastics safety

How safe is this type of exercise for the human body? Khadu is gymnastics, reviews of which confirm the fact that it has a minimal risk of injury. Their occurrence is prevented by movements with tension, characterized by a slow pace, which are used in this training system. Physical overload during Khadu classes is excluded. Therefore, this gymnastics can be practiced even by people who have disabilities, patients afterpast trauma, women in the postpartum period, and those who are medically prohibited from lifting weights.

Remove the causes, not the symptoms of illnesses

Hadu gymnastics has the ability to eliminate exactly the cause of the disease, and not just its signs. This is due to the fact that during the classes all muscle groups are involved, from the facial to the toes. Also, the spine (all its departments) is being worked out. This training system pays special attention to the smallest muscles that do not work during normal physical training. As a result, their blood supply improves, bone and cartilage tissue of small joints is restored. Khadu is gymnastics, reviews of which indicate that, as a result of training, inflammatory processes stop, swelling and pain in the joints disappear, and their mobility increases.

Hadu gymnastics for the spine
Hadu gymnastics for the spine

Principles of Hadu Gymnastics

Khadu - gymnastics, which is performed without weights. Strengthening the effect of the exercise is achieved by tensing the opposite muscles. At the same time, they work twice as much. Not only the muscles we contract become active, but also the ones that oppose them. All exercises are performed at a slow pace, with increased tension. It is recommended to do each of them until fatigue occurs in the trained part of the body. During gymnastics, such muscles are involved that “sleep” in the normal mode of the body (facial, cervical, extensor legs and fingers).

Tothis type of gymnast is recommended

Hada is recommended for training for people who prefer to build muscle without the use of weighting agents, for those who do not have the time or opportunity to go to gyms and for those who wish to prevent osteochondrosis and osteoporosis. Also, gymnastics is suitable for everyone who wants to improve their body.

This complex was developed on the basis of exercises designed to maintain the functionality of the muscular system in astronauts, submariners and other categories of people who are often in confined spaces. Khadu is gymnastics, some elements of which contribute to the restoration of muscle tissue after injuries. The principles of hatha yoga are also used in the training system. In general, as a he alth practice, gymnastics deserves its right to exist.

Hadu morning exercises
Hadu morning exercises

Back and posture exercises

First of all, Hadu gymnastics is intended for the spine. The normal functioning of internal organs depends on its condition. So, with disorders that occur in the thoracic spine, there are pains in the heart. The presence of pathology in the lumbar region contributes to the occurrence of diseases of the genital organs. Correcting this situation is easy. To get rid of such pathologies, it is enough to return the displaced vertebrae to their place.

Hado uses a range of exercises to restore natural posture. With their help, the cervical and thoracic spine are worked out. All exercisesaccording to this technique, are produced with maximum voltage, but slowly. This helps prevent injuries to weakened neck vertebrae.

Basic Hadu exercises

As a result of these actions, back muscles are developed, breathing is trained. Such exercises include both therapeutic and morning exercises Hadu.

rejuvenating gymnastics hadu
rejuvenating gymnastics hadu

Exercise "Weightlifter"

Legs in the starting position are shoulder-width apart, the knees are slightly bent, and the feet are parallel to each other. Shoulders need to be bent and deployed, and the back bent to such an extent that a saddle is formed in the lumbar region. Then you need to deeply inhale the air through your nose, and then exhale through tightly compressed lips (as if extinguishing a candle). It is necessary to perform these actions smoothly, slowly and without jerks. Repeat 10-15 times.

Chest Press

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Having accepted it, you need to make a bench press from the chest of an imaginary barbell. Inhale should be done by expanding the chest as much as possible. Repeat 7-10 times.

Abdominal breathing

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. You need to slouch a little. A breath is taken from the abdomen with tense abdominal muscles. The chest during the entire exercise is motionless. Exhalation is made slowly through the lips, folded into a "pipe". Repeat 20 times.

Gorilla Walk Exercise

In the normal standing position, you need to tighten the abdominal muscles and slowly swing the body to the left and right alternately, shifting from one foot to the other. The best option is to touch the ribs and pelvis. Repeat 15-20 times.

Exercising for the face

A separate training block is Hadu gymnastics for the face.

Hadu gymnastics for the face
Hadu gymnastics for the face

It has numerous muscles that atrophy without regular training. As a result, premature aging of the face occurs. Exercise can prevent this deficiency. Rejuvenating gymnastics Hadu for the face is carried out as follows. First you need to move your eyebrows up and down, as if surprised and frowning. Then you should depict a rat face, alternately cute and evil. The next exercise is to play the “wow” sound with your lips. Then they need to be shifted alternately to the left and right. Another exercise is stretching the eyes and lips. You need to do this in such a way as if you are scaring someone. In conclusion, you need to turn your head alternately to the left and right.

All exercises should be performed slowly, smoothly at first, gradually doubling the pace.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Hadu eye exercises improve eyesight. During the exercises, all muscle groups of the eye are worked out. You can do gymnastics with your eyes open and closed. It is performed as follows.

Hadu gymnastics for the eyes
Hadu gymnastics for the eyes

First, with some pressure, you need to move your eyes alternately to the right and left to such an extreme position in which circles of different colors become visible. Further, the same movements must be made in the directionup and down, then diagonally. At the end, you should perform rotational eye movements alternately in both directions.

Repeat each exercise 50-60 times required.
