Children's ENT in Kazan: ten best specialists, their qualifications and addresses of admission

Children's ENT in Kazan: ten best specialists, their qualifications and addresses of admission
Children's ENT in Kazan: ten best specialists, their qualifications and addresses of admission

There are no problems with the choice of children's ENT doctors in Kazan: many of them have an academic degree, most of them have the highest or first category. However, if parents want to choose the very specialist, they can be understood: the entire immune system of a person depends on the he alth of the throat, nose and ears at an early age. The list of the top ten children's lors in Kazan, presented below, will help you find the right specialist.

Rafailov V. V

Victor Rafailov
Victor Rafailov

Opens the list of the best children's lores of Kazan Viktor Vladimirovich Rafailov. This is a specialist of the highest level of qualification and candidate of otorhinolaryngological sciences, associate professor of the department of KazSMU. Viktor Vladimirovich has been in the profession for 28 years. Satisfied with his work, his parents left more than 40 positive reviews online and not a single negative one.


You can make an appointment with Laura Rafailov at the Korl Medical Center on Daurskaya Street, 12.

Kuzmin L. I

Leonid Kuzmin
Leonid Kuzmin

A real veteran of Kazan otorhinolaryngology and Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation is Leonid Ivanovich Kuzmin, who has devoted 52 years to the treatment of children's ears, throats and noses - and this, for a second, is already more than half a century! The medical category of Leonid Ivanovich is the highest. More than 30 good reviews have been left about his work and not a single negative one.

In Kazan, children's ENT Kuzmin accepts in the following clinics:

  • "Poppy" on Pravo-Bulachnaya street, 47.
  • Family He alth on Mira Street, 24.
  • "Razumed" on Glushko street, 22

Akifyeva O. N

Olga Akifeva
Olga Akifeva

A children's otolaryngologist of the highest category Olga Nikolaevna Akifyeva, who has devoted more than 30 years to this profile of pediatrics, also has a rather impressive experience. On various websites, the patients' parents wrote more than 20 testimonials about Olga Nikolaevna's work.

Here is a list of places where Dr. Akifyeva practices:

  • Clinic "9 months" on Pobedy Avenue, 152/33.
  • Polyclinic "Medexpert" on Sibgat Khakim Street, 52.
  • Children's Clinic No. 7 on Yamasheva Avenue, 48.
  • Children's Clinic No. 11 on Pavlyukhin Street, 118.

Emelyanova P. N

Polina Emelyanova
Polina Emelyanova

A very good children's lore in Kazan, or rather, it would even be said "baby", is Polina Nikolaevna Emelyanova, part-time infectious disease specialist and pediatrician, head of the neonatal pathology department at the RCCH. Atthis specialist has the highest professional level, more than 20 years of experience and 25 positive comments from patients.

To provide assistance to children of any age from birth, otolaryngologist Yemelyanova is ready at the Republican Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital named after Agafonov on Pobedy Avenue, 83.

Birina A. A

Anastasia Byrina
Anastasia Byrina

Anastasia Aleksandrovna Byrina, although she is a fairly young specialist in the field of pediatric otolaryngology - her experience is only 7 years, she already boasts a PhD in Medicine and teaches at the department of KazSMU. About the work of Anastasia Aleksandrovna, 13 positive comments were found on the Web.

In Kazan, children's ENT Byrina is waiting for her little patients here:

  • Clinic "Scandinavia" on Profsoyuznaya street, 19.
  • Clinic "Aibolit" on Kurskaya street, 8 A.
  • Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic on Sibgat Hakim, 33.
  • Hospital of War Veterans on Isaev Street, 5.

Anastasia Alexandrovna can be called at home, the cost of the service is from 3,100 rubles.

Plotnik I. O

Irina Plotnik
Irina Plotnik

Irina Olegovna Plotnik, a pediatric otorhinolaryngologist and ENT surgeon, attracts patients with the highest category and 23 years of experience. There are 18 positive reviews about Irina Olegovna's work on the Internet.

You can get an appointment with Laura Plotnik at the Korl Medical Center at 12 Daurskaya Street and at the Children's Republican Hospital, Orenburgsky Trakt, 140.

Maksorov G. V

Georgy Maksorov
Georgy Maksorov

More than 30 comments with warm thanks were written by the parents of little patients about the work of children's ENT Georgy Vladislavovich Maksorov. This doctor has a top-level qualification and 27 years of experience.

Otolaryngologist Georgy Vladislavovich Maksorov conducts his practice in institutions such as:

  • Clinic "Favorite Doctor" on Butlerova Street, 20.
  • Medical center "March" on Adel Kutuya street, 16.
  • Children's Republican Hospital, Orenburg tract, 140.

D. V. Kotnikov

Dmitry Kotnikov
Dmitry Kotnikov

More than 20 favorable reviews about the children's lore of Kazan Dmitry Valerievich Kotnikov were written by parents of his little patients who were satisfied with the work. This specialist has the highest qualification category, and his professional experience is over 20 years.

Here is a list of places where otorhinolaryngologist Kotnikov works and sees:

  • Impulse-Angio Medical Center, located on Bigicheva Street, 28 A.
  • Impulse-Angio branch on Dzerzhinsky Street, 16.
  • Medical center "Your he alth" on Dostoevsky street, 52.

Bezbryazov A. V

Alexey Bezbryazov
Alexey Bezbryazov

In the list of the best, one cannot ignore Alexei Viktorovich Bezbryazov, a pediatric otorhinolaryngologist with the first level of the medical category. Alexey Viktorovich has 14 years of successful practice in the field of pediatric medicine behind him. On the Internet, we managed to find fourteen positive comments about the work of Alexei Viktorovichand only two negative ones.

You can bring your child for a consultation with Laura Bezbryazev at the Kazansky Medical Center on Ershova Street, 16 and at the Polyclinic of Hospital No. 12 on Lechebnaya Street, 7.

Sabirzyanova R. F

Rania Sabirzyanova
Rania Sabirzyanova

The list of the best children's lores in Kazan is completed by a specialist of the highest category with 26 years of experience Rania Fandusovna Sabirzyanova. We managed to find only 7 reviews about her work with children on the Web, but all of them are purely positive.

Where does otolaryngologist Sabirzyanova work?

  • CCC of Aviastroitelny district on Lukin street, 10.
  • Clinic of Restorative Medicine at 90 Pobedy Avenue.
  • "Family Medicine Clinic Plus" on Yamasheva Avenue, 48 B.
  • KDTs "Yasin" on Chapaeva street, 24.

After reading this list, it becomes clear that there are quite a lot of noteworthy pediatric otorhinolaryngologists in Kazan. From the top ten, you can choose the one who makes the most pleasant impression and works in the most convenient place.
